
Hot Girl Summer
NFL trades like that are all so stupid though. I legit can't remember the last time a 1st rounder was traded for a player outside of on draft day (which always ends up in something even dumber, see: RG3). I guess it's partly the nature of the draft being really deep with players who can contribute soon/sleepers, but still. Murray was one of the best Rbs in the league just a year ago.


Well-Known Member
How can you call it a great trade for the Eagles to give up Demarco Murray to move up 13 slots in the 4th round?

Because they saved 4 million in cap space and got an asset back (mid-5th round pick according to the Jimmy Johnson chart) for a washed up malcontent.

Signing him was easily Chip Kelly's dumbest move as GM: RB's coming off 400+ touch seasons almost always crater the year after. Hell, what's amazing is that Jerry Jones was the one who showed restraint and let him walk.


Utopia Moderator
What do you mean they got an asset back? They literally swapped 4th round picks and that's it. Went from 15th to 2nd.

He didn't fit Kelly's offense. I'll bet he has more yards than whoever carries the ball for the Eagles this year. Either way, he is way better than what the Titans had and that trade looks like a fleecing to me. Even if he sucks, the Titans gave up nothing and got him to restructure his contract so he's cheaper.


Mod Alumni
The question on Murray is going to be can he do it without Callahan and that Dallas OL? He may not have been a "scheme fit" but Matthews really wasn't all that different and had more success than Murray.


Well-Known Member
He never really wanted to be in Philly in the first place, just chased the money. I don't think he will have the same success in Tennessee as he did in Dallas. I don't think he will eclipse 1,000 yards though.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean they got an asset back? They literally swapped 4th round picks and that's it. Went from 15th to 2nd.

He didn't fit Kelly's offense. I'll bet he has more yards than whoever carries the ball for the Eagles this year. Either way, he is way better than what the Titans had and that trade looks like a fleecing to me. Even if he sucks, the Titans gave up nothing and got him to restructure his contract so he's cheaper.

They got additional value back while saving money, hence they got an asset back. That swap value wise was worth a mid-5th: that's a steal considering the alternative was to keep him and pay out ~ 9 million for another year of replacement level play.

Murray's about ready for the glue factory IMO. Other than the outlier in 2014 he's consistently shown himself to be injury prone. And again, running backs more than any other spot lose it quickly without warning. The fact that Ryan Matthews and journeymen like Kenjon Barner outperformed him last year says it all.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Can you really trust a tailback to have more than like 5, 6 years of high productivity these days? An every down back anyway? Who was the last one...Marshawn? Fred Taylor? Deangelo Williams? These guys are all at or beyond the end of their career. I think we've seen the end of those guys as anything more than an outlier.


Well-Known Member
Murray will do well for the Titans if they consistently give him carries. He's the kind of back that picks up steam as the game goes on. Most of his yardage and almost all of his big runs for the Cowboys came late in games. The Eagles were never consistent in their use of him. He's not the kind of back that can flourish in a committee getting a few carries here and there.


Utopia Moderator
He has only had one season of heavy work. He has plenty of tread left on his tires. Like I said, it is definitely a gamble worth taking. I mean, the Titans dropped 13 spots in the 4th round to take a chance that he can return to form in an offense that fits him. I have never even heard of a trade in which you don't even give up a pick or a player. And they restructured his contract. All he has to do is run for more than 560 yards and he will be better than what the Titans had.

Tailback U

Well-Known Member
No question about Murray's talent, in my opinion. He is easily a top 5-10 back when healthy.

Dumb move by Kelly to get him because he doesn't fit that offense and a nice move by Tennessee to get him at that price. If he doesn't pan out they don't lose anything and he is easily better than anyone they have. OLine and Mariotta with another year of experience should improve as well which will benefit him. I expect a good season out of him.

Love what Oakland has done so far. Gotta give Reggie McKenzie his due.


Mod Alumni
Remember when Oakland was cutting everyone 2 years ago and everyone thought they were nuts? It's paying off. They had a shit ton of cap space.


Well-Known Member
He has only had one season of heavy work. He has plenty of tread left on his tires. Like I said, it is definitely a gamble worth taking. I mean, the Titans dropped 13 spots in the 4th round to take a chance that he can return to form in an offense that fits him. I have never even heard of a trade in which you don't even give up a pick or a player. And they restructured his contract. All he has to do is run for more than 560 yards and he will be better than what the Titans had.

They didn't give up a pick per se, but they are losing value in that slot by having to select ~ 15 slots later. Don't see why this is so complicated: they did give up something.

You're right about his workload, but he also was never healthy for an entire year other than 2014 (the outlier). He was very good for Dallas when healthy, but that's the issue: going back to his OU days he rarely was. Not to mention he's apparently a giant asshole (I know, I know: what footbaw player isn't).

Tailback U

Well-Known Member
They have drafted well since Al Davis died. Instead of taking DHB with a top 10 pick, they have drafted Carr, Mack, and Cooper.

Who are the good safeties in the draft this year? At 15, it looks like they'll either draft Elliot if he's still there or a safety.


Utopia Moderator
They didn't give up a pick per se, but they are losing value in that slot by having to select ~ 15 slots later. Don't see why this is so complicated: they did give up something.

You're right about his workload, but he also was never healthy for an entire year other than 2014 (the outlier). He was very good for Dallas when healthy, but that's the issue: going back to his OU days he rarely was. Not to mention he's apparently a giant asshole (I know, I know: what footbaw player isn't).
13 slots, but I mean seriously, show me one other trade where any player was traded for that little compensation. I just don't get how it is some great trade for the Eagles. Basically, he didn't want to play there and they got what they could for him. I guess it is better than just cutting him outright, but not by much. Anyway, I guess it can be good for both sides, but I just find it funny to talk about it like it is some great deal for the Eagles.


Sun Drop Junkie
Mod Alumni
The Eagles just gave $21 million to Chase Daniel?



Well-Known Member
Players get traded for shit value all the time, like 13 slots in the fourth round or seventh round picks.

Wasn't Moss moved to the Patriots for like a 5th?


Utopia Moderator
Show me any other trade for any player that was merely for slotting in the 4th round. Show me it.


Well-Known Member
Show me any other trade for any player that was merely for slotting in the 4th round. Show me it.

Unless ur team had recently done that, who the hell would have that information handy?

How's it any different from a team trading one pick for two?


The Skeleton Debator
Mod Alumni
'Paw putting in HARD WORK WORK to convince hisself that this was a fleecing for the Titans.



Utopia Moderator
'Paw putting in HARD WORK WORK to convince hisself that this was a fleecing for the Titans.

I don't think it's necessarily a fleecing. Depends upon how he plays but if it ever turns out to be a fleecing it would damn sure be the Titans doing the fleecing. I just don't understand how it could be considered a great deal for the Eagles.


Mod Alumni
It's a great deal for the Eagles in the fact they got something for a guy with a huge contract and didn't want to be there. They got out of his contract minus the accelerated bonus money.

Moving up 15 spots in round 4 is better than getting a 6th or cutting him outright. There was probably no market for him.

It's totally worth the risk for Tennessee, but his track record says he won't be anything near what he was during his contract year.


Pink Panther
Mod Alumni
Sanchez > old broken Peyton. #BroncosToRepeat

OK, so he's likely the backup plan, not the guy Elway really wants to lead the team, which is fine. But let's say nothing else pans out and Sanchito really is the starter for Denver. It's not the worst thing ever. Defense and a running game are what carried them. Peyton threw a shit ton of picks too (which is Mark's specialty), but at least Sanchez has the arm to throw it downfield and take a little heat off Denver's rushing attack. Don't get me wrong, signing Sanchez isn't some great get. But for a team like Denver, I don't think signing Sanchez (and failing to sign anyone else) means they'll automatically turn to shit, either.


Well-Known Member
This QB carousel is just awful. Browns to get Kaep? 49ers looking at RG3? Philly starting Chase Daniel? SMH

Philly isn't starting Daniel? He will probably start when Bradford tears his ACL, but he isn't the starter.


aka spiker or DeadMong
Sanchez isn't great, but it's not terrible either. Probably better than Nick Foles. I would have prefer Kapernick, but it could be worse.

Peyton, in the regular season, might have been the worst QB in the league. Broncos still got home field in the playoffs and won the Super Bowl. I don't think this team will be that good, but it's gotta be in the mix for the playoffs.


Well-Known Member
As long as Denver doesn't lose any significant players in free agency and their defense is just as strong as it was last year, this should turn out just fine.

GR8 2 B FL G8R

Well-Known Member
Man I wish the Saints had a 99 ovr defense and run game. Literally any qb could win with Denver. You marks talk about fuckin Brees havin a noodle arm, then fuckin 72 ovr Mark Sanchez is a good acquisition. What you dont understand is that Brees is fucking Jesus Christ walking on water to bring us to a 7 and 9 record with a perennially historically bad defense. But yeah, we got Jeff fuckin Ireland now, so according to the Saints forums he is gonna draft a gr8 D. Problem is that by the time he does Brees and half of us will be fuckin 40. Brees will have fuckin 75 thp because of regression and we will have 70 ovr wives because wrinkles and babby pussy. Just give me a go damn 12 gauge now and let me go out like Kurt.

Yes I'm not drunk I'm just drinkin
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Well-Known Member
When I moved the Chargers to LA in Madden, under stadium suggestion the fans name was g8rfan228 or something like that. Pretty sure it's actually G8R.