2087 Season Thread


See You Next Wednesday
+33 RD but 11-20 record? Oh fluff.

Thanks for the dubs



Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.
Finally got a chance to export and we're about as mediocre as I thought we'd be this season. This team is basically the 2011 St Louis Cardinals with more bums in the lineup and less studz in the rotation but a better bullpen.


See You Next Wednesday
Have maybe 1 or 2 build a team around guys. Rest are 2nd level or rotational/streak dependent. This will be a fun rebuild/ squeeze/tightrope act cause owner wants a chip in next 2 years.


Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.
Have maybe 1 or 2 build a team around guys. Rest are 2nd level or rotational/streak dependent. This will be a fun rebuild/ squeeze/tightrope act cause owner wants a chip in next 2 years.

Have you been in a Turkish prison the past year or so? Good to see you back on here and on FB.


See You Next Wednesday
Yes. Only thing changing is UKK back to the Tutankhamuns. Name change, abbreviations, and unis is all I think

The stadium is all 1.0's so that can stay as is


Well-Known Member
also, has a player ever been named All-Star starter at SP and a fielding position? It prolly won't happen, but Abdul-Hasib bin Wakil is puttin on a damn show


See You Next Wednesday
also, has a player ever been named All-Star starter at SP and a fielding position? It prolly won't happen, but Abdul-Hasib bin Wakil is puttin on a damn show
And it never will. AS votes are from whatever his primary position is set as.


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
also, has a player ever been named All-Star starter at SP and a fielding position? It prolly won't happen, but Abdul-Hasib bin Wakil is puttin on a damn show
Pretty cool. Wondering if he’ll get enough AB to qualify?


Well-Known Member
Pretty cool. Wondering if he’ll get enough AB to qualify?

yeah, that was my issue as well. There are too many guys at 1B playing well enough that his lack of AB's/stats would hinder him. Still cool to see a guy performing at the level he is at both positions. What sucks is I want his bat in my lineup every game, however he usually misses the day before, the day of and the day after his starts...so i usually only get him for 3-4 games per week in the lineup.


Well-Known Member
If he was DH would he play more?

Lets find out. Marshall out of the lineup since hes sucking ass anyways, bin Wakil to DH, Andres to 1B and Merrils to 3B. Lets give it two weeks and see if he still does the day off before, during and after thing


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
This is a @Yankee151 stat (caring about minor league stats) but...

My two-way 1B/DH/LHP Ohayashi in AA is on a 38 game hitting streak (watch it end next sim).


Well-Known Member
man, moving to OOTP 21 killed Florian Knittle. Dudes hit over .300 the last two years and a 2+ war player. Move to 21, all of his ratings drop and now hes a negative war player.


Will-Gnome Member
I don't know why anyone ever talks about stats mid season this game. There is so much rubber band bullshit that happens, it's a waste of time until the end of season.