Completely Awful Nebraska Football Thread - LOL blackshits


Tath Meacher
I have nothing constructive to say here. But others might.

Tunnel Walk of Shame FTMFW

T-ragic is gone

Bo has his kitty back


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There is some talk of moving the fresneck state game to a Friday night. Might be OK with that, but Nebraska has everything to lose with that game and nothing to gain.


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Yeah I'm not sure I like that idea, seems like those Thursday/Friday night national tv games are always trap games. I'd feel much more comfortable if that thing was buried at 2pm central BTN.

Speaking of the schedule, our home games couldn't be less compelling next season. Just a garbage home schedule.


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I am looking forward to seeing Miami, but yea, the rest of the schedule is pretty shitty. Why in the fuck are we playing Illinois two years in a row at home? I get the division re-alignment, but seems like they got fucked on that deal.


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NCAA Moderator
I was wondering that too.

I was probably the biggest supporter of the Big Ten move but that was when it was just the 12 teams and Legends/Leaders (idiotic names and all). Adding Maryland and Rutgers does nothing for the conference except expand the footprint and the new division alignments suck. The B1G West is pretty much the Big 12 North now. I don't want to play these scrub teams every year and not play Ohio State and Michigan until 2018.

The whole reason I wanted to be in the Big Ten was to play Ohio State and Michigan and Wisconsin every year. Not so our riveting B1G home schedule could be Illinois, Rutgers, Purdue and Minnesota. Fuck that. Speaking of 2018, that season is going to be a BITCH. Playing AT Ohio State, AT Michigan, AT Wisconsin, AT Northwestern, AT Iowa.

I'm starting to miss the Big 12.


Tath Meacher
I was wondering that too.

I was probably the biggest supporter of the Big Ten move but that was when it was just the 12 teams and Legends/Leaders (idiotic names and all). Adding Maryland and Rutgers does nothing for the conference except expand the footprint and the new division alignments suck. The B1G West is pretty much the Big 12 North now. I don't want to play these scrub teams every year and not play Ohio State and Michigan until 2018.

The whole reason I wanted to be in the Big Ten was to play Ohio State and Michigan and Wisconsin every year. Not so our riveting B1G home schedule could be Illinois, Rutgers, Purdue and Minnesota. Fuck that. Speaking of 2018, that season is going to be a BITCH. Playing AT Ohio State, AT Michigan, AT Wisconsin, AT Northwestern, AT Iowa.

I'm starting to miss the Big 12.

Jake Taylor says it best:


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NCAA Moderator
A conference like this would look alright.

I like that look. At the very least I'd like Nebraska to have 2 of the Wisconsin/Michigan/Ohio State group every year. This not playing Michigan and Ohio State until 2018 crap is ridiculous.

Dr. Shats Basoon

Closed mouths don't get fed
[qmiss=plamember: 104"]From Reddit:


So true. Never thought I would miss the Big 12 but damn do I miss OU.[/quote]
I miss playing alot of the big 12 north teams too. KSU Missouri and Colorado. Kansas was fun cause i have some buddies who went to school there


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NCAA Moderator
I miss Missouri a lot. I never thought I'd say that about those bastards but damn if it wasn't fun going to Columbia every other year. Fairly quick little road trip, cool college environment and a solid (although lopsided) rivalry. Was there for Missouri's first win against Nebraska in 26 some years and had the goalposts carried past me, then was there for the game in the pouring rain when Suh dominated.

Really the same goes for Kansas State. Little Manhattan sucks but that's a quick roadtrip and usually fun games. Was there for a loss or two, was there for Taylor Martinez running for like 5000 yards.

Don't miss Colorado too much. Their fans are just straight up assholes and that program couldn't be less relevant. At least Boulder is nice.


Well-Known Member
A conference like this would look alright.

What you might do is take your diagram, and move Nebraska to the unshaded teams, simply add Rutgers and Maryland to the shaded,and split Mich or Mich St back to the shaded. That keeps the geography in relative harmony, relative power balance with 3 of the top 6 in each division, and gives me a hard on because Nebraska will play Iowa and Wiscy every year.

It looks like this:
Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Wiscy, Illinois, NW, and either Mich/Mich St.

Ohio St, Penn St., Purdue, Indiana, Rutgers, Maryland, and either Mich/Mich St.

For the record, while I do miss not playing Ohio St, Mich, Mich St, PSU as often, I am not totally against the new divisions either. I am generally a big fan of geographical splits for conferences. Of course this more North/South split holds well enough geographically too.

GR8 2 B FL G8R

Well-Known Member
What do you guys think about Stanley Jean-Baptiste at the pro level?


  • Height (6'3) and length (32 1/2") are what teams are falling in love with
  • Speed for a corner his size is impressive
  • Leaping ability (41.5" vertical at Combine) to break up passes late and win jump balls
  • Elite ball skills; former JUCO receiver attacks the football with great hands
  • Fluid hips to transition out of his back pedal to turn and run
  • Aggressively plants his foot and drives upfield
  • Loves to step up and hit
  • Comfortable in zone or man coverage; fit in all schemes
  • Outstanding week at the Senior Bowl
  • Nowhere near his ceiling; only been a corner for 2 1/2 years
- See more at:

Corn Hawk

If I had to guess, I'd say he'll be pretty good in the NFL. He obviously has great size, he's a good athlete, and he has good hands. He was a great player for Nebraska even though he came in at a different position. I do wonder if he'll end up getting moved to safety though. He has good speed but I'm not certain about his quickness and agility. He definitely had enough to be a really good college player, but the NFL is a different game. I think he's physical enough to play any DB position.

The more I try to play amateur scout, the more I realize I don't know what the hell I'm talking about though :laughing:. Here are the Nebraska CBs off the top of my head who I thought would be good in the NFL, in order of how good I thought they'd be:

Prince Amukamara
Ralph Brown
Zack Bowman
Alfonzo Dennard
Fabian Washington
Michael Booker
DeJuan Groce
Keyuo Craver

Most of them weren't as good as I thought they'd be.

GR8 2 B FL G8R

Well-Known Member
I thought Fabian Washington would be better than he was (that speed)

Prince is doing really well, so you were right about him


Butt Naked Wonda

Everyone would jack off to Leach because Leach. No one jacks off to Bo because he's a massive asshole.

It's good to see Pelini show some humor doe. Never heard of the joke before, but I assumed there was one.


Well-Known Member
I am glad Utopia sees this as funny. Good for Bo to go with the joke and not get defensive. On the other hand I hope he gets very defensive about football this year.


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Mod Alumni

Everyone would jack off to Leach because Leach. No one jacks off to Bo because he's a massive asshole.

It's good to see Pelini show some humor doe. Never heard of the joke before, but I assumed there was one.

All coaches are massive assholes, and you're kidding yourself if you don't think Leach is one too.

I'm not saying Pelini is definitely *THE* answer, but I'm pretty fucking tired of the "Bo is a big meany-head" hypocritical nonsense.


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My bad...I read about that last year and mis-remembered that Leach was behind it. He wasn't, so I apologize. There's still plenty of examples of him being an asshole and I was just trying to come up with the latest example that I could remember. Here's a better one - But, I stand behind my point. Mike Leach is an asshole. Don't get me wrong...I personally like the guy. Anybody that told Dan Beebe to shove it up his ass is a man I can respect.

But, to be a good coach in this sport, you pretty have to be an asshole. People who get offended by Bo Pelini but then turn around and praise Leach and Saban's accomplishments just amuse me.


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That Beebe stuff is great. Leach never put up with the crap Texas got away with and I think that's one of the things that makes him great. Same thing with him not putting up with Saban and Bielema's crap.

The only thing I can think of in regards to Leach being an asshole is telling his first TTU DC that he was going to be fired midway through a game. But you could argue that it was costing his games and his job.

I've never seen Leach scream right in a 18-19 year old kid's face like Saban or Pelini.

Anyway, I would never want to play for Pelini but I don't necessarily think he's an asshole.


Tath Meacher
Eagles picked up Taylor Martinez as an UDFA. I hope he beats out Mark Sanchez.

Heard he is NOT going in as a QB, more of an athlete. You will love that decision, for I'd keel over and die if anyone had to see that horrendous arm motion ever again, especially in the pros.


Utopia Football League
So...Bando the bike thief.

And yeah, honestly not real surprised Martinez failed his physical. Hasn't been healthy since his freshman year vs. Mizzou.


New Member
Feel like the huskers should have more to say this close to the season!

Hopeful prediction:11-3, lose to Miami, Wildcard, lose to ohio state in the B1G championship game. Win bowl game.

Likely outcome: 10-3 lose to wisky, Miami, MSU, win bowl game.

I think this team goes as far as tommy takes us, if he can improve his raw talent, he could be a premier player, if he doesn't could be a long season, regardless, a young improved husker squad can make great strides if they do the right things.

sleepers: Linebacking corp, and Imani cross

Problem areas: secondary, as always the line.

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Well-Known Member
Come on Brock, you have to put in more effort than that.

I have no idea what Nebraska will look like this year. I don't know that anyone can at this point. Will Tommy be ready? Probably not. Will we be able to beat teams of equal or better talent? Probably not, especially with such a question mark at QB.


New Member
On more "guy I went to school with" topic..... I went to school with walk-on jack gangwish, (heard Bo getting fired up about him in the NU spring fame) when he was 14 or 15 he stole his mothers car, and went drinking and driving across grand island, nebraska with two girls of his age. Needless to say it's always fun seeing where those guys end up.... In my case it's walking on to the huskers.

Anyways, IMO I think if our husker team were in NBA 2K, and and the huskers were to use "untapped potential" in the offseason for the whole team, we would be a rather killer club.

But like wooly said, it's more of a coin toss this year... I can see us doing really well, super mediocre, or dare I say, 7-5 season.. It's all up to our players.

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Brick has some hard-on for Bo Pelini...Not sure what will happen this season. I wish the home slate was better.