
Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Welcome back! I opened my loyalty packs and got a bunch of bullshit. I got some Chelsea FB who looked like he kinda sucked but he sold for 2,500 coins to get me a pretty solid budget for a discard value starter team.

I sold on everything from my loyalty packs except for my best player, who I decided to build my first squad around. Brahimi the LW from Porto it is!


So everyone on this team was discard value other than Tello, who I got for about 2,000 coins to add a little more attacking value. The Porto-Geese league looks pretty strong for budget players. I've got a solid midfield with pretty decent well rounded players and then a couple of good CBs as well. I've got some speed on the wings and 3 different striker options to try out. So I'll play a few games with this team and then try to sell them on for profit!



Hot Girl Summer
I actually like Mitroglou, partially because he's half turk*, partially because I had to rock his avatar for a while there. Plus he's a striker, so the only 1 of 11 players on the Greek team who actually go past the halfway line.

*and/or he grew up in Germany so he doesn't have the same stain of shame that the other Greeks have


Well-Known Member
@Travis7401 are you going to do another trog tournament with limited budget this year?

Don't remember getting around to any actual games last year but making the budget team was a lot of fun.


Well-Known Member
How are you getting them for discard value? I hate this new minimum list amount. The 300/350 game was still easy money last year, and I actually had a decent amount of success buying players below discard value.

I got no one of note or interest in my loyalty packs. Booooo


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
How are you getting them for discard value? I hate this new minimum list amount. The 300/350 game was still easy money last year, and I actually had a decent amount of success buying players below discard value.

I got no one of note or interest in my loyalty packs. Booooo

Sorry, I should have mentioned... EA implemented price limits to keep players above discard value, so the minimum price is now generally 350 for non rare and 700 for rare? Which means they aren't technically "discard" value, but they are within 50 coins of it. So the key with these "discard value" teams is that the value comes in playing with them until they are out of contracts and then discarding them and buying the player again for $350. You get all the match coins but you don't have to pay for contracts or worry about their value going down. In the end the difference between discard value (4 * Player OVR for non rare gold 8 * OVR for Rare gold) and 350 coins is really not much and you get 7 game contracts out of them for that price. Do this on a team wide level and you save a lot of coins early.

The ways I have increased my coin total so far have been:
1. Sell all the shit from loyalty packs and build a cheap team (like $10k max) that I want to play with (that Liga NOS team above)... during this process I learned the prices on those players and was able to flip a few more of them

2. Play the 1 entry ticket you get for the "ultimate draft" in online mode and win it. You get a couple of big packs and I pulled Pedro.

3. Sold Pedro and flipped it straight up for IF Jonas (fit in my team), assuming the IF card would gain more value (less supply). I sold Pedro for 20k and bought Jonas for 19k. Pedro is now selling for 23k and IF Jonas is selling for 45-50k

4. Remember to unlock the coin boosts in EAFC or whatever. An extra 1,000 coins per match means you earn like 1,500 coins per match on average.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I doubt there will be enough interest for a tournament... but if there is, I'd suggest a $10k team limit (for all players including bench/subs). No fitness cards used during the tourney either, so you better have good subs and plan them strategically.

Last year I had enough coins (from packing bale in my 1st pack) that I could finance everyone who didn't want to trade their way up to $10k. This year I don't have enough money to finance everyone.


Well-Known Member
I think most are a little bit wiser to the way FIT works this year.

Shouldn't take too long to get to 10k.

But lets push to see if we can get some interest.

I got bored last year of making a high value team and just made low value beast teams which rolled people.


Well-Known Member
Since I don't play this mode at all can I open any packs I might have and sell the players dirt cheap to you?


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Sure, but I honestly don't know if you'll get any packs if you never played before. The loyalty packs kind of depend on how much you played in the last few seasons.

You should check the mode out though, it can be fun even if you don't want to play online. Building a bronze team and going through the CPU seasons could be a challenge for sure and the team building aspect is fun. You should be able to build a decent bronze/silver team by buying players for the minimum (150 coins)


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
wat. Why wouldn't you have an all gold team? I had an all gold team before the game launched.


Well-Known Member
I hate playing with randos though and I really suck at the game. Seriously, you should see how bad I am at the drills.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I hate playing with randos though and I really suck at the game. Seriously, you should see how bad I am at the drills.

There are a ton of game modes for playing the CPU as well. I make myself a sort of "dynasty mode" for playing the CPU.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I hate this pinche marica FUT shit. Prime time eastern, Friday evening, I can't get a seasons 4.5* matchup. GTFO. Everyone is playing that dumb shit now.


Well-Known Member
@Travis7401 for transfers any suggestion on a good player who you buy cheap and pretty much always find a buyer for?

IE. popular but cheap players

Buy at say 350 and flip for as little as 400.

Small mark ups.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I haven't been trading small time players. Martins Indi worked for a bit but not anymore. It pretty much is something you have to figure out on a daily basis, honestly, as the market changes a ton early in the year. My suggestion is to try to build a really cheap team and then focus on the players that you have a hard time winning at $350.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been trading small time players. Martins Indi worked for a bit but not anymore. It pretty much is something you have to figure out on a daily basis, honestly, as the market changes a ton early in the year. My suggestion is to try to build a really cheap team and then focus on the players that you have a hard time winning at $350.

Teams built - managed to put together a decent 4 star French team. Just want to add some better players. Like a Sisokko maybe.



Well-Known Member
Last year I had some good pack luck early on. Pulled an in form Rondon and then I was off this year the best player Iv packed is Foster.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I am going to form a team entirely of Sakhos from the Premier League. I think I can field at least 9 guys.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I am so terrible at this version of FIFA by the way. I went 1-4-5 in Division 10 in Ultimate team and missed promotion, lol. Strangely I was doing ok in tournaments, usually getting to the semi finals and losing, but I could not win a fucking seasons game to save my life. I played one of the worst dudes I've ever played before and still lost 1-0 and I had 20 shots to his 1. I can't cross the ball (other than early cross) without hitting it straight to the keeper. I can hold possession alright generally, but when I do give the ball up, usually because of a bad touch, it becomes a quick counter attack. The biggest problem I have is that the CPU interceptions the other team makes are unbelievable. If I pass the ball to a player without using HARD PASS the CPU defense jumps all over it before I can even take control of the guy I intended to pass to and move him toward the pass (if you don't super cancel, he'll just stand there dick in hand waiting).

The most frustrating part, though, is that players manually defending who miss on a tackle or run by your player have like instant recovery and catch back up and maul you before you can take two steps. It is maddening to make a good move to beat an over-aggressive trog and be free on goal, only to have him jersey pull you down from behind 2 steps later. I've literally passed the ball to a striker and done a successful dummy, only to have the defender recover and run BACK around me in the time it takes my striker to take one ham-footed touch.

Nerfed pace is fine and I like the realistic way offensive players can't stop on a dime either (momentum) but that same thing needs to apply to defenders who run themselves out of play as well. Otherwise, there is really no reason not to just run around like an asshole on defense.

Every goal I give up is the variety where I tackle the ball away and then the next offensive player runs into me while my defender takes a poor touch... then the ball bumble fucks into the box and these pubers have quick enough reactions to score on that shit. When I'm on offense and that happens I never even get a shot off because my old man reflexes haven't registered yet :laughing: I think it is about time for this ol' boy to retire to Football Manager.


Well-Known Member
Haha yeh I had Plea playing there but because of the nerfed stamina I have to make a change at like 60 minutes - Plea is stronger so in the late game he needs to hold the ball up


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Here is my second squad. Serie A Discard non-rare team with IF Higuian as the investment player. I bought him for 115k coins with 99 contracts and a decent chem style on him. Week 2 IFs have been hit or miss for me in past years, but usually the top end players appreciate in value. Since Hig came with all those contracts, I literally don't need to spend a single contract on this squad (when they run out I just quick sell the $350 players for $300-$325 and buy new ones for $350). That means they are virtually all profit when I use them.

Hopefully I like IF Hig better than I did IF Jonas, who just didn't really perform well for me (other than making me 55k coins on the investment).



Well-Known Member
@Travis7401 what was ur approach to investing in IF cards?

Are they better or something? There's always such a high price on them. I've never owned one, fwiw


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
@Travis7401 what was ur approach to investing in IF cards?

Are they better or something? There's always such a high price on them. I've never owned one, fwiw

They cost a lot more, but they generally increase in value over time because there is a limited supply because they are only in packs for 1 week whereas normal shiny gold cards lose a lot of value over time because the supply is constantly increasing while the demand stays relatively stable. So the idea is I'd rather spend more on an IF card since it should increase in value than spend less for shiny gold cards that lose value. The key is to buy them toward the end of the week they are released when the supply is highest (ie they've been in packs the full week and people are already bored of them after playing a bunch of games). Team of the week releases on Wednesday, so I typically start looking for deals Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday the following week. 1st week In Forms are the best investments every year, I bought IF Jonas for 20k last Tuesday and sold him for 75k on Saturday. These Week 2 in forms won't do that well, but I should be able to get at least 20% profit by holding him for a few weeks (ie playing games with teams built around him). So now is a good time to buy Week 2 in form cards. Week 3 In Forms come out tomorrow and will be massively overpriced for the first few days and then lose value through the weekend before stabilizing at their low point on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday of next week. Then they'll slowly gain value over time. The one exception to this (and why you don't hold forever) is if a second in form card is released for the same player. Players typically don't get a 2nd in form until at least a month later, so holding them 4-5 weeks is safe.

I bought IF Higuain for 115k today and his value is somewhere in that 110k-115k range (I could have done better had I been more patient). In a couple more weeks he'll probably be 125k-130k and in 4 weeks I'd guess he'll be 150k. If I bought a regular Higuain right now I could get him for 50k but in 4 weeks he'll be worth less than 20k almost for sure (might even be less than 10k, honestly). In the long term, IF cards are typically worth at least 5-10x more than normal cards due to scarcity and the fact that they keep value. I'll quote this post in 2-4 weeks when I sell IF Higuain and let you know what the IF and Normal versions are going for at that point.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
How did you get to 115k so quickly?

Even with coin boost that bloody quick.

I've made 64k coins from about 35 matches (I average 1,800 coins per match with the bonuses, which sounds about right given 500 coins per match, 1,000 coin bonus, and then season/tournament/TOTW bonuses on top of that). I made about $20k from selling everything in my loyalty packs and then I flipped some players early before the game came out for a little profit. Then I played my one free draft challenge entry and packed some really nice players including Pedro) (probably $40k worth total) sold those players on and bought IF Jonas for 20k and sold him for 75k this weekend. I used some coins to buy a couple more ultimate draft entries, but I'm not sure I even broke even on those (15K to enter and I don't think I made quite that much selling the cards, but it was probably close). Either way, I pulled about a net of 60k in packed players from loyalty and ultimate draft packs and then made 55k on Jonas investment. A little additional pre-launch trading and that gets you pretty close to the 122k transfer profit you see for me.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
You guys underestimate the grind Travis puts in.

I haven't really done much grinding this year. I was fortunate to pack a couple decent players and then sold them and invested as mentioned above. I've only got about 10 hours of actual gameplay time and then a few more hours of trading. I've also mastered the 4th dimension, as @Mr. Radpants knows, so time isn't a constraint for me like it is for you plebes.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough.

I have only played about 13 games so far on FUT so my bank balance is pretty shit. I refuse to spend actual cash. Not had the time yet to spend some serious time on filling the coffers.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Honestly the biggest trog trap out there is the ULTIMATE EDITION of the game that costs like $20 more. You get 1 pack per week, which is fine, but those packs lose value so much as the game wears on. You'd be better off spending the $20 up front and just selling everyone you pack since players are all really expensive the day the game comes out.


Well-Known Member
Yeh I bought it last year. Its shit. Packs are shit. You should only be packing players if you are a YouTuber getting 500k views