Powerhouse Future Poll

Future of Powerhouse

  • reboot with new 2016-2017 rosters

  • 0 XP for everybody

  • screw the new guys, they came late (guys with XP go down to 3 and 0 recruiting rules for 0XP teams)

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Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
NCAA Moderator
I voted "screw the new guys" with caveat that those with 0 XP can recruit 25, and those of us with 3 XP can only recruit to SRs. With that being said I'm okay with the other 2 options too.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
I'm ok with all three options,

if we reboot, i want to start with powerhouse teams though, not wanting to do the 1 or 2 star stuff


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
NCAA Moderator
I'm ok with all three options,

if we reboot, i want to start with powerhouse teams though, not wanting to do the 1 or 2 star stuff

You're such a bitch.

My favorite all-time OD was the MAC one. All those teams are even and we had a good mix of users.
Was looking at the board to see if there was a post about the zero experience points.

I'm in this for the long haul either way, but is there anything we can do so that we can at least get scouting points. Kind of puts us behind the 8 ball if we have to spend 50 points every week to get 10% of the kids skills.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
I think the consensus was that we're restarting after this season since everyone with 0 XP has stuck it out.


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
NCAA Moderator
Was looking at the board to see if there was a post about the zero experience points.

I'm in this for the long haul either way, but is there anything we can do so that we can at least get scouting points. Kind of puts us behind the 8 ball if we have to spend 50 points every week to get 10% of the kids skills.

We have tried numerous times over the past season to retire, rejoin guys to get XP - no luck. This is our 9th or 10th year (not sure exactly) so I have seen and heard where files get corrupted and new guys get 0 no matter what. With that said I have also seen (I was the commish) where this happened to a long running OD and then all of the sudden new guys would get the default XP.

Anyhoo my 2 cents is I really love my team and would like to continue as is with the caveat that if you have no scouting XP then you can "blindly" sign 25, and those that get XP can only sign up to how many SRs graduate (that is how we are doing it this year). We capped it at 3 XP recruiting for now so that everyone has the default 5,000 points per week. Sucks for those not able to scout, but I know I would sign a helluva class if I was allowed 25 per year.

I get why some would want to start over, and I'm not totally against it, but I would rather go on with our current teams. Either way I'm not going to make a big stink.


Well-Known Member
@Ryan Marshall to add on to Navy's post.
For the teams receiving XP:
they are down to 3 xp
can only sign the number of seniors they have on roster
can only sign two 5 star recruits
in order to sign a espn top 150 guy, that recruit must be in their pipeline state

so yes no scouting sucks but this is our attempt to somewhat even it out