The 2020 perpetual OFFSEASON THREAD


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NCAA Moderator


Some fake fans celebrating last night smh

Dr. Shats Basoon

Closed mouths don't get fed
Nebraska has been an offseason powerhouse under the Frost administration and look to continue that this offseason. Pulled in a top 20 crootin class and got plenty of youngsters from the previous year to build hype. Defense will take a step back with the loss of most of the DL, so spring ball should be ez pz for Adrian Martinez.


The Skeleton Debator
Mod Alumni
Certainly you've got current and former players defending the program and saying it's all BS and a money grab. My biggest issue with it is that he's claiming that he was bullied and harassed by upper class men when he was there as a freshman in 2018. However, the 4 players named in the lawsuit (Barber, Luketa, Parsons and Gross-Matos) were all either freshmen or sophomores in 2018.

But it's some gross allegations, no doubt.



Well-Known Member
Nebraska has been an offseason powerhouse under the Frost administration and look to continue that this offseason. Pulled in a top 20 crootin class and got plenty of youngsters from the previous year to build hype. Defense will take a step back with the loss of most of the DL, so spring ball should be ez pz for Adrian Martinez.
offseason powerhouse!


Disney and Curling Expert
To me, sounds like someone with an axe to grind looking for a cash payout by dragging some names through the mud, to me.

But in reality, who the fuck knows what is going to happen.


The Skeleton Debator
Mod Alumni
To me, sounds like someone with an axe to grind looking for a cash payout by dragging some names through the mud, to me.

But in reality, who the fuck knows what is going to happen.


From his Twitter feed from when he transferred back in 2018. :dunno:



aka spiker or DeadMong
Everybody is doing this, to some extent. Maybe not Stanford, but come on. If you have a 5 star player at your program, he's being paid.

Some are definitely flouting the rules more than others (Clemson), but everybody is doing it. The FBI has LSU's basketball coach offering money to a recruit on tape. He's still LSU's basketball coach. Just saying...


Thudner Up
I know everyone is doing it. I'm pissed that OU doesn't seem to be doing it as well as the SEC or Clemson. They need to step up their bagman game.


Well-Known Member

"The announcement caught some in the UH athletic department off-guard. Sources said King, who graduated in December, has been on campus several times in the past week and attended a meeting when the team returned Sunday before the start of the spring semester. Classes resumed Monday at UH."
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Well-Known Member
Makes me laugh that LSU has a booster in jail for embezzling $800K from a chlrn's hospital to pay CROOTS and OBJ handing out stacks of cash on the actual field right after the title game and the NCAA still won't do anything to them. OU needs to stop being pussies and start doing this shit.

Sam Gilbert have any grandsons. @goblue96

Really think UCLA’s AD dept. is fine with being #1 public school in the country and a olympics school. Programs like Baylor and Oregon are top 10 in both football and basketball and UCLA had their worst decade in history.


aka spiker or DeadMong
man i thought his numbers with TRACE and SAQUON were much better

He took a trog offense that finished 71st in S&P in 2015 and brought them up to 23rd in 2016. They were 5th in 2017. They went to 36th in 2018, when Moorhead left for MSU. That's pretty good. And I don't think I can overstate how fucking awful PSU's offense was before he took over. He also overcame some significant deficiencies on the OL. The OL was at best average when he was at PSU. He's really good.


Well-Known Member
He took a trog offense that finished 71st in S&P in 2015 and brought them up to 23rd in 2016. They were 5th in 2017. They went to 36th in 2018, when Moorhead left for MSU. That's pretty good. And I don't think I can overstate how fucking awful PSU's offense was before he took over. He also overcame some significant deficiencies on the OL. The OL was at best average when he was at PSU. He's really good.
would you say the cupboard was....bare?


Resident Mormon
I was thinking about how the NCAA was coming down on basketball players who declared for the draft and then came back but didn't follow the new confusing rules and were punished, but they don't seem to care very much about this whole OBJ handing out cash thing. It then got me thinking about how in college we accept that "everyone cheats/pays big-time recruits" as normal, but in the pros if you say "everyone cheats" then you're just a sour fan. I wasn't planning on sharing those thoughts, but it gave me another thought that I wanted to ask about.

With the new rule in CA where a player can make money off their likeness, what's to stop someone from making shirts with their picture and then some booster "buying" those shirts in order to legally "pay" a player? I'm guessing there's something in the rule to prevent something like that? Does anyone know?


aka spiker or DeadMong
I'm aware of that. My question remains. Did I just find a loophole that a booster can abuse? Or was this thought of and is cited in the rule so it isn't abused that way?

I haven't read the law, but I'd imagine it would be fine for players to sell shirts to a booster like that. The real question is how the NCAA is going to respond to that law.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
I hope so, so they can make money

More people should hand them cash on the field after going 15-0 imo