This War of Mine - Whiskey Play


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Episode one. Started a new game and went through the first day and first night. Was able to scavenge the house and build some necessities the first day from what I found. Then the first night scavenging mission was a solid haul and I was able to make a good stockpile for future missions as well.

Hope ya'll enjoy!



Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Here is Day/Night 2 - Pavle and Bruno eat food today! Other things happen as well, amazing! On night 2 I decide to go back to the gas station and finish scavenging and stashing loot. There is still one room left that we need to open with a saw blade, but otherwise we've stashed everything at the exit.

I also dump my whiskey in my lap because I'm drunk. Ice cubes and booze everywhere.
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Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Episode 3 covers Day/Night 3. Between episodes I fully cleaned up the whiskey spill and got a new whiskey drink. I also got my notebook that I usually keep beside me when I play vidya (left it downstairs after playing Fallout). With the notebook and a new drink I feel a lot better! Marko gets his first meal in day 3 and we build a 2nd bed as well! With the 2nd bed, I can now keep the players more well rested by letting 2 of them sleep during the day.

On night 3 we go scavenge the shelled school with our new shovel! Lots of building supplies brought home with more stashed and we've barely scratched the surface of this site.



Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Day 4 / Night 4

Day 4: We start off by feeding Bruno and Pavle and working to fix up our house to make it harder for bandits to enter. We set up a water gathering system because we need water to cook food moving forward. We've still got 3 servings of raw food left, but we haven't started our own food development via traps yet, so that will only last through Day 6 so we need to find something good to eat soon. We have our first interaction with a trader and we manage to unload our diamond, which is useless from a practical sense, for a couple of lock picks which we use to continue exploring our own house, but not with much success (more medicine but no food).

Night 4: We visit the Supermarket and encounter a bunch of thugs with Ak-47s. We walk up to them with passive intentions and they decide not to murder us. Sometimes they'll just decide to shoot you randomly, but I was lucky this time! As such, we have GREAT success finding tons of food and other important shit. We managed to stockpile almost everything in the level (other than some areas we'd need a lockpick to access). Upon arrival at home, we learned that we'd been attacked during the night but Pavle and Bruno were able to fight off the looters without losing any supplies or being injured. Good thing we patched up the house and have a knife!

Sound quality ain't great in this one because I'm spewing whiskey all over my mic or something. VROOOM

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Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Watching this and working on my other monitor. Hit CTRL P with the wrong window highlighted and almost printed this thread at a client office.

Awesome videos, makes me want to get the game.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I'm going to post one per day this week, but that means I might do some sober plays. BOOO. More exciting when I'm babbling and spilling whiskey in my lap.

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
The whiskey spilling was a great moment. What kind of whiskey?

Can you beat this game without being a jerk? Meaning, is it possible to take your good guy approach of not stealing and murdering innocents (I'm assuming that's possible) and have a decent shot at winning?


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I have managed to beat it without any acts of aggression, though there is usually some moment where I make the hard choice to turn away orphan kids asking for my last bit of medicine or I kill someone in a church in self defense. I haven't had a PERFECT SAINT style play through yet, but I'm going to give it a try this time. You'll see in the next video where I make a decision that isn't entirely practical in pursuit of that goal. Having 3 characters is actually the ideal setup. Having more or less than that can put you in a real bind. Eventually we'll probably have a 4th person show up and I'll accept them even though it will put a big strain on our supplies. In my favorite winning playthrough I was down to a single person on their deathbed when a new person showed up and saved the house.

Honestly, I'm not sure it is easier to be violent either. It is so easy to get killed or even wounded and that's no joke in this game because it can take a long time and a lot of bandages and medicine (two of the most valuable commodities) in order to recover. There are a few looting locations where you can shake down some old people that are relatively low risk when it comes to injury, but then you have to be real careful about who you send out to be a jerk they'll get depressed about the bad things they've done and kill themselves. Even people who don't go on the scavenging trip seem to know you stole from old people and get depressed. Each character has certain personality traits that make them more or less capable of performing violence without getting upset. Bruno is actually one of the few characters who is prone to depression in general but doesn't blink an eye at killing someone... You just have to keep him fueled up on whiskey and cigs and he's good. Even turning away neighbors who need help can put you at risk of your people committing suicide.

The first week is usually pretty mundane as supplies are plentiful and you don't have the winter/violence to cope with yet. As we approach 20-30+ days I'm sure we'll face some difficult times and some point and you will probably get to watch pavle and Marko turn on Bruno since he's a magnet for abuse :laughing:. Sometimes it turns into Real World - Kosovo in the end game and managing those relationships and keeping characters away from each other is as important as scavenging.

And it was Bulleit Rye


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
The program that came with my Nvidia graphics card. Shadow or something like that. I like it because it doesn't hog system resources.


Off dem Milds and dat Yak
Community Liaison
i was just having a convo with Travis about this game over the weekend

this game definitely challenges your moral compass. All of your decisions ultimately affect everyone else in the house...good or bad

for instance, there was this old couple who had a nice amount of food, materials and meds. Everyone in my house needed something and so i made the decision to rob them of everything i could

get back to the house, and one guy is sad b/c of what i did. He even got into a state of depression

idk, i get what the game is trying to accomplish, but i feel like there is no way to activate self preservation. You are on the brink of dying, and while you should probably feel bad somewhat at what happened to those other people, you need to put yourself first. I wish there was a way to give back to people you have robbed from to sorta make things right


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I think the point of the game was to focus on the type of meek/ordinary/peaceful people who war usually affects most negatively (and we never see or hear about in our games). The type of person who embraces violence as a means of self preservation or even "puts themselves first" is probably going to either be fighting in the war already (for one side or the other), fled the country, or is going to join one of the gangs of thugs that you are trying to protect yourself from. The type of person who ends up stuck in a warzone just trying to stay alive (and keep their humanity intact) is a group video games have utterly neglected, even though they often make up the majority of people.

I think robbing from a gentle kind old couple of grandparents of their remaining food and medicine (and thus dooming them to a horrible slow death) is the type of decision that absolutely would make a "normal" person depressed, and I'm glad the game made that decision come with consequences (and those consequences do depend on the people you have in your house, some of them are more susceptible to it than others).


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
This is a longer video that covers 2 days and 2 nights. The Liquor was calling the shots at this point, as I'm sure you can tell from my slurrrrred narration :laughing:

Day 5: We feed Marko and find we are 1 piece of wood short of having enough materials to build our first squirrel trap. FUUUU. With a squirrel trap being highest priority, I don't want to use materials on anything else. We get our first visitor this day: A young woman shows up and asks us to help her board up her house so her daughter and her will be safer from rapists and looters and such. Following our rules on being a good neighbor, we oblige and leave with the woman (sometimes these events are ambushes). We send Bruno to help her and end the day, since there isn't anything really left to do.

Night 5: With Bruno gone, I assign Pavle to guard the house and go looting with Marko. I decided to re-visit the looted gas station since I know we need looted materials and this was a safe bet. Pretty calm night and we returned with the supplies we need for a squirrel trap (and some food scraps with which to bait the squirrel trap). Upon returning home we learned that the night was calm and that Bruno returned safely from helping that woman board up her house.

Day 6: SQUIRREL TRAP IS OURS!!! I usually like having this built a little earlier, but we're still inside the first week and have a fair amount of food, so we should be able to wait for the trap to start producing without going hungry. Pavle and Bruno eat on day 6!

Night 6: I decide to visit Old Town in search of materials! Pavle sleeps, Bruno guards, and Marko goes to scavenge. Nothing real excited as the site appeared abandoned, but much of this site was inaccessible due to three locked doors requiring the need of a crowbar, lockpick, or saw blade. Still, we managed to bring back a lot of wood, materials, and parts which wee need for building things at home! We also found some bullets, which would be nice if we had a gun, but we don't. Upon arrival back at the house, we learn that the night was calm and that Marko's Illness has progressed from slightly sick to sick (I've probably been asking him to do too much scavenging, honestly).

Tomorrow will mark the first week down and generally I think things are going pretty well. We'll need to take better care of Marko now that he's sick instead of just slightly sick, but we've got good medical supplies, good food/water supplies, and we've got our first squirrel trap set so I think everything is going relatively well. No lives created or lost!



Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison

Day 7 - We feed Marko and give him the herbal meds and then send him to bed. We'll have to give him some more rest now that he's sick. The trader guy shows up and he has enough parts to allow me to build a 2nd squirrel trap, so I trade him a can of food to make that happen, and I got a lock pick in addition. With the rest of the day I built another squirrel trap so we should have a sustainable source of food now (especially if we upgrade our stove soon). I also started patching up another hole in the house but ran out of time. I think the house is coming along well

Night 7 - With Marko sick, I considered staying in since I didn't really need anything, but I remembered how important it is to stockpile goods early for when problems arise later. I headed back to the Old Town scavenging site with a lock pick and was unable to unlock a pretty good section and find a lot of supplies. I'll still need a saw to get into the upper section, but we brought home a full load of materials and stashed another entire load of materials as well. Upon arrival back out the house I learn that we've been attacked again, but this time the attackers were somewhat successful, unfortunately, probably because I made Bruno guard and he's such a wuss. They looted some food, a water filter, and some roll up cigarettes. Even more unfortunately, they managed to wound BOTH Bruno and Marko. Marko is in pretty sorry shape right now and I'm definitely going to have to take care of him for a few days so he doesn't die, as he's one of my favorite characters due to his solid mental state and good scavenging ability. We're a week in and have been confronted with our first mini crisis. I'll need to finish patching up the house and make more weapons to avoid this sort of nonsense in the future.

I'll get drunk and record some more tonight.

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Through Day 4 on Travis' videos, but through day 11 in game. Could not stop playing tonight.

Videos were a great tutorial to get some strategy and kinda know what I was doing. Failed at that Sniper City tonight but figured out how to do it for future reference.


Well-Known Member
At day 5 in my playthrough. Materials are realllllly hard to come by but I've got a lotta food and there's that. Katia, Pavel and Bruno are my 3

Fuck, been raided twice already

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Also with Katie Pavle Bruno. Picked up a handy fix-it guy so I have four. Getting completely BONED on food, errbody about to starve. Was so bitter when I watched day 4 and Travis was whiskey lucking into massive loads at the super market. I'm guessing that the loot is randomized each game because I don't think I got much food.

Should we have a general thread on this game to not clutter up Travis' dynasty? Only opinion that matters is Travis.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I did a supermarket run and got jack shit basically. I've built a rat trap, water catcher, 2 beds, stove and that's it. Been raided twice in 5 days. Made a knife to stop that as Bruno got badly hurt the 2nd time. Overall things are ok...just realllllly need parts


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Yeah, everything is procedurally generated, so you never know what will happen. I was lucky to find so much food.

Also, don't get complacent about "safe" looting areas, as bandits can show up randomly.

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
I think the biggest thing I missed was that you can upgrade the work benches. I must have been actually working on my other monitor when Travis talked about that, because I was flipping out trying to figure out how the f I can build squirrel traps and get saws to cut through bars. So I was late doing all of that and I might be too far behind the curve for this game to succeed.

I do have a water catcher and I'm cranking out booze and trading it. (Also solid Travis advice).


Well-Known Member
Lol, slap outta wood and components...hope this next place I try has tons. Those 3 extra slots that Marko can use to carry over Pavel is nice. Wish I had that

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
The sniper station is doable and safe if you know what you're doing.

Imagine the sniper shooting from the top of the screen/street. The sniper is on a standard rhythm, and has to reload. So edge to the front of cover and sprint as soon as he fires to the next cover.

Once you're in the door to the far left, go down and double back through the sewers and open up the blocked hatch under the statue. The wounded guy will be thankful and will apparently lace you up with something (dawn came, so I never got my reward :crying2:)


Well-Known Member
game is addictive. Made it to Day 12 tonight. Got a 4th guy, Roman, who is trained in self defense and put an end to this raiding shit. Been raided twice since he joined my group and fended them off with no issues both times. Katia is getting mended up. Still wounded but thats much better than SEVERELY wounded. Pavel is a damn beast. Dude runs like the wind and only needs to sleep half of the daytime and hes well rested. Built an alcohol still and will need to go back to the gas station where i've got like 15 sugar stashed so i can start makin alcohol. Might upgrade my stove next. games a blast. Thanks for making these videos and turning me onto it @Travis7401


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I made a bunch more videos tonight and also discovered that when you leave the game, reloading it causes different random events to happen and it only seems to load correctly at the start of a day? Anyway, I started Day 8 or whatever we left off on but instead of having people get wounded, we just lost all our food. FUUUU. I made videos through Day 13 (and actually did Day and Night 13 twice because of discovering the loading issue). My next playthrough will start on Day 14 and we are in the period of violence.


Off dem Milds and dat Yak
Community Liaison
So Travis is the one that got y'all playing this huh? Hmmm


Off dem Milds and dat Yak
Community Liaison
But for real, it's dope to read two more people are enjoying this. I like all of your stories


Well-Known Member
I made a bunch more videos tonight and also discovered that when you leave the game, reloading it causes different random events to happen and it only seems to load correctly at the start of a day? Anyway, I started Day 8 or whatever we left off on but instead of having people get wounded, we just lost all our food. FUUUU. I made videos through Day 13 (and actually did Day and Night 13 twice because of discovering the loading issue). My next playthrough will start on Day 14 and we are in the period of violence.

I'm in period of violence as well. Roman came 2 days before that. He has been a Godsend as I'm sure I'd have a dead character by now from the raids without him. I've got two squirrel traps going trying to keep up on my food for 4 people. Went to the school and there is basically an unending amount of components and wood. Lookin forward to getting back into it today

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Period of violence and I can't find food. My pacifist play is going to get everyone starved.

I completed a side quest in that sniper town but dawn came before I got my reward. Went back and it was gone. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

So Travis is the one that got y'all playing this huh? Hmmm

Technically, Reel, I Googled the game when you asked Travis about it and my interest was piqued. I was playing Fallout at the time, though, and I was worried there would be a lot of required murdering of innocents and the like. Once I watched Travis play I pulled the trigger.


Well-Known Member
i did get some help one night. It was right after Roman came in. I was short on food and was gonna have to break into my canned foods the next day. A dude came to the door and said there was an aid box that dropped not far away and he needed some help getting it for himself and some neighbors. So Bruno went out at night and helped him get it. Brought back like 3 raw food and a vegetable. Was nice


Well-Known Member
Just got help again on day 16. Neighbors come by and were like, "Hey, just moved in and heard you guys were holed up in here. Heres 5 vegetables." wuuuuuut? hahahaha, but i'll takes em


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Day 8 - We return and find more than the expected amount of stuff stolen, but nobody gets wounded as badly. I wish there was a better way to save the game. Our squirrel traps haven't caught anything, so we're out of food basically. Arica, a cat burgler (and one of my least favorite characters) joins us during this day and adds another mouth to feed when there is no food left. We build a moonshine making still!

Night 8 - I decide we need another weapon since the radio informs us we are headed into the violence period. After checking my notes, I head back to the old town site and grab up the weapons parts and some materials. Pretty quiet night. We also bring home some booze for drinking or trading. We arrive back home to find the night was calm! yay!

Day 9 - Today we build an extra knife for stabbing! Squirrel traps are empty again, so we are fully out of food and need to feed everyone, woof. We make some more booze, bringing our total up to 4 bottles, and I make plans to use this for trading!



Well-Known Member
Was wondering when you would get that fateful knock on your door.

I'm at Day 22 right now. Things have been pretty calm for the most part. Hasn't been any "oh shit, i'm screwed" moments. Have had a couple people get wounded and nursed them back to full health. Pavel just began getting a little sick so hes been sleeping alot while Katia goes out on scavenge runs. Just ran out of the veggies from the kind neighbors, so now i'm on raw meat which I have 6 of and 3 canned foods. Got two squirrel traps going. Upgraded both of my workshops. Built a heater and upgraded it so fuck you winter whenever you come. Have noticed the temp has began fluctuating and the radio said that it may snow soon, so i'm guessing its coming soon. Built a herb workshop area so that i can make bandages and the like but I don't have the goods to make that kinda stuff yet so its gone mostly unused. Seems my alcohol and cigarettes are being smoked/drank as soon as I make them. Went out to a House to scavenge...its like a two part house. The first area has no people in it but the 2nd area has a trader out front and is inhabited. Cleaned out the first area, traded a lil with the trader and then went to go in the 2nd area. I opened the door and walked in and a dude came scurrying down the stairs yelling at me to get out and not try that again. Yikes! So i went in the basement of the first area and stole a broken pistol, broken rifle and a torn flak jacket. Don't think i'm at the point where I can repair those yet, but now i have them. It did make katia sad that we stole so i'm gonna have to get her some coffee.

@Travis7401, when do you "win"? Is it a certain day? Do you have to make it through a certain time period?


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Eventually the army and rebels come to a peace agreement. Most of mine have come after 40+ days. Heard it can come sooner though


Well-Known Member
This game is so good. In a pickle now though. Night and rebels are fighting blocking off half my scavenging destinations. The other half are either guarded by thugs or needed to be stolen from. Everyone is healthy and unharmed at home. Got a total of 8 food with 2 rat traps goin. Not really sure what more I can do right now