TODO list and feature requests


As folks trickle into our new site, note that there are still several things left to figure out. Use this post to report bugs or suggest changes for us to implement. The staff is tracking every task in a separate forum.
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Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Smiley management has like its own support topic at XF official forums, haha.

We'll get there. Another thing I want to do is bump the lower border of posts and make it a bit darker. It's burried in the admin options somewhere.

Any other features we don't have yet that you'll want, just suggest them here.


aka spiker or DeadMong
Yeah, smilies are just something that jumped out at me. Probably should be the last on the priority list as we get things running.


aka spiker or DeadMong
Sorry to keep flooding this thread, but are we going to have a forum for dynasties?


Utopia Moderator
Okay giving me admin rights to the ootp section should be #1 if I don't have them already. The rest of that stuff is way less important

Lloyd Carr

Well-Known Member
Two things:

Is there a way to add who the last person was to reply to a thread? Right now, at least on mobile, each thread only lists who created the thread.

Second, is there a way to add a quick reply button to the top of each thread, as well as to each post? Kind of a hassle to scroll down to the bottom each time.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Okay giving me admin rights to the ootp section should be #1 if I don't have them already. The rest of that stuff is way less important

I'll give you some permissions little brother.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Two things:

Is there a way to add who the last person was to reply to a thread? Right now, at least on mobile, each thread only lists who created the thread.

Second, is there a way to add a quick reply button to the top of each thread, as well as to each post? Kind of a hassle to scroll down to the bottom each time.

For your second one, I don't think we even had this at the last MyBB forum, did we? I can look into adding a general Reply button to the top.

FYI I'm not entirely clear on how to fuck with any HTML or PHP elements. Kirk might have a better idea. We can dick around with coloring and CSS elements all we want tho, pretty easily too.

Lloyd Carr

Well-Known Member
For your second one, I don't think we even had this at the last MyBB forum, did we? I can look into adding a general Reply button to the top.

You're right. It was the multi-quote button I was thinking about as far as individual posts go.

The add reply on the top would be good though.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Yeah we will have to look into that and/or possibly get someone to help who is better with HTML/PHP. CMQ used to be a PHP wizard but I dunno anymore.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Christ does anyone like this default font? Feels like I'm writing a college essay.


Well-Known Member

I didn't mind it but now that you mention it...

Also is my avatar animated for anyone or is it just a still image? It doesn't move for me but I'm curious. I swear it was an animated gif when I uploaded it.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
It's not moving. Lemme google it.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Times New Roman is just booty. You can go to Preferences, and select the Kella Custom style to switch to Verdana (plus a few other minor tweaks)


I've created a new "Utopia" theme. So far I've only made a couple small adjustments, but one of those was the font (I didn't like the original either). For those of you who registered prior to me creating this as the default style, I'd suggest changing to it (or you can continue to use Kella's)


Does the "New Posts" link on the top not do what you need it to? I never used that feature, so someone else might have to chime in on this.


I looks like it only shows the most recent 5 posts, not everything since your last visit


Well-Known Member
@cmq It does, found that after I posted.

@Packfan it shows all of them for me and even has a separator for the ones I've participated in and ones that I haven't


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
I told Kella, but if you guys need help with graphics, templates, HTML or whatever, let me know.

I have a little experience with xenforo. It is possible to have the New Posts link show all unread threads.

This all looks great though. Mobile skin is awesome.


Cool, thanks Orlando. Graphics/templates is probably our weakest area among the staff, so after we get the functionality buttoned down, we may reach out to you.


Well-Known Member
Can we add a "watch thread" button while looking at the forums instead of having to go into each thread to add it to our watch list?


Well-Known Member
Community Liaison
My only request if possible is to be able to copy and paste image links and have them work. It's not a huge inconvenience but it's a nice small thing.


Well-Known Member
I see my avatar next to the thread starter's avatar for threads I have posted in. Is there a way to disable this?


aka spiker or DeadMong
Should probably not allow people to use the @ tag in their signatures. I don't know if you can do that without disabling all board tags in the signature. Seems ripe to really piss some people off, right @Reel and @osick87?


Ok, I've got the last four things down. We now have a tech forum where we are creating threads for all TODOs, so they will no longer be tracked in the first post on this thread. I am going to update that post to reflect this.


Off dem Milds and dat Yak
Community Liaison
Should probably not allow people to use the @ tag in their signatures. I don't know if you can do that without disabling all board tags in the signature. Seems ripe to really piss some people off, right @Reel and @osick87?

it appears to only work once. I didnt get it again after the initial alert, but you may have removed it from your sig by that time so I would need someone else to do it so we can test it out


Off dem Milds and dat Yak
Community Liaison
It would be nice if CMQ could have the first four things down. I really hope we now have a tech forum where we can create threads for all TODOs, so they will no longer be tracked in the first post on this thread. I hope CMQ is going to update that post to reflect this.


aka spiker or DeadMong
it appears to only work once. I didnt get it again after the initial alert, but you may have removed it from your sig by that time so I would need someone else to do it so we can test it out
Hmmm. I had it in at least 5 posts. Well, whatever.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Formal request for a private (but open to all members) sub-forum for Drugs/Mystery school threads. Don't want that shit showing up on Google and I'm eager to continue my mystery school education.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
Not something that needs to be done quickly but in the NCAA Football area, a sub-forum for individual ODs would be nice to have. The OD Hubs on the last board were really convenient. Either a sub sub-forum inside the Online & Dynasties section or just additional sub-forums, one for general Online & Dynasty and then one each for the current ODs.

I believe there are 4 current ODs: BSCFL (Xbox), Mid-American Conference (XBox), Bottom Feeder (XBox) and Powerhouse (XBox). That would let each OD create threads without clogging up the one general OD section.

When moderation stuff is ironed out, would be nice to have at least one mod who is a regular in the NCAA section who could keep things in line there and do housekeeping like delete/move/sticky threads, etc for all those ODs.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
TX I'll try to get to that tonight. I forgot about that stuff.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
No hurry at all, I think there are maybe a handful of the OD regulars who have made the transition so it doesn't need to be up and running too quickly.

From what I can tell, Fluff didn't put up a forwarding link to these boards so I'm not sure if everyone will be able to find us here. Not sure if that is just because the URL version for this site isn't working for everyone or what but all I get on any of my Oldtopia bookmarks are 404 errors. I can get to the archived forums using a google search, but no forwarding link to be found.


aka spiker or DeadMong
Too lazy to read through the thread to find this, but I really need 50 posts per page option back. 20 posts is killing me.