Southpaw Gon' Look Are you from PD looking for evidence on @brick, sir? The Miami Hurricanes Thread aka Baseless Rumors Corner


Mod Alumni
Full disclosure I was @Brick victim auburn 2009 when they hosted Wvu. At the best western after we tp’d roomers corner n the large chested girl from opekika junior college refused my advances


Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.
i dont care if im wrong about anything ever again. i won this one boys.

U might have won this battle but the WAR in the COURT OF MAK has yet to be decided. Will DA Internet Warrior get a “no bill” from the Grand Fury? Will screenshots be enuff or will everyone involved be subpoenaed before the Dying Vine to testify? Clenched anuses and inquiring minds want to know!!!


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Wait is that from recently? Got some news for that guy

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
CRISTOBUM. This will be the least popular decision in the history of the program. People were counting down the end of this season.

Hope MBG monitors the boards for the reaction!


Well-Known Member
I don't mind the team accepting the bowl bid. I'm sure the seniors would like to play one last game, and the team gets a nice little vacation out of the deal. I just always thought teams with fewer than six wins were ineligible