2021-22 Corches' Terrible HaSHtaGS Thread


Utopia Moderator
I feel so bad for the kids that have to suck up to him because of the position of power he has over them. LAWD.


Disney and Curling Expert
His views on this subject have been well known for a long time. Since Roe was overturned, the media needs to "re-out" every pro-life idiot.

High profile pro-lifer speaking to a pro-life crowd about how abortion is evil: That's called preaching to the choir.

It's when he tries to impose his shitty views on to THE TEAM, THE TEAM, THE TEAM...that's when it becomes a problem.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
Shocking that MICHIGAN MAN thinks it's a NOTHING BURGER

I'm sure the guy whose entire brand is outspoken, unhinged lunatic and who is nutty enough to speak at a pro-life event never brings up his views to anyone else


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator

Face of a man who knows not to bring up his controversial political views


I ain't got friends, I got FamILLy
This story is just so weird.

If you(not specific) believe that's all he did that makes him an absolute idiot who somehow held a coaching job at a top 10 football program for 20 years and is now out because he read a bad word that was on a athlete's iPad screen.

You're an adult coaching young adults, ban screens while you're going over film.

There's more going on here or Venables is just an absolute hardass with no wiggle room.


Utopia Moderator
Well he read it multiple times meaning he was comfortable reading it. It's oklahoma so of course, but to read it multiple times in front of a football team is so stupid he needed to step down.


I ain't got friends, I got FamILLy
Well he read it multiple times meaning he was comfortable reading it. It's oklahoma so of course, but to read it multiple times in front of a football team is so stupid he needed to step down.

Guessing the hard R made an appearance.


Utopia Moderator
Although if CAT is to be trusted, Cale was done wrong. Who knows, it's just insane he got fired for this in 2022.
