2021-22 Corches' Terrible HaSHtaGS Thread


Utopia Moderator
I don't know, DAN won more games than BRENT. Pretty sure 8-4 is OU's ceiling next year.

Well DAN had the better PROGRUM this year. OU had a BARE CUPBOARD to deal with. Neither team has a good QB so we'll see what happens next year


Thudner Up
Five of OU's seven losses were by one score so I figure they'll turn a couple of those and get to 8-4. Or BRENT will get worse and they'll miss a bowl. Hard to tell.


Everybody is hard nosed on defense until punched in the face, breaking said hard nose. UGA had 3 weeks to prepare for the Fuckeyes and got absolutely torched on defense. They have the most consistent and talented defense in the country. Same with Michigan, one of the best, if not the best statistically speaking, got roasted.


Well-Known Member
every team scored at least 40 in the CFP semis. people complaining about riley are idiots. oh no we might win almost every game but i dont like the style in which we lose those games BOO HOO. jfc
Not every team scored 40 in da shampship doe


Well-Known Member
Not every team scored 40 in da shampship doe
who gives a fuck. offense wins shampships now. if you can't score 40 against top opponents you have no chance in modern footbaw. georgia has a great OC which put them over the top from trog offense BOBO days. not a coincidence they recently broke through and it is not just kirby.

lowest point total in CFP final history is 18. only reason bama scored 18 last year is they had to play JOHNNY FUCKBOI at wr. they had already dropped 40+ on UGA.


OUT with the GOUT
It's impossible not to get torched on defense at least once a season now

True, but Grinch's defense got torched in practically every game except two - against Rice and against Oregon State.

Fucking Grinch is ass. He's not any better than Orlando or Pendergast before him, and his track record shows it. He's an average at best DC.

Yeah, the defensive side of the ball was 1)lacking in talent and 2)depleted with injuries, but the most damning thing against Grinch is that his defense got worse, not better, as the season wore on. Statistically speaking, if you added up the offensive numbers for all of USC's opponents this season - those numbers would belong to the #2 offense in CFB. So the defense isn't even below average, it's literally worse than all but the best offense in all of CFB.

Grinch must have some secret photos of Riley he's using as blackmail because Riley is so loath to can him. Think Saban (or Day, or Harbaugh, or Dykes, or anyone who is actually chasing titles) would tolerate a shitshow of a defense like that?

I know, it's only the first year, and he should improve next year, but like I said, his track record doesn't show that he'll be anything better than average. As long as Riley sticks with Grinch, USC will never truly be in the shampship convo.


Utopia Moderator
To be fair they were in the shampship convo this year, so that's not entirely true.


OUT with the GOUT
To be fair they were in the shampship convo this year, so that's not entirely true.

It took a Heisman QB and a Biletnikoff Award winner on offense to (almost) power through that Saudi Oil Well Fire of a defense. Any lesser QB and USC would easily have lost two more.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator

Also new Mississippi State corch already abandoning the air raid so he can go HARD NOSED. This was after he tried to hire RAPE OC. Awful


Well-Known Member
Well with Pete Golding gone. I wouldn't mind Jeremy Pruitt coming back. His brief cups of coffee at Florida State & Georgia, his defenses were always Top 5, but he doesn't need to coach anymore


Utopia Moderator
I like how he quoted the img and posted the img. Really drives the point home.

Tell Warde to schedule some teams with a pulse.


Disney and Curling Expert
I like how he quoted the img and posted the img. Really drives the point home.

Tell Warde to schedule some teams with a pulse.

After Harbaugh negotiated directly with the president and bypassing Warde, Warde is likely contacting moving companies. He won't need to worry about Michigan's footbaw schedule anymore.


Disney and Curling Expert


Well-Known Member
That guy makes me rethink ever wearing a leather jacket again

That guys podcast looks more pathetic than Prehms golf score

That guy tweets about sports the same way my dad texts. "What a day to be a sun devil", which I really know is code for "you may be a jobless bum but I still love you", but ironically is what his dad texts him verbatim once per year on the day after his birthday.

this guy may rival PREHM lmao