All Users: Test things here

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Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Hey if you guys want some more defined separation between posts (helps my apparently aging eyes) go ahead and go to your profile, Preferences, and the first option is styles. Click on it and choose Kella Custom and save and refresh. I'm messing with it a bit as we speak so it is subject to change.


Two things:

Is there a way to add who the last person was to reply to a thread? Right now, at least on mobile, each thread only lists who created the thread.

Second, is there a way to add a quick reply button to the top of each thread, as well as to each post. Kind of a hassle to scroll down to the bottom each time.

Wasn't sure if I should post this here or to To Do thread.
Post in the TODO thread and I'll look into it.

I'm heading to bed, goodnight all.


only mostly dead
Hey if you guys want some more defined separation between posts (helps my apparently aging eyes) go ahead and go to your profile, Preferences, and the first option is styles. Click on it and choose Kella Custom and save and refresh. I'm messing with it a bit as we speak so it is subject to change.

Many thanks for this. That was my only real complaint about the new layout. I stare at the computer all day anyway, so I think without it I would start getting a little cross-eyed.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Testing default font.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Changed default message font to Verdana 10pt in the Kella Custom style, feel free to switch.


sun of nothing
nitpicky but is there a way to change 'messages' to 'posts'? Messages gets me all excited for PM's every time I see my post count


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Where is this located?


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Not sure if that can be changed in CSS which is all you can change without going into the actual PHP of the site which is something better suited for CMQ at this point.


Well-Known Member
Community Liaison


The Akita on Utopia
Hachiko is back, and I love this look. This is essentially the layout of BigSoccer with a different color scheme, so I'm cool with this. Well done, all.


The Akita on Utopia
Sum Ting Wong - I'm still receiving emails for replies in watched threads, even though I unchecked the appropriate box.

Try also unticking some stuff here. You got a lot of boxes to untick. I'll try it too, since I'm also getting some alerts on email.

Or...when all else fails, just call @Kella . Are you watching any threads, Basin? Maybe you need to unwatch them, click "Unwatch thread" at the top.


Off dem Milds and dat Yak
Community Liaison
I'm also still getting emails for things I've unchecked


The Akita on Utopia
Untick "Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply..." and then click "Unwatch thread" on the threads you don't want to get email alerts on. I think that might work, if it doesn't, well...


Tath Meacher
So far this is niiiiiice. Cousin Eddie agrees too. I'm sure there will be fug ups but so far so good.

Now let's all get along and behave please.

Edit: I'm using the Kella custom setup. I feel dirty.
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Have mercy
Is there a way to mark forums read? Clicking and double clicking the icon next to the sub-forums doesn't work. Don't know about others, but I use that a bunch.

Bruce Wayne

Well-Known Member
Hello boys.

Thank you to all of those who put in their free time to make this happen. I appreciate what you did.

I am also using custom Kella and I feel dirty too.


Off dem Milds and dat Yak
Community Liaison
Site keeps logging me out even though I've checked "keep me logged in"


Utopia Moderator
hoyrs. I'm posting from the IP. Am I going to accidentally the whole thing?


aka spiker or DeadMong
I'm posting from the IP right now, too. I'm at work, and wasn't working (with or without the www in front of it). But it was working at home last night... strange.


I've turned off the relevant alerts, why am I still receiving emails for thread replies, etc?
I just realized that that was the default behavior. I've changed it to only alert you within the system, but not to email you. Let me know if that continues to be a problem.


Off dem Milds and dat Yak
Community Liaison
is it me or does it seem some users avatars are bigger than others?
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