
pressure cooker full of skittles
You can also apply specific chemistry styles - these cards that change specific stats. Like if you had a slow striker, you can bump him pace stats by +10 and his shooting stats by a bunch (instead of +5 all over the place)

So I have these chemistry cards and it's pretty apparent what they do, but what impact do they have on *chemistry?*

Or is the purpose to make players with high chemistry better players so that you're more willing to field them?


Well-Known Member
The cards bump specific attributes, whereas not applying a chemistry style will bump the ones I showed earlier (a bunch of +5 across the board). For your striker, for example, you probably don’t care that he gets bonuses in defensive stats, so you’d rather get more bonuses in speed and shooting (Hunter or Hawk styles). All the cards show generally what they bump if you flip through them, but you can go on futbin and look at specifically what it changes.

And yes the main point is to make better players that you put on the field. A 10 chemistry with the right style will bump a player 5+ in overall rating (again you can see this on futbin on the RPP page), whereas just putting them in the right position but not with any links with knock them down in rating (I think 4 is no change, anything below means you are losing points)


pressure cooker full of skittles
I guess I'm just not understanding why the stat boosts are called chemistry styles. Do certain styles match with other styles to improve chemistry between them?


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm just not understanding why the stat boosts are called chemistry styles. Do certain styles match with other styles to improve chemistry between them?

There are two parts here

1) the chemistry rating. That is calculated how we talked about earlier with links. It’s between 0 and 10, and this determines how MUCH bonus/hit the player gets

2) chemistry style/cards. These determine WHAT stats get boosted. You don’t have to use one on each player - if you don’t, they have the “basic” style.


pressure cooker full of skittles
OH, I see. So the boost given by the style is determined by the chemistry rating of the player. Gotcha.

OK, more questions: do you guys have more than one squad? Like do you have an all bronze squad and an all silver squad or do you just focus on making one squad as good as possible?

Also, what do you *do* with the squad. I gravitate toward the single player stuff because I'm me. But between all the different modes I'm not sure where I should be spending my time.


Well-Known Member
To start, you should get two squads. That’s because each game, your players will lose fitness (this rating is on the second page, right below contracts on the card). You can use squad fitness cards to make everyone 99 again, but they are expensive (1000+). But if you have two squads, you can play one and put the other on the bench. When players are on the bench (or reserves) and don’t play, they gain 10 fitness. So this is a cheap way to bypass that. Eventually you might get to the point where you’ve invested so much into one team that you just want to play with them, and then you’ll have to start buying squad fitness cards (or keep them from packs)

There’s also not really any point to have a squad that’s not gold - unless you just really want to play with those players. In old FIFA’s, they had tournaments and challenges where you had to use only silver or only bronze, but not anymore. They are really only useful for SBCs at this point.

Squad battles is probably exactly what you want. It’s just against the computer, and every night you get four new opponents (on weekends it’s four new every eight hours). You can pick the CPU level, so it’ll never be too difficult/too easy for you unless you want it. Then you get rewards Sunday night based on how well you did. For a new player, these rewards are really good. If you play most of the games at a relatively high level, you can get 1000+ points a game and get “Elite 1” for the week, which is 30k coins and two good packs. The minimum points needed for each rank increases throughout the week, but they are pretty steady so this is a useful page:

Single player season is okay - you get rewards every time you finish a season, which is ten games or whenever you lock up promotion/relegation. It goes from division 10 to division 1 and again you can pick how tough your opponents are up until like D4, so it’s not too tough. The rewards just aren’t very good, especially compared to squad battles.

I personally play Division Rivals and weekend league, where the rewards are really, really good but it’s against rando’s and can be some of the most toxic vidya players around. For example, I’ll get about 200k coins on Thursday and 200k in packs, but also had 13 year olds spam skill moves and dab on me all week. So sometimes it’s nice to move to just the squad battles where the computer doesn’t do any of that (though the game play can still be really frustrating). Division Rivals has a skill rating too, so if you do decide to play you likely won’t get matched up with anyone too tough.


Well-Known Member
My starting process for each FIFA has always been the same and I’d definitely recommend it.

1) pick two leagues that interest you and make a “discard” team in the formations that you might like to play. For example, you might do a 4-3-3 in Serie A and a 4-2-2-2 narrow in Bundesliga to try different styles and different players.

Discard value is the minimum value you can buy the cards at. For gold non-rares (non shiny cards) this is 350 and for rares it’s 650. This is useful because you’ll never lose money on the card itself.

2) to buy players, go to the transfer market and set the max bid to 350 (or 650 if you have enough to do rares) and set the league to whatever league (or nation) you want to build a team in. Buy players for every position at 350/650 - also try and check that they have the full 7 contracts that they start with. This is pretty easy with a couple exceptions - one is that certain positions tend to be tough to get minimum players at in big leagues (fullbacks especially), and two is that promos and SBCs can throw prices out of wack. Right now is the Serie A Team of the Season, so all those rares are going for 1600+. It looks like right now, your best bets would be Ligue 1 and Bundesliga. You can probably get full teams at discard value.

3) create two squads, one for each league. All the starters should be from that league, and the bench and reserves should be your other team. Get one coin boost (I don’t think they stack). And every time you play, alternate which team you use

4) after you’ve played six games with each team, resell these players. You’ll definitely be able to sell them for 400, probably even more. Just look at each player and what the current lowest “buy it now” price is, and list it for that. But listing them for a bid of 350 and a buy it now of 400 will definitely sell all of them. 400/450 will almost definitely work too.

So at this point, you’ve made, at least 30 coins per player (sold for 400, minus 5% tax, minus the 350 initial purchase). If you did 450, that’s a total of 1700 coins of profit from them, plus the coins you earned each match (probably around 400), plus the coins from the coin boosts (2400), plus any rewards. So a 7700 initial investment will be probably 25k really quickly.


pressure cooker full of skittles
Good stuff, thanks.

My concern about playing randos isn't the toxicity, because that stuff really doesn't bother me. It's just that I suspect I'm a terrible pvp player in FIFA since I've only ever played against the computer and I wonder whether it's worth the time *on the assumption* that I'm usually not going to be winning.


pressure cooker full of skittles
I played a couple Rivals games last night because I thought it might unlock the transfer market (it didn't).

I got waxed both times, and both teams were full of world class players against my scrub squad. I don't mind losing (I save my competitiveness for real life), but I don't recall getting enough rewards to justify it.

Also when the hell did they take practice out of the game? This is my first time really getting into FIFA in many years (I was a PES person), and a lot of these mechanics are really foreign to me, especially the double tap shooting.

I was looking for a free practice mode to get used to it, but there doesn't seem to be one. There are the skill games and then the "arena" mode, but the controls for the arena mode aren't the same as in the run of play. It's really bizarre.


The Skeleton Debator
Mod Alumni
Good stuff, thanks.

My concern about playing randos isn't the toxicity, because that stuff really doesn't bother me. It's just that I suspect I'm a terrible pvp player in FIFA since I've only ever played against the computer and I wonder whether it's worth the time *on the assumption* that I'm usually not going to be winning.

If you play against randos, expect lots and lots of high pressure. It's the only way most people know how to defend.



Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
I'll play some online if you want, I haven't done FUT in a while but still load up FIFA every so often.

Practice is there somewhere, I set it up for my son but it's kind of hidden in some random menu.


pressure cooker full of skittles
If you play against randos, expect lots and lots of high pressure. It's the only way most people know how to defend.


Yeah, the two I played against just plainly understand the controls and the game a lot better than I do. Every time I tried a regular pass they either intercepted it or were right on the guy as soon as he received it, so eventually I just ended up making long through runs and trying to lead everyone.


Well-Known Member
Good stuff, thanks.

My concern about playing randos isn't the toxicity, because that stuff really doesn't bother me. It's just that I suspect I'm a terrible pvp player in FIFA since I've only ever played against the computer and I wonder whether it's worth the time *on the assumption* that I'm usually not going to be winning.

That shouldn’t happen, because you get matched up based on skill rating - which is basically just a ELO system. You didn’t have that happen yet since you have to play 5 placement matches.

The weekly rewards for Rivals are good and don’t require a ton of time. You can reach the third level in about 10 games throughout the week and you’ll get 35k+ coins


pressure cooker full of skittles
oh good to know. Yeah they were the placement matches and I got randomly assigned two teams that were worth hundreds of thousands of coins haha.

I fought one to a 1-0 loss, but I was just hanging on the whole game.

And like I said, it was clear to me that these guys understood the mechanics and controls a lot better than I did. I couldn't complete a pass except through balls.


pressure cooker full of skittles
lol, I do rely heavily on those but trying to through ball from my keeper to the back line every time I make a save was a bit too adventurous


pressure cooker full of skittles
View attachment 8119

Here is a guy who has a "strong link" with ur boy Teixara. He has the same national origin and same league, so they'll get a nice chemistry bonus for playing next to each other.

Now into how to FLIP players... Based on the FUTBIN update from 30 minutes ago, his lowest "Buy Now" price was 3,100. Based on the fact that the top 5 BINs are all the same price, you can tell he's basically price fixed by a bot or by someone who is paying attention. If you listed him for Buy it Now of 3,000 he would sell basically instantly. Taking advantage of bots is a great way to make small amounts of coins quickly. So I know I can sell him instantly for 3k coins ($2,850 after tax). This means buying him for anything less than 2,800 will make me a profit. So I search for his card on open bid for less than 2,800 and find several with <1 minute left for like 2,100 or whatever. Now you just get in a bidding war with bots for those expiring cards and try to get them for 2,800 or less.

I just bid on a bunch of them and got 8 of them for between 2,500 and 2,800. I will now list them for 3,000 BIN (but not all at once, we don't want the bot to get triggered). This took me <5 min on the mobile app and I'll make 50-350 coins each on those players (lets say 150 coins average X 8 = 1200 coins)

So @Travis7401 , how did you figure out this guy had that going on? To be clear: I get what you're saying about this player's market numbers, but how do you identify who you should be looking to flip in the first place?

In DD it's easy enough because you're just looking for big gaps between the buy offers and the sell offers, but as far as I can tell FIFA doesn't have buy orders


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I just picked a random guy. The process is similar to DD, but the auctions on FIFA are timed, so you are looking for a gap between the lowest "Buy it Now" price and what the expiring "open bid" auctions are currently going for. Usually there is a gap, because pubers are too impatient to check open bids and just buy using the lowest "buy now" price they find. So with that guy, I saw his lowest "BUY NOW" price was 3,100 and he had cards expiring with bids as low as 2,400 coins. So the gap is similar to DD, but it is more based on the time difference between buy now and open bids.

Before the BOT TAKEOVER, you could mass bid on every card on open bid for <2,800 and make a profit of like 50 coins on each. Now you just have to assume there are bots monitoring every single card, so they would just pick up on ur pattern and bid you up by $100 and just raise the BIN price. So you really don't want to bid on open bid cards until they have less than 1 minute time left (the bots struggle to keep up with a flexible human bidder with less than 1 minute because EA places a limit on how many actions a user can make before they force a refresh of ur web app).


pressure cooker full of skittles
I should be a lot more into Football Manager than I am. IDK.

I enjoy building a team more than playing with it.


pressure cooker full of skittles
I just picked a random guy. The process is similar to DD, but the auctions on FIFA are timed, so you are looking for a gap between the lowest "Buy it Now" price and what the expiring "open bid" auctions are currently going for. Usually there is a gap, because pubers are too impatient to check open bids and just buy using the lowest "buy now" price they find. So with that guy, I saw his lowest "BUY NOW" price was 3,100 and he had cards expiring with bids as low as 2,400 coins. So the gap is similar to DD, but it is more based on the time difference between buy now and open bids.

Hahaha, so are you just randomly picking players until you find one that looks ripe?


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I randomly picked a guy who fit well with ur striker, lol. I typically do this as I'm trying to build a team. I pick a guy that I want to play with and if his price spread seems nice for flipping, I flip him for a while.

Historically, we used to play the "LEFTBACK/RIGHTBACK" game with flipping. Left back and Right back have the lowest position flexibility with the way the FUT chemistry system works and typically have few good options in each league/country, giving them higher demand than you might expect, which leads to a decent spread.


Well-Known Member
There’s a bazillion ways to trade profitability. All it really takes it looking at one aspect of the market and trading on that. You could pick a random consumable - like Hawk chemistry or CM to CDM position change - and bid lower than the minimum buy it now.

A real simple one is trying to “snipe” MLS silver players. One will pop up for 200 almost every minute and for all of them you can turn and sell them for 300 (might even be more now since there’s a weekly objective where you have to use MLS players) and lots you can flip for 800+.

For this, you’d just set your filters to MLS, silver, and a max buy it now of 200. If any pop up, buy it, and then when you go to list it back there will be a “compare” option which lets you see all other versions of that player that are currently listed. Set your buy it now to the 50 lower than the lowest one you see.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Sniping low BINs is the best way to make money if you have a fast connection and quick reflexes For some reason I have just enough lag that it is only infuriating as I lose out every time. Yesterday when I was checking that $3,100 dudes BUY IT NOW price to make sure it hadn't moved, one popped up with a BIN of 800 and I just missed it.


pressure cooker full of skittles
Do you guys ever just list players for bids are are you just focusing on getting pubers to trigger the BIN?


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I set the bid 1 increment lower than the BIN. Basically the BIN is the most you will generally sell for unless someone makes a mistake. Some people advocate setting open bids starting higher than the BIN and hoping for some dumb puber to bid on it (or get into a bidding war) but generally speaking your bid will just expire without anyone bidding on it so you waste time.

The reason I advocate selling for just less than the BIN price is that you are taking advantage of a bot or human price fixing scheme and will get your coins back immediately, which allows you to then use that $ to bid on new items.

If you don't care about getting your coins back instantly, then listing them for 12 hours at a BIN that is like 5% higher than the current BIN. There is typically a daily price swing and if you buy cards in the afternoon/evening our time and list them overnight, you hit peak @chibob sperge time where the demand is up.


Well-Known Member
Yeah if I’m strictly flipping players, I do what Travis said. If I don’t need an immediate return, I’ll do the compare thing and see the lowest price within the first 15 minutes. When players are from big leagues or can be used in SBCs, people will set the filter to whatever they need (EPL, RM for example) and scroll until they see something a little cheaper of a BIN than the rest and buy it.

Some people are super lazy so this somehow makes sense to them.


pressure cooker full of skittles
Does the "gain fitness for not playing" thing require the games to be in the same mode?

Like I have two squads, the real team and the JV. I play squad battles with the real team and I just played a "FUT season" game or whatever with the JV but it didn't increase the stamina for my real team.

I'm enjoying this way too much. I wish I had an EPL team to follow haha. Also I just don't really have the stick skills anymore. I need to do a lot of practice, especially with the skill moves and advanced stuff. But there's no practice mode because EA I guess.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
The only skill move you really need is fake shot. Stepovers are ok. Ball juggling for trolling.


Well-Known Member
Does the "gain fitness for not playing" thing require the games to be in the same mode?

Like I have two squads, the real team and the JV. I play squad battles with the real team and I just played a "FUT season" game or whatever with the JV but it didn't increase the stamina for my real team.

I'm enjoying this way too much. I wish I had an EPL team to follow haha. Also I just don't really have the stick skills anymore. I need to do a lot of practice, especially with the skill moves and advanced stuff. But there's no practice mode because EA I guess.

No it should work regardless. The only thing I can think of is some of them subbed on? If they sub on, they won’t gain the full +10.

Stick skills aren’t necessary, but fake shot and drag back are useful and easy.

If you want “practice,” play a game on amateur. The other team won’t take the ball unless you run into them. Semi-pro is a good level to practice new moves and finishing, since you’ll have to have something close to good timing to pull it off but ur also able to win it back almost immediately


pressure cooker full of skittles
No it should work regardless. The only thing I can think of is some of them subbed on? If they sub on, they won’t gain the full +10.

Do they have to be on the subs/reserves of the other squad to get the bonus? If so then that's the problem. They're not even on my squad list for that other team, and maybe they need to be for it to count as a game for them.

Stick skills aren’t necessary, but fake shot and drag back are useful and easy.

If you want “practice,” play a game on amateur. The other team won’t take the ball unless you run into them. Semi-pro is a good level to practice new moves and finishing, since you’ll have to have something close to good timing to pull it off but ur also able to win it back almost immediately

I'm just trash at getting around defenders 1v1 unless I can just maneuver around and outrun them. And I struggle to dribble in tight spaces so I get lazy and start whipping crosses in instead of more direct approaches.


Well-Known Member
Yes they have to be on the bench or the reserves

Heel to heel is easy and good 1v1, but fake shot will work too. Drag back is better in a congested middle.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
It definitely is good to have a couple moves to beat a last defender, and the suggestions given are the best... but it should be mentioned that trying to beat someone 1 vs 1 just isn't a high percentage play in general. You're better off just passing in most scenarios (or beat 1 man with a move and then pass when they call a 2nd defender rather than trying to beat him too).


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Not being able to dribble without turning right into a defender, not seeing the better passes available, and blindly hoofing crosses toward the box is the description of every Turkeys winger from Fifa 13-18


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
The one year that heading with Leroy was overpowered we were actually good because that play pattern was pretty meta :laughing: Then for the next 5 years it was basically a 0% success rate.


pressure cooker full of skittles
Do you guys try to complete any of these SBC challenges? I feel like I'm missing something but most of them seem like far more work than the rewards justify.

Unless people just rack up thousands of cards and don't feel like selling all of them I guess.


Well-Known Member
They are mostly used as a way of artificially keeping prices of high rated cards that people don’t use up. So pretty much everything is “minimum squad rating for 85.”

I did the TOTS one for Serie A since that’s the league my team is, but otherwise no. You can normally do the marquee matchups one pretty cheap, but best case you are getting half priced packs (which is still probably not worth it).

The “advanced” tab has some you can do cheap and the packs are pretty decent, to the point that it’s profitable.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Since I would definitely be able to use the card in my starting 11 (Team of the Season cards are the best in the game), it made sense to spend 100k for an untradable card (it was actually a lot less since they’ve given out a few TOTS cards already). But some people do any SBC that comes out and are stuck with 1000s of cards worth 0 that they don’t want to use.

Bronze pack method is pretty good, but it’s a grind and it’s not nearly as valuable as it once was.


pressure cooker full of skittles
Oh I see. Futbin is the secret to this SBC shit. Trying to do this by hand would make me jump out a window, but Futbin just takes your roster and tells you what you need.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I had forgotten why I hate playing Seasons in FIFA 19, only to remind myself why yesterday. Let's say I gave up 12 goals. 8 of them were deflected shots or other fuckshit in the box that landed right at my opponent's foot. None of their goals were scored from any further than 12 yards out. Just unmitigated trash besides a few breakaway goals from a guy who played as Valencia and did nothing but spam through balls as hard as he could right up the middle, and Marseille's bumbling CBs just couldn't keep up. Eventually I switched to RBL, scored 4 fantastic goals (including a stepover nutmeg of the keeper that I super-canceled and watched roll in for the lulz), meanwhile this is his goal.

A few of mine...

This sick disguised touch I did with Forsberg (this guy rules):

This long distance bomb from some random CDM scrub I subbed in:

It feels like I'm committed to scoring 2-3 JOGO BONITO goals every game, and my opponents rely on utter and complete slop. That goal he scored was technically deflected twice! His other goal was a towering header by *checks notes* James (uh ok).
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