
Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I've had a shitload of quits but I'm usually up 3 within the first half against the bad players. I don't really blame them. It's fun winning but damn what a bunch of babies.


pressure cooker full of skittles
I'm in D7 and I've only had one person quit on me, immediately after I scored a goal like 10 minutes into the game.

But I don't play online that much. That's 1 quitter out of probably 15 games.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I've only played seasons (I'm using this thread instead of the one I made where I talk to hisself) but it's significantly better. There's less reliance on ping pong shit in the box for goals. Pubers primary offense is still to sprint right into you but it's just less effective. Pace matters again, but cross spamming isn't very effective so you can't just run David James by people the whole game and hoof bullshit in and score 2-3 times. Crossing is effective but you have to have intent. It's effective if you have 2 guys in the box and cross it fairly early and try to pick your target. It simply doesn't work as a "well I'm at the byline, fuck" bailout offensive tactic anymore. Crosses like that rightly lose a lot of pace and defenders are in place to head them out.

If you have a fast striker and are decent on the sticks you can really create some 1 on 1 or you vs keeper breaks a few times a game. It's still defendable with decent manual defense.

I like that manual on ball defense is almost required now. You can't just plug in some battleship of a CB and hold R1 anymore.

Long shots are awful. I have played nearly 30 games online and probably haven't seen a goal from more than 22, 23 yards out, and those were me lobbing wayward keepers.

My chief complaint is that due to animations, sometimes you'll be trying to reasonably do a 1-touch pass, but your guy will take an extra step or almost feint his touch, dummying the ball to the other foot and then doing one of those awful pirouette passes. If you are passing laterally or backward this is a huge problem because the ball just rolls to a stop. This is probably realistic to a point, and I would be fine with it, but most of the time I'm trying to pass a full second before this happens and an awkward, unexpected animation causes it. This increases with lag and well over half the people playing against me in seasons are playing tethered to 3g in a crowded city center or something so most of them lag on and off.

Free kicks are terrible and penalties are almost as bad. Changing both of these systems was totally unnecessary.
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Have mercy
Since I'm having more success with a more skilled but less pacey ST, I decided to spend big on 87 overall RW Di Maria. Fortunately he comes with a moderately pacey chemistry style! Only 90 overall pace haha.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Time to check in on my quest to make it to a division not filled with pubers and laggy foreigners.


Ah shit. Still a ways to go. But in a surprising twist this Italian guy was NOT laggy. Maybe he moved to North America to play *900* games a month?



Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Here's (part) of a game with some crosses for you'll. You really have to start the cross animation at or before the edge of the box to have appropriate leverage. I guess if you have a 6'5" striker you could probably hoof balls in from the touch line but I don't think RBL has anyone over 6' tall other than their defenders lol.

PAUSE QUEUED after a goal is such a letdown.

I knew as soon as I saw Newcastle that he was just going to try and run me with Saint-Maximin. Unfortunately for him Klosterman is huge and has 85 pace!


Here's (part) of a game with some crosses for you'll. You really have to start the cross animation at or before the edge of the box to have appropriate leverage. I guess if you have a 6'5" striker you could probably hoof balls in from the touch line but I don't think RBL has anyone over 6' tall other than their defenders lol.

Poulsen is 6'4" at least, I don't know if they have anyone else. Crosses and corners are so useless in general, I've probably scored only a handful of them in FUT and otherwise this year. At the beginning of this game cycle, the R1 + Square low driven crosses were money, but so many people use drop back tactics now which doesn't really allow people to find space behind the back line. It's much more effective to get the ball down near the goal line with a good dribbler and try to sweat it back across goal for a tap in.


Have mercy
I've had a lot of humping the CB goals too this weekend. I haven't had this many since the first weekend. I was actually considering stopping the humping since it wasn't getting any bites!


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I had something like 12 quits in a row (including one by hisself where I got a red like 3 minutes in lol) until my final game last night where I was drunk enough to only be up 2 late in the game.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Poulsen is 6'4" at least, I don't know if they have anyone else. Crosses and corners are so useless in general, I've probably scored only a handful of them in FUT and otherwise this year. At the beginning of this game cycle, the R1 + Square low driven crosses were money, but so many people use drop back tactics now which doesn't really allow people to find space behind the back line. It's much more effective to get the ball down near the goal line with a good dribbler and try to sweat it back across goal for a tap in.

Yeah you right. He's tall. I didn't realize it because his heading sucks. I also usually aim for the late runner into the box to get a free rather than contested header so it's usually Kampl or Sabitzer or Klosterman.

Also, my results aren't even unrealistic!

If only Mainz could have quit after the 34th minute irl like the pubers


Have mercy
This weekend's theme was "kid who does fancy dribbling moves constantly despite me running into him and taking possession 90% of the time." I just...don't understand why, lol. I will say stealing it from these type of players brings me almost as much join as the baserunners in the The Show who would (wrongly) anticipate me throwing the ball in a rundown and just tagging them out as they ran into me!


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
This game has realized I was bulldozing kiddos and has thrown me 3 straight Man U/Arsenal players who do nothing but throw 10 men behind the ball and counter with players that are way, way faster than my CBs.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I experimented with some 4* teams, but you still get matched up (even with restrictive settings) against 4.5* teams (even the highest rated ones like Arsenal) it seems so it's really not worth it IMO. I tried Lille and they're ok but not remarkable. I also tried Leverkusen and Ajax at 4.5*, won both games, but didn't really like them. Leverkusen has a weird set of players and very slow fullbacks, which is a killer (esp. against the everpresent Arsenal opponent). Ajax has good starters but lack a true striker and their bench is awful. I need to find a 4* team with a superstar player like a few years ago when I rolled people with Besiktas.

This is one of the most satisfying goals I've scored yet. It wasn't the game winner but it salted the lead sufficiently. I accidentally a fancy pass for the goal too.

This guy was the second best player by record (and by skill) I've seen so far through 40 games or so. The first best was up 2-0 on me in 20 minutes using Leicester and had some 40-0-2 record or something lol.

Christ I am sick of playing Arsenal. These donks have figured out that with a few key subs they're a 5* team playing at 4.5* level.


Have mercy
Keeping or selling?

I guess I used up all my pack luck this year in The Show. Best player I got so far was an 84 CB PEPE.


Have mercy
My new strategy consists of playing the first 60 minutes with a couple average speed but higher overall wingers and duping my opponent into thinking I'm playing like an adult. Then with 30 minutes left I sub in a couple 95+ speed wingers and play like a PACE PUBER against tired fullbacks. Small sample size, but I've scored more goals in the last 30 minutes than the first 60 in about 5 games, haha.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
That strategy has worked for 15 years!

Honestly though I'm finding pacey strikers more valuable than wingers. Playing through the middle exploits the almost total lack of on-ball human defending ability by everybody shy of D2.


Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
I'm so bad. I played two placement games and lost 3-0 and 8-5! I need to get my team and tactics set though, playing with a 48 chem team sucks.


Have mercy
After not losing a game in probably 10 matches now I cannot finish at all. Getting great chances but super goalies making incredible saves or hitting the goal. Doesn't help that I'm routinely playing 86+ rated teams with one player worth more than my entire team!


Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
Won a game, have 1 more placement match since two got disconnected and didn't get counted. I took some time and put together a cheap German League 1 squad.


Have mercy
Turns out a great way to get out of a rut is to play an opponent that will have 2 red cards before half. Lots of space when playing 11 v 9 lol.


likes elk steak likes
Utopia Moderator
I haven’t bought this game (or any game!) in years. I assume its 95% SSDD?


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
IMO it's the most playable it's been in a few years.


Have mercy
D7 scrub!

D9 scrub!

Back to back awful weekends. I know I'm not good and I only play on the weekends so I inevitably get rusty, but has there been a patch recently that has changed gameplay? The ball just sticks to my opponent's (better than mine) feet it seems. Of the goals I give up, the vast majority are just ugly and I feel like there isn't much I could do to stop them. A decent percentage of those my AI defenders are just standing perfectly still instead of trying to defend, lol.

I've stopped grinding the market so I'm playing a better team than me about 75% of the time, which doesn't help. Probably shouldn't have played as much as I did this weekend when it was clear I was just plain bad, but was trying to get a high enough rank to get $20k.


Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
I'm pretty crap at defending so far. I feel like the AI's defensive CBs smarts are pretty bad as my guys routinely stand there and watch players run by and lose their shape.


Have mercy
Lost to fellow D9 player 2-1. He had:

Other studs

Team was 89 overall lol. By far the most stacked team I've seen. He hit the goal about 5 times in first 30 minutes. I assume when you play with players like that you almost always can get it somewhat close to going in. He actually wasn't as terrible as I thought he'd be with that team and being in D9.

I've decided to change formations since I can't win a game anymore. There aren't any affordable good wingers in Ligue 1 (87 overall DiMaria has been a huge let down) so I'm gonna try a 2 striker formation with Cavani and 86 overall Depay. I figure I'm just wasting two spots using a LW and RW I'm really not that great with. Ninga, Martins, and all the other SPEED ASSHOLES aren't as effective since there are more pacey cards in the game now.


Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
Lost to fellow D9 player 2-1. He had:

Other studs

Team was 89 overall lol. By far the most stacked team I've seen. He hit the goal about 5 times in first 30 minutes. I assume when you play with players like that you almost always can get it somewhat close to going in. He actually wasn't as terrible as I thought he'd be with that team and being in D9.

I've decided to change formations since I can't win a game anymore. There aren't any affordable good wingers in Ligue 1 (87 overall DiMaria has been a huge let down) so I'm gonna try a 2 striker formation with Cavani and 86 overall Depay. I figure I'm just wasting two spots using a LW and RW I'm really not that great with. Ninga, Martins, and all the other SPEED ASSHOLES aren't as effective since there are more pacey cards in the game now.
First team I played after my placement was about the same, had Ronaldo, Dybala, and two of the classic dudes or whatever.


Well-Known Member

Currently rolling with this squad but still in D9 because I have little time to play between work and babby.


Have mercy
So we all know that many of these low end scrubs LOVE special dribbling moves. Just played a guy who tried to string skill move after skill move as soon as he controlled whoever had the ball. It almost gave me a seizure. Good thing he quit after falling behind 2 goals in the first 30 minutes. What broke his will to continue playing was when he was at edge of his box controlling the goalie and rolled the ball back into the middle of the box directly at my striker who ran it into the goal. Puber quit so fast the goal didn't even register as a highlight :( Win brought me back to D8!


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I'm not exaggerating when I say I've never lost to that guy. It's so ineffective.


Have mercy
I think he got into my third one time during those 30 minutes and got off a decent shot because I hit the wrong button. Other than that I just ran my dude into his or let him screw up the second or third fancy move.

The strange thing is the player has to be old enough to remember the moves, have hands big enough to hit multiple buttons, etc. so it isn't like he's 8 years old. Therefore his brain should have developed enoug to realize what he's doing just isn't working at all. I scored the first goal only because I got another opportunity in his box after he had his CB try the juggle a couple times and flick it over his head move instead of just clearing it traditionally, lol.


Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
So we all know that many of these low end scrubs LOVE special dribbling moves. Just played a guy who tried to string skill move after skill move as soon as he controlled whoever had the ball. It almost gave me a seizure. Good thing he quit after falling behind 2 goals in the first 30 minutes. What broke his will to continue playing was when he was at edge of his box controlling the goalie and rolled the ball back into the middle of the box directly at my striker who ran it into the goal. Puber quit so fast the goal didn't even register as a highlight :( Win brought me back to D8!
I played the same guy last night! Worst part is sitting through them dicking around because they wont just quit.


Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
I still suck at this game though. I'm better at scoring, but D still sucks. And so many times my defense is woefully out of position leaving loads of space and I can't figure out why. They like to stand and watch. All are on 10 chem.


Have mercy
I think the key is to find a formation and style of play that takes advantage of the shitty AI defenders and just live with it this year. I'm getting a lot more scoring chances and seeing a lot more space now that I've switched to the 4-1-2-1-2 vs. the 4-3-3 and no longer play like a pace puber. It does suck when a lot of the goals I give up are because I'm playing decent on the ball defense and my off the ball AI defender is standing still watching MUCH better players run by him lol.


Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
Agree, I've had much better luck with the 41212. I still feel like a lot of my players stand around and watch, but maybe that is their work rate?