FIFA 16: Every game is a draw


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Yeah speed has been hilariously nerfed. I did find that Bournemouth can start an all opaque 4-3-3 with sprinters up front and is a 3.5*. Have Distin at the back too with good pace for a CB. But it doesn't matter because they've killed pace. It's actually overdone, in classic EA style.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it seems damn near impossible to run away from anyone regardless of any speed difference between the players.


likes elk steak likes
Utopia Moderator
I had some success against some terribles with Toronto, but the game hasn't won me over yet. Found myself searching for the PES demo, actually...


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Spurs are niiiiiice. It pains me to say it. Kane is deceptively agile. A few guys have given me some space with him and I just blew by them.

Hit the bar with Dier from what was almost 35 out. Fffffuuuu.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Played 2 of my most complete games yet. I'm getting the hang of the ping pongy ball, and am absolutely shredding high pressure idiots. Just beat Dortmong and Mong U back to back. Had the most Spursy game ever for the last game - Dembele natural hat trick from a holding midfield role :england:


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I can't find a game in FUT either half the time. I wonder if they tightened up matchmaking by default?


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Actually there were 25k mongs playing seasons, I think the matching function just blows ass


Well-Known Member
I'm enjoying it and I think I'm starting to adjust to the new game play. I created a midfielder that currently plays with Royal Mouscron-Péruwelz and they won the European International Cup in the preseason. I got a nice letter from the board of directors that mentioned the financial windfall will help build up the team. I haven't recorded any goals or assists but I played okay. I like that the match ratings are much more realistic. It was far too easy to get high ratings last year.

The manager did say he wants to send me out on loan which is kind of strange considering I'm the third or fourth best player on the team and they're projected to finish 14th. I guess I'll see what he comes up with but I would prefer not to go out.

I like that you use the training drills to improve your player instead of just buying improvements from the catalog. One of the problems I had with that was that once you bought one of the skill increases it applied to any subsequently created players too. I prefer to start as an average player and work my way up.


likes elk steak likes
Utopia Moderator
Nice letter, lmao.

In in all seriousness, I am not long for the world with this game. Too stale and reptile in the game modes I play...


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
They've brought back the rubber band scoring stuff, too, which is awesome. Title updated to accurately reflect the nature of most online games.


Well-Known Member
I don't know. After watching more games I think the game plays a little closer to reality. A lot of what I was able to do last year feels like cheese to be honest.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I am so terrible at this version of FIFA by the way. I went 1-4-5 in Division 10 in Ultimate team and missed promotion, lol. Strangely I was doing ok in tournaments, usually getting to the semi finals and losing, but I could not win a fucking seasons game to save my life. I played one of the worst dudes I've ever played before and still lost 1-0 and I had 20 shots to his 1. I can't cross the ball (other than early cross) without hitting it straight to the keeper. I can hold possession alright generally, but when I do give the ball up, usually because of a bad touch, it becomes a quick counter attack. The biggest problem I have is that the CPU interceptions the other team makes are unbelievable. If I pass the ball to a player without using HARD PASS the CPU defense jumps all over it before I can even take control of the guy I intended to pass to and move him toward the pass (if you don't super cancel, he'll just stand there dick in hand waiting).

The most frustrating part, though, is that players manually defending who miss on a tackle or run by your player have like instant recovery and catch back up and maul you before you can take two steps. It is maddening to make a good move to beat an over-aggressive trog and be free on goal, only to have him jersey pull you down from behind 2 steps later. I've literally passed the ball to a striker and done a successful dummy, only to have the defender recover and run BACK around me in the time it takes my striker to take one ham-footed touch.

Nerfed pace is fine and I like the realistic way offensive players can't stop on a dime either (momentum) but that same thing needs to apply to defenders who run themselves out of play as well. Otherwise, there is really no reason not to just run around like an asshole on defense.

Every goal I give up is the variety where I tackle the ball away and then the next offensive player runs into me while my defender takes a poor touch... then the ball bumble fucks into the box and these pubers have quick enough reactions to score on that shit. When I'm on offense and that happens I never even get a shot off because my old man reflexes haven't registered yet :laughing: I think it is about time for this ol' boy to retire to Football Manager.

The dummy is utterly pointless this year, because some dew chugging defender will just race up and intercept it. In typical EA fashion, the midfield interceptions are actually overdone.

And the nerfing of pace makes almost every single offense sluggish. The only thing I've seen even capable of hitting fast was a 2 striker offense using Martial and Depay.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Also, actually drawing a yellow card is nigh impossible. I've seen a few straight reds (even ended a game with 9 guys once) but you can draw 9 fouls in one half without a yellow.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Crosses are utterly useless. I'm on semi-manual crossing and it's still practically impossible to cross to anyone but the keeper. I find myself not even hitting the clear button on defense because I know the keeper will come grab it. Especially true if it's some lanky mong like Lloris or try hard like Howard.


Well-Known Member
I think a target man who can play with his back to goal is helpful for the first time ever. The CB's press so hard when you try to play to your striker(s) that the twinks just get knocked over.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I wish they'd make shielding even more effective. While I agree with what you are saying, even my target men get slaughtered too often by small players.


Well-Known Member
I played a couple FUT matches with some 350 Bundesliga team with Kalou as my striker - he wasn't particularly strong but he held up play well.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
There is a simple answer which is simply that Doumbia is still ABSURD. He dropped to 79 even with the general ratings inflation but he still has 150 speed or whatever and runs by guys like they're walking.

The downside is he's back in Moscow and CSKA are kind of dreadfully mediocre, especially their defenders.

I guess you could use CIV but their defenders are even worse.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
This is another thing they've made worse, penalties. This guy on another forum made a montage to all the penalties he's given up without hitting the tackle button. Has definitely happened to me a few times.



pressure cooker full of skittles
Hmmm, had half an inkling to get into this, but the demo ctd's every time I start it. GJGE, EA. I didn't know games still did that.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Even console version has a disconnect glitch. It happens in the 66th minute all the time.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Yeah, but it isn't like 90% of the time which is apparently how PC is, lol. Reddit PC users super fired up, but since they are redditors I just lol.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I FINALLY WON A GAME!!!! I went back and did my goal challenge against the CPU to remember how to fucking shoot and it really helped. I beat some terrible player 5-0 but I don't even care if he was terrible, I won and I scored goals. I had been losing to people far worse than him.

I thank my boy KRASI for teaching me this move @kella it doesn't always work because I still kind of suck at the timing, but it does give a FAST change of direction, which is really what I've been looking for. Most people are aware of the fake shot and other cutback manuevers to the point that while they might be somewhat effective to beat the first man, they are slow enough that most people can bring a second defender to block a shot. With this move, you exit the animation faster and can actually cause some havoc. I actually scored 3 goals using this technique (2 of them were slop rebounds when the keeper saved my limp dick shots, but still I was getting into good spots!). Anyway, it was really nice because this is the first time I've panicked a player into that "constant dive in" mode

Here is the clean goal using the move:

Here is one of the slop goals (the other was basically the same, but a defender blocked the first shot). This guy has low pace/dribbling stats so it doesn't look as nice as the first dude who is a little quicker on the ball, but I still had this trog falling all over hisself.

Then this goal, because when it rains it pours. I fuck up the in the box pass and overcook the pass so it goes to the wrong guy. Instead of just clearing the ball, this dude decides to try to pass it forward and the over powered interceptions benefit me. Then I HIT AND HOPE @chibob. I swear I've hit the crossbar with long shots 100 times in online games this season but this is the first that has gone in.



Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Wow that guy was bad :laughing: I can't even get a game with someone that bad. I think EA finally built in some kind of seasons memory to this year's version, because I haven't played anyone nearly that bad. I was getting challenged from game 1. It's possible that I just suck a lot more this year, but occam's razor, EA just fixed the early release matchups to match people based on FIFA level or something rather than just on team rating and seasons stars.

I also got that trick to work once, but I kept panicking and hitting the wrong buttons the other times.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Well my record is 2-5-7 so far, so I hope the matchmaking engine starts giving me some more idiots, lol, because apparently I'm bad too. Like all things, highlights will make someone look better/worse than they are over the full game. He was a high pressure dummy and dove in way too much, but he wasn't as bad as some people I've lost to :(

I literally lost to a guy who got half midfield like twice and scored on his only shot (a corner) and I couldn't score a goal to save my life.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I had to dick around with it for a while, but it is easier than I expected once I kind of got the timing down. It is kind of like a stutter step and then sprint in a new direction. The timing key is to press L-stick and sprint just as you are about to touch the ball on your next dribble. If you press it too early, you'll get that slow change of direction.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
The insanely high pressure is even worse now with the aggressive interceptions. Everybody I play has manually gone into Instructions and set all of their players to press as high as possible, but since the counter is so much weaker this year I usually don't have any wingers in place to exploit it.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I'd pay for PES if it offered a more realistic experience, even if we could only really manage to play friendlies.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
gave up another penalty because jogging next to a guy who ran into me while shooting

I don't want to go all Rhombic on this, but this may be the worst version of the game yet


Well-Known Member
I got a second yellow on an attempted standing tackle that should have been a free kick at worst.

I also saw an own goal by my goalie that I haven't seen before. He dove to block a shot but it ricocheted off his foot and dribbled across the line.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I like this juxtaposition.... Even the CPU getting in on the dirty play...

I dive to block a shot, CPU player trips over you and then some PHYZIKKKKZZZZZ happens. Penalty (hit straight at the keeper, lol)

Later in the game. Clean break away, CPU defender slides tackles from straight behind to stop clean breakaway...... Yellow Card? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

If I ever give up a breakaway like that I'm just pulling the player down. I can live with a yellow card.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
The worst is when the only contact between you and the defender is him shooting, i.e., kicking you in the knee, and he falls over and they call a penalty.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
One thing we talked about last night WRT to fouling is that it would be interesting if they turned the yellow cards WAY up in Seasons and Pro Clubs mode so that fouling was actually more punitive. Something like 3/4 of all fouls being yellow cards would actually make people play more realistically - only taking fouls they really need to, or complete accidents, rather than the hack fest it is now since fouling is beneficial almost every time.

I think I'd rather have that over the "realistic" card distribution.