gooksta cub thread. Here cause nobody else gives a fuck


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Utopia Moderator
What is a party if it doesn’t really rock? What is poet? All balls, no cock


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
It would be sweet if they promised not to bust em and then busted the cheaters anyway!

Like in high school when ma’mom hit ma’sister and I with the “you’re not in trouble if you come clean, I just want to know which one of you drank the bourbon” prisoners dilemma...

Still proud of us for breaking game theory and facing the punishment for not snitching (turns out we both drank it!).


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
83mph? Half the crowd would at least put that in play

GR8 2 B FL G8R

Well-Known Member
Up 3-0 on the Yankees

And they really are gonna trade Bellinger at the deadline? I mean he's on a 1 yr deal, so I understand getting a haul for one of the best hitters at the deadline. But we ain't out of the running, just bout 6 gms below 500, probably 5 after beating the Yanks tonight.