2020: Week 13 Thread - Caravan


Well-Known Member
Yeah the caravan is on its way
I can hear the merry gypsies play
Mama mama look at Emma Rose
She's a-playin with the radio
La, la, la, la, la, la, la

We're hitting our stride now into Thanksgiving week. No Feast Week on the hardwood, but CBB still gets its season underway. GAMEDAY is heading to Tuscaloosa for the Iron BOWL. Other rivalry games across the country include THE BIG GAME, EGG BOWL, CIVIL WAR, and more... Hope everyone has a safe holiday and make the best of it. Cheers, my bros..

Notable matchups:
#15 Iowa State at #20 Texas - 9:00 AM PT, ABC (Friday)
#2 Notre Dame #25 North Carolina - 12:30 PT, ABC (Friday)
#9 Oregon at Oregon State - 4:00 PT, ESPN (Friday)
#3 Ohio State at Illinois - 9:00 AM PT, FS1
Kentucky at #6 Florida - 9:00 AM PT, ESPN
#14 Oklahoma at West Virginia - TBA
#22 Auburn at #1 Alabama -12:30 PT, CBS
#7 Cincinatti at Temple - TBA









Resident Mormon
BYU ducking the HUSKIES!??

Have you seen the requirements the PAC has put on these OOC games? BYU could agree to every single stipulation and still be told Thursday night "Never mind." I don't think the PAC will play any OOC games this year.

Plus, BYU probably isn't going to be in the CFP (I don't think they are one of the 4 best teams this year). And not much need to risk missing out on a NY6 bowl since those may end up being the only bowls that actually get played. I can see laughing at BYU for not taking that and other games. But I can also see why the administration would say no to that specific game as well.


I ain't got friends, I got FamILLy
Yeah it's honestly pretty rude and pointless for the PAC-12 to throw their muscle around here. It's doesn't really make them look any stronger and definitely doesn't benefit anyone. Either push the OOC game through or don't. That being said BYU has been hella fun to watch this year.

Other than that I'm just hoping that that Illini can stop OSU from covering.


Well-Known Member
Have you seen the requirements the PAC has put on these OOC games? BYU could agree to every single stipulation and still be told Thursday night "Never mind." I don't think the PAC will play any OOC games this year.

Plus, BYU probably isn't going to be in the CFP (I don't think they are one of the 4 best teams this year). And not much need to risk missing out on a NY6 bowl since those may end up being the only bowls that actually get played. I can see laughing at BYU for not taking that and other games. But I can also see why the administration would say no to that specific game as well.

Sounds like excuses to me..


Well-Known Member
BYU acts all big and bad. Anywhere anytime mantra like Clubber Lang in Rocky III. Then actually get put up to the test against a P5 with actually a chance to help their playoff hopes then spew nonsense. No wonder no conferences want ya.

Dr. Shats Basoon

Closed mouths don't get fed
Nebraska bad . QB bad, RB bad, Defense Bad. Coaches bad. Fans? unequivocally the worst. e'ry body real bad.

Hopefully we get this game against Iowa on Friday over before everyone wakes up from their food comas/Thanksgiving hangovers.


I ain't got friends, I got FamILLy
Nebraska bad . QB bad, RB bad, Defense Bad. Coaches bad. Fans? unequivocally the worst. e'ry body real bad.

Hopefully we get this game against Iowa on Friday over before everyone wakes up from their food comas/Thanksgiving hangovers.

Inb4 Frost says "it starts with me."

As a Bears fan having to deal with Nagy I kinda get it. I mean even Lovie is like this and it's incredibly hollow and just honestly worse than saying nothing. If they could fix it they wouldn't say anything about it. I mean Lovie just made himself DC, and then the defense wasn't any better!


Resident Mormon
I find it funny that the PAC-12 leadership (the worst in the country) says "We allow non-conference games" and then adds a bunch of rules that basically mean they don't really allow them. But everyone acts like BYU is the ones making excuses. So the PAC is allowed to make rules that benefit their teams, but if other teams want to do things that benefit themselves then they're making excuses?

I never said the PAC was wrong to make the rules they did. You want to make yourselves look as good as possible. Makes sense. But I think other teams not wanting to cowtow to those same rules also makes sense. The worst part is BYU's QB wearing his headband that the school's AD has basically said is not the case. That definitely makes the team look bad.

I guess I'm the only one that can see both sides of the situation.


Resident Mormon
Actually, I think I owe the PAC-12 an apology. I said they had the worst leadership in the country. In reality, they demanded BYU commit to a game that they, themselves, won't commit to (hence the ability to back out by Thursday night) and they did so while making BYU look like they are the ones that won't commit. That's actually pretty impressive.

Rumblings I'm hearing are that BYU was trying to move around some games to get a game that both sides could commit to (so not a PAC-12 team). So they wouldn't commit to Washington because they already have other plans in the works. If those don't pan out, then they come out looking like they ran from a challenge. if it does pan out, we'll see what the new game is to see what others think of the move. I still think they'll get a NY6 bowl and that will give them a game to either prove how good they are or allow everyone to be happy when they prove they didn't belong in the first place.

I did get frustrated by @bruin's comment, but I didn't get mad. And I got over it pretty quickly. And @Brick doing his schtick is whatever (his comment makes no sense if you think about it; he usually does a better job with his mockery of BYU). Yes, I support my team in a year they are playing really well. Shocking, I know. How dare I. But I've also been very open that I don't think they are CFP worthy but do deserve a NY6 bowl. If they make it and win, then I get to feel good that we had a great team that was able to make it through independence in a pandemic. If they lose, then I get to feel like the season was a sham and everyone gets to rub it in m'face. It will all work out, one way or another.