2021-22 Corches' Terrible HaSHtaGS Thread


Disney and Curling Expert
If Penn State lets Franklin go does anyone else think it will go down as one of the dumbest decisions ever?

I honestly do.

He’s got a top five class of CROOTS coming in to ruin with shitty play calling. How many of them bail if PSU gets rid of him?


aka spiker or DeadMong
If Penn State lets Franklin go does anyone else think it will go down as one of the dumbest decisions ever?

I honestly do.

Hard to say. Franklin is an awful gameday coach. He's good for multiple baffling decisions per game. His players also don't really develop that much under him, hence why their OL is still hot garbage after all the time Franklin has been there. That said, he is a good recruiter, and seems to have a decent eye for coordinator talent.

I do wonder what his reputation would be like without the Big Ten title. That was a huge fluke. They got really lucky to beat OSU that year, and got destroyed by Michigan 49-10. That team was pretty good and entertaining to watch, but there was some smoke and mirrors with them.

I'm not sure that a better coach than Franklin out there for PSU, especially considering the other openings right now. But he's definitely not a great coach, and probably the 3rd or 4th best coach in the division right now.


Disney and Curling Expert
Hard to say. Franklin is an awful gameday coach. He's good for multiple baffling decisions per game. His players also don't really develop that much under him, hence why their OL is still hot garbage after all the time Franklin has been there. That said, he is a good recruiter, and seems to have a decent eye for coordinator talent.

I do wonder what his reputation would be like without the Big Ten title. That was a huge fluke. They got really lucky to beat OSU that year, and got destroyed by Michigan 49-10. That team was pretty good and entertaining to watch, but there was some smoke and mirrors with them.

I'm not sure that a better coach than Franklin out there for PSU, especially considering the other openings right now. But he's definitely not a great coach, and probably the 3rd or 4th best coach in the division right now.

The best breakdown of last weeks Michigan Penn State I heard was: “James Franklin made James Franklin play calls as his team found a way to only lose by four.”


aka spiker or DeadMong
He actually did pretty well in the game with decisions, except for calling for a fake FG from the 2 (!), which almost turned into a touchdown going the other way. The fake punt was pretty dumb, too, but it worked. He made the right call on a lot of 4th downs, which is annoying because he normally sucks at that.


Disney and Curling Expert
The fake field goal was such a bad idea coming so soon after the fake punt where the punter had to go to the third read to convert. You know the opposition is going to be high fake alert on the fake field goal. Save it for later in the game if need it. Also, it’s from the fucking two yard line, if you are going to go for it, put the offense out there.


Well-Known Member
Hard to say. Franklin is an awful gameday coach. He's good for multiple baffling decisions per game. His players also don't really develop that much under him, hence why their OL is still hot garbage after all the time Franklin has been there. That said, he is a good recruiter, and seems to have a decent eye for coordinator talent.

I do wonder what his reputation would be like without the Big Ten title. That was a huge fluke. They got really lucky to beat OSU that year, and got destroyed by Michigan 49-10. That team was pretty good and entertaining to watch, but there was some smoke and mirrors with them.

I'm not sure that a better coach than Franklin out there for PSU, especially considering the other openings right now. But he's definitely not a great coach, and probably the 3rd or 4th best coach in the division right now.

That first line in regards to what you said reminds me of what Christian Hackenburg said about him several years ago at the NFL Draft that got basically got him Persona Non Grata. After Bill O'Brien had left, he did say Franklin was a bad coach & he doesn't develop players. Their offensive line has always been a problem with Franklin there, not saying it's his fault but it's these coaches that he hires. Also if you looked at Hackenburg's final season with PSU, you can tell by his body language that he didn't like Franklin at all. He would screw up easy plays, stayed in the pocket too long & went into business for himself too much. For him to say that he hated Franklin, he won with him & for him to try to damage Franklin's credibility, this dumb ass ended up destroying his own


Utopia Moderator
That and Ole Miss is bottom 1/3 of SEC jerbs, Miami > Oxford, MS and don't have to compete in the fucking SEC west which is insane.

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Lane even has a QB down here, he can waltz right in and light the ACC on fire. It makes way too much sense for dumbo Miami to make this move.


Utopia Moderator
MESH POINT could create generational wealth with a move to Florida, why not? He can always go back to wake after. If that shoe wasn't thrown I doubt Mullen even gets fired. Next corch just needs to tell his guys not to throw shoes.


sun of nothing
my CHILDHOOD FLORIDA friends have been loudly SOCIAL'ing about how its time for Mullen to go

"I just don’t even know what to think or feel anymore about the Gators… Mullen continues to play not to lose and, as my brother astutely wrote, it whittles his margin of error to zero. And this year’s team makes errors. Mullen HAS to know this, right?
I am simultaneously eager to move on and also so, so bummed. Whomever comes next has some serious work to do. Mullen succeeded early because his predecessors were good recruiters. He is not. There are great players (like the QB he didn’t even play for a single down), but we are so thin and weak at critical positions.
I will always be proud to be a Gator, but this fall from last year’s LSU game to today continues to be just incomprehensible…"

