2022: The Offseason Thread - The Breakup Song

Karl Hungus

Here to fix the cable

HONOLULU – The Brennan family would like to invite friends, family and University of Hawai'i (UH) football fans to join them in celebrating the life of former UH quarterback Colt Brennan, who passed away last May. A brief ceremony will be held on Waikiki Beach in front of Duke's Restaurant on Sunday, March 20 starting at 8 a.m. The event will immediately be followed by a paddle out ceremony, where family will spread Brennan's ashes.

"We were really overwhelmed by the love and support we received from everyone in Hawai'i when Colt passed away, and it's only appropriate that we celebrate him in a place that he truly loved and considered home," said Colt's father Terry Brennan. "We're so grateful to everyone in Hawai'i and are glad we can finally lay Colt to rest among those that really loved and embraced him."

The brief, 30-minute, pre-paddle out ceremony will include greetings by Kimo Kahoano, eulogies by former UH Coach June Jones, UH Coach Timmy Chang and a family member, a Hawaiian blessing by Kahu Kordell Kekoa. Following the ceremony, attendees may bring and paddle out in canoe, kayaks, surfboards, longboards, boogie boards, etc., straight out from Duke's Restaurant at the Outrigger Waikiki Beach, where a brief blessing will be held on the beach, before spreading Brennan's ashes in the ocean.


Disney and Curling Expert


I ain't got friends, I got FamILLy
This dude is gonna esplode hisself if HARD NOSED PRESS CONFERENCE CHAMP COACH beats his old employer week 1.


Well-Known Member

(Comment section here is lively.)

WOW Cal playing Notre Dame for the 1st time since 1967 with the latter being 4-0 all time vs Cal. Funny thing, in my NCAA 2010 Road To Glory, I would end up being the head coach for Cal & would schedule a 4 game home & home series with the Irish