Southpaw Gon' Look Are you from PD looking for evidence on @brick, sir? The Miami Hurricanes Thread aka Baseless Rumors Corner


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
@Brick thinks Miami sucks = he raped someone.

Totally rational, very stable genius TAEK



Utopia Moderator
Well surely you understand why everyone is a little confused. How long have you been holding onto this information? You suddenly decide to out with it now after a bad loss? You keep saying it has nothing to do with Miami sucking, but you are the one who decided to drop this nugget in connection to the loss. You even mentioned it in the same sentence.

I mean whatever. If you don't want to give more details that's fine, but it just seems stupid and petty af the way it is now.


Well-Known Member
not gonna engage with this at all other than to say

i have never raped anyone
lol at the notion of me and mak, best buddies forever, having a "between me and him" convo where i admit to a felony


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
"I accused someone of rape with no evidence, seemingly out of rage over my shitty football team losing a game, to a board full of people that have known them for years and then refused to elaborate on it but it's not that public a message board so really, it's fine"



pressure cooker full of skittles
"seemingly out of rage over my shitty football team losing a game "

This is the part that's funny to me. I was posting about our shitty football team long before that. What does that have to do with anything? Everyone in here is posting about Miami being shitty. What difference does that make?

Mame YO

slings rocks
"seemingly out of rage over my shitty football team losing a game "

This is the part that's funny to me. I was posting about our shitty football team long before that. What does that have to do with anything? Everyone in here is posting about Miami being shitty. What difference does that make?

how many balls did the receivers drop this week?
I've had brick on ignore since he copped to raping that girl but I bet he's having a good time


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
You posted it in your shitty football team thread, I wonder why anyone would think it has to do with your shitty football team. How a bit confused are you?

Can't wait to accuse a Utopian of a felony while also talking to HERMANO @bruin about UCLA's loss to Oregon State or something


pressure cooker full of skittles
Well that felon isn't constantly in that thread chirping at you, I guess. If he was that'd be a good place to put it.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
If someone on here confessed a heinous felony to me, I wouldn't just throw them on ignore (and then take them off ignore to read their annoying to me comments about my football team?)

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
This is April Fools or a glitched sim, you don't get lawyers accusing people of violent felonies on public message boards and then saying IT'S BETWEEN ME AND HISSELF and other lawyers encouraging blog-style news documentation of felony accusations in a real sim. Please rerun the sim @OSICK @ATLAS

16 / 16 / 16 / 16


Naz Reid
If someone confessed a rape to me on here, I would contact the appropriate authorities and post my evidence so everyone here knew not to associate with a rapist. Not just put them in the same category as Hachiko
Lmao seriously, Brick has posted his full name/location/picture on here, if you have even circumstantial evidence and didn't do anything, that's extremely fucked up