Makin' it rain: Las Vegas Pacmen


Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.


Hot Girl Summer
I stand with Gooksta, the city of Istanbul took out a whole holo-page in the e-news honoring and thanking him for helping win a title. He's got two rings, One is just made of Turkish nanometals as is tradition.


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi

MIA Asst Gooksta Fired

After failing to show up at the Wynn offices of the Las Vegas Pac Men for 75 days, GM doh called for a press conference at the Trump Hotel just up the Vegas strip. When onlookers and media showed it, Doh was no where to be found and the crowd was in the shock...

Found at a Binions poker table, @Gooksta had a brief comment: 'lulz'.

Rumored names for the next Pac Man asst GM include @Bdub @Reel @zachmills however GM doh may just keep it vacant after the no show from Gooksta.


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
So I think this was the 2044 or 2045 years... here's how it breaks down for my playoff roster:

Where players "spawned"
Auto IFAs - 8
Big IFA bonus - 2
Small IFA bonus (under $1m) - 2
1st Round picks - 6
Lower than 1st round - 6
UDFA - 1

How I acquired players
Free Agent - 3
MLFA - 0
UDFA - 0
Draft - 3
Trade - 16
IFA - 3

4 of my 6 homegrown were pitchers (Colon, Mah, Weaver, Romero)

I've reacquired Farid (1st round pick) and Bogers ($55k IFA) who are two of the better players I've drafted or signed via IFA.
So I think I've gone more homegrown since my reboot a few years ago... let's see how it is now:

Where players "spawned"
Auto IFAs - 3
Big IFA bonus - 6
Small IFA bonus (under $1m) - 3
1st Round picks - 3
Lower than 1st round - 6
International Pro FA- 4

How I acquired players
Free Agent - 9

1st Rd- 2
Non-1st Rd- 3
Trade - 6
IFA - 5


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
For this team interested to see where players came from/how I got them

Where players "spawned"
Auto IFAs - 3
Big IFA bonus - 7
Small IFA bonus (under $1m) - 0
1st Round picks - 8
Lower than 1st round - 6
International Pro FA- 0
Indy FA- 3

How I acquired players
Free Agent - 3
MLFA - 1
1st Rd- 3
Non-1st Rd- 3
Trade - 9
IFA - 7


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
Doh’s Rule for Contracts

I’ve PM’d with a few owners about this and think it’s an interesting topic. My basic thinking is in line with Bill Bellichick. I’d rather lose a good player a year too early than hold onto a guy a year too long. I have some fairly strict contact rules I’ve given myself from experience.

— Never more than 5 years.

I didn’t follow this with the Gale and Tamburrino extensions and it’s killed me. Unless you have a superstar under the age of 26, I think there’s a giant risk in giving very long deals to guys especially starting pitchers.

— No to Player Options/Opt Outs

I don’t like having a guy where he has the power. I try to avoid at all costs and only have given a few POs in my years as a GM.

— Yes to Team Options

A 4 (or better 3) year deal with a TO for another year is my ideal deal for most star players. I like having a TO to cover my ass if the guy goes to hell health or ratings wise. It also allows you to extend a guy a year earlier if you want to.

— Non-Tender Non-Elite

In this current FA market, you can get guys back way cheaper if they’re not an elite talent and they’re asking for a lot in arbitration. I’d rather just let guys walk and buy them, or similar, players back at a cheaper rate. The market is so flooded with players that it’s just not worth it to pay millions for average talent.

— Let them go

If it’s an average or slightly above average player, I’d rather not extend them vs. have to give guaranteed money. I’m very OK with letting guys walk in FA especially older players who are platoon or solid starters.

— Careful with SPs

SPs can fall off a cliff. Especially those who have thrown a ton of innings. They are hard to find and cost a premium but I’ve seen way too many SPs with huge contracts who couldn’t pitch anymore and still due tens of millions.

— Flexibility vs. Savings

My opinion has always been I’d rather have flexibility long term against maybe saving on someone buying out arb. I’ve had players go into the shitter during their arb years and wish I just could non-tender them vs. the deals I signed that I thought would save money. I have been burned by having to pay extra not extending early, but my opinion is that’s OK because if you pay a lot for top talent, it’s worth it.

— Never extend until last year of contract

I broke this for Kang and it may kill me. I don’t think there’s a reason to extend most players until they are in their last contract year especially once they hit 30.


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
Never said there was one wrong. Just how I run my org.

I'm interested to see how this years team does down the stretch and how we do in the future. Right now I have actually a good amount of solid WBL younger players in my system or just entering my WBL team. But other than Galvan, I lack any star power. Lo Rod is 29 but starting to slip a little. Tamburrino has had a nice year since moving to LF but is very good not a star. Vreke I hope can work out at 3rd but I fear he can only play DH/1B (which are tied up).

Pitching wise I expected a decent year from Carlier and am getting it. Salas has taken a step back while Kang/Mordisini are starting to look old. Lexington Steele has been solid again this year. I'm interested in how he will age. He has basically no innings because he came from Indy ball and I'm wondering if the game treats those guys different because they don't have the data of innings pitched. I do think this five is what I'll have to roll with next year as well.

Bullpen wise I'm very happy I ended up getting Zhang. He seems like he will be a premium arm. I'm probably going to lose Katulsky and Castillo who have been dynamite plus Can Son is 35. Dymond has been a huge bust. So it looks like going into this off-season, I'm going to have to rebuild the pen. A move from the rotation for Kang may be a partial solution but that's an expensive RP.

One of the biggest challenges right now for me is to try to keep my "legacy" guys but not kill my budget to do so.


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
Just trade with me more we haven't had a trade not be win-win for the past 9 seasons
Yeah I've actually made a lot of win-win trades... the De Beun trade with Tony Montana helped me win two ships but he has two absolute studs out of it. The Efran trade was good for both of us. The original Kark (and second too).


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
Alright so I haven't updated this in 3.5 years but was curious how I acquired my 26-man SHIP roster...

Where players "spawned"
Auto IFAs - 5
Big IFA bonus - 6
Small IFA bonus (under $1m) - 0
1st Round picks - 5
Lower than 1st round - 6
International Pro FA- 3
Indy FA- 1

How I acquired players
Free Agent - 4
MLFA - 5
1st Rd- 5
Non-1st Rd- 3
Trade - 4
IFA - 5