NCAA Basketball And Clownzano Twitter Aggregation Thread


Naz Reid
At the HAHHVAHDDD basketball game 2night. Guy behind me is a HAHHVAHHDD grad at the game with his sons KELLEN and JAYDEN.

He won't shut the fuck up about how he is CLOSE PERSONAL FRIENDS with FRAN FRASCHILLA and how he takes IVERMECTIN daily because his HAHHHVAHDD educated doctor friends tells him to!

He also has compared every white player to Dave Cowens. I wish I was kidding about any of this


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
somewhat surprised the Art U(niforms) don't include jeans


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
They are pretty good, not like nashnul shampship contenders or anything, but definitely will make the tournament and could win the Mountain West. Roddy is a gun player.

"not like nashnul shampionship contenders"

I think you misunderstood what I was asking. By "good" I meant losing in the first round of the tourney but at least being slightly competitive! My greatest CSU basketball memory ever was back in aught'3 when they had a big ass 7 foot foreign dude named MATT. I think they briefly held a lead against DUKE in the second half before losing by a respectable amount of like 10-15


Well-Known Member
i see jerry stackhouse is VANDY CORCH. lmao at UNC promoting hubert davis instead of poaching STACK. davis always seemed like he lacked brain cells when he was at ESPN with TRILL.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
LOYAL FANS is complete garbage. Stack pwns