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2015/16 NBA Season Thread


Well-Known Member
"Ive spoken to people close to ____________ , and they all say ____________. My family knows his family, and the brotha can ball."

-Stephen A Smith about anything that has to do with a good player


Unless he takes a pay cut, which is highly unlikely.

I don't see him doing that for the fucking Clippers, haha.

Saw on the Twitter machine (SOURCES) that it's 90% he signs with OKC unless another team pulls a miracle. It makes sense competitively and financially, although there's also talk that he may sign a five-year contract instead just so he doesn't have to do this again for a while. That would also save rhubarb some money.


Well-Known Member
How would thunder fans feel if it went KD for the Grifster?

Clips got no shot of nabbing that fool KD but if they did it would be the best team to use in 2k


pressure cooker full of skittles
Dead serious: I would stop cheering for the Thudner.

The combination of all his bullshit and the incessant OU homerism and worship he would enjoy, I couldn't take it. I'd sit next year out and become a fan of whatever team RUSS is on in 2018.

GR8 2 B FL G8R

Well-Known Member
If RUSS goes to the Kkklipz, would they part with CP3

If Isaiah Thomas taught us anything during his time with the NYK, you cant build a team out of 5 pgs. Dude had Starbury, Stevie Franchise, Nate Robinson, all at the same time


Well-Known Member
Lakers are giving Mozgov 4 for 64?


GR8 2 B FL G8R

Well-Known Member
Waids should just retire

Have some fuckin dignity

Instead, he's gonna take less money like it's some favor for da team. Fuck that. He has been washed up since Lebron's second season on the Heat.


Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
I wouldn't mind Waids backing up Kyrie during the regular season at all and playing 20ish minutes a game. Especially since they will probably not match Delly if and when someone overpays him.


Well-Known Member
Unless Waids takes literally the absolute minimum the Cavs cannot afford to sign him. The Cavs are ALMOST at the luxury tax with just 9 players right now.


Well-Known Member
After spending an embarrassing amount of time thinking about it (i.e., more than two minutes), I believe I understand why the Lakers gave Mozgov $64 million dollars. The Lakers are actually going to struggle to reach the new salary floor.

The new salary floor for the 2016-2017 season is estimated to be about $85 million. Currently the Lakers have just under $25 million tied up and so have to add $60 million this season alone just to reach the new floor.


Desensitized and Willing
My token black friend is an ERRRZZZZ fan and his lame defense for the Mozgov deal is mind bottling. Taking homerism to another level.


Mod Alumni
After spending an embarrassing amount of time thinking about it (i.e., more than two minutes), I believe I understand why the Lakers gave Mozgov $64 million dollars. The Lakers are actually going to struggle to reach the new salary floor.

The new salary floor for the 2016-2017 season is estimated to be about $85 million. Currently the Lakers have just under $25 million tied up and so have to add $60 million this season alone just to reach the new floor.
Then why give him 4 years?


Well-Known Member
Because there is going to be a slightly higher salary floor in years 2-4 of the deal and the Lakers committed salary for those years is even less than what it is for this year.


Well-Known Member
My token black friend is an ERRRZZZZ fan and his lame defense for the Mozgov deal is mind bottling. Taking homerism to another level.

My token black friend thinks he's better than Hibbert because he has good hands and can run. I was like those are two things he definitively cannot do whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
I like how Atlanta sports writers get excited every year about the possibility of Kevin Durant/Chris Paul/Dwight Howard coming to town.

Although Dwight might consider it this year, but I'd take Horford over him at this point and he's cheaper.


Naz Reid
I heard a stat on the radio that Hibbert was 76 out of 76 for centers last year in plus/minus. Mozgov? He was 75th :laughing::laughing:

Not to mention, Mozgov played for the NBA champions and Hibbert played for the fucking Lakers lol


Mod Alumni
Because there is going to be a slightly higher salary floor in years 2-4 of the deal and the Lakers committed salary for those years is even less than what it is for this year.
Yeah? And isn't that when the lakers want to have the money free for actual big name free agents?


Well-Known Member
Yeah? And isn't that when the lakers want to have the money free for actual big name free agents?

As it stand now, the Lakers have about $45 million to spend in each year for the next 4 years just to reach the salary floor.

Salary cap space is not the issue with the Lakers and the big name free agents.

PS - I am not saying that the Mozgov signing is a good move. I am just pointing out the possible rationale behind the signing under the new salary cap.
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THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
Better off scouring the D-League/Overseas/trying out some UDFA for the next Whiteside than giving Mosgov tons of money.


Well-Known Member
There's literally no such thing as overpaying a guy in the NBA anymore the 85-90 million salary floor split amongst 13 players assures that. I think 7 teams hit the salary floor last year which basically guarantees every mediocre to bad free agent making oodles of cash. My advice: find the tallest woman you can find, bust a nut, fill the kid up with milk and hope to God he becomes 7 feet tall. Ride his coattails as your 401(k).

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Well-Known Member
Super athletic burnout

That shit is real. It happened to me in T&F

I also did a thesis on it in graduate school


Well-Known Member
There's literally no such thing as overpaying a guy in the NBA anymore the 85-90 million salary floor split amongst 13 players assures that. I think 7 teams hit the salary floor last year which basically guarantees every mediocre to bad free agent making oodles of cash. My advice: find the tallest woman you can find, bust a nut, fill the kid up with milk and hope to God he becomes 7 feet tall. Ride his coattails as your 401(k).


@MiamiU26 knows a lot of things about tall wo(ah)men.


Mod Alumni
As it stand now, the Lakers have about $45 million to spend in each year for the next 4 years just to reach the salary floor.

Salary cap space is not the issue with the Lakers and the big name free agents.

PS - I am not saying that the Mozgov signing is a good move. I am just pointing out the possible rationale behind the signing under the new salary cap.
Aren't max stars going to be getting in the 30-40 mil range? Seems like 2-3 star contracts are going to fill up if you're a big market team.