NCAA Basketball And Clownzano Twitter Aggregation Thread


Well-Known Member
Oregon could be dominant next year if everyone comes back. Dorsey and Brooks could probably both improve their stock marginally by coming back. Neither is anything close to a lottery player. Bell really made a name for himself the last few weeks, but since he isn't two inches taller he gets the NASHNUL QB treatment for sure. Will be interesting to see what happens. I'm hoping at least one stays.


Utopia Moderator
Oregon could be dominant next year if everyone comes back. Dorsey and Brooks could probably both improve their stock marginally by coming back. Neither is anything close to a lottery player. Bell really made a name for himself the last few weeks, but since he isn't two inches taller he gets the NASHNUL QB treatment for sure. Will be interesting to see what happens. I'm hoping at least one stays.
bell is voted most likely to follow the draymond model and get drafted early-mid 2nd and play way above that


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
That's what I'm saying. If someone has "God-given ability" then by extension/extrapolation God intervened in the outcome did He/She not? If it's just a latent/natural skill that was refined and improved through repetition and practice, then by extension that made an impression on the game, right?

My point is it's all nonsense and sports are gay.

Why would a benevolent God give SOME people innate abilities, and other people are Lloyd Carr?


Desensitized and Willing
Yeah Patrick Ewing could possibly a mirror of Sidney Lowe at State. Player from the glory days, assistant on an NBA team with no college coaching experience. Could be a disaster


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Refs are going to legislate Gonzaga out of this

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Mod Alumni
anybody know the story behind why Joe Barry II dropped his dad Joe Barry Carroll's last name? He took the first two names? Dispute with the mother and father in which Joe Barry took the mother' side and this is a F-U to famous father? I don't get it.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Lmaooo that banked 3

Another fucking stupid foul


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Look at the sheer girth of the bigs in this game. Of course they are going to bump. For fucks sake it's not a bunch of swingmen hacking each other. It's big bodies colliding which is a beautiful thing


Well-Known Member
This game just proves how shitty college ball is now. Between the refs and the overall lack of polished talent...its a terrible product. Ive switched to an NBA person...the product is just so much better than the ncaa...all the way around


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
anybody know the story behind why Joe Barry II dropped his dad Joe Barry Carroll's last name? He took the first two names? Dispute with the mother and father in which Joe Barry took the mother' side and this is a F-U to famous father? I don't get it.
His father is actually Chuck Berry