2022 Season: Week 9 Thread - Don't Fear the Reaper

Mame YO

slings rocks
I mean, that’s still pretty unlikely as it seems like he would be saying Oregon loses 2 of 3 between Washington, Utah, Oregon state. That’s quite the slide!


Well-Known Member
they peaked already. defense is trash. gonna lose one and then lose the shampship game. people forgetting they needed a miracle to beat wazzu? wazzu looks awful right now.

Mame YO

slings rocks
Wazzu was also the exact team that was able to expose their HUGE, GAPING weakness (passing defense) and capitalize on it… and they ended up losing by 2 possessions when you remove the garbage time TD in the final moments of the game (literally 1 second was remaining when they got that td).

idk man if anything I feel better about the duck defense after the ucla game. I can definitely see them losing another game this season (say, the pac12 shampionship) but they won’t go into bowl season with 3 losses barring a Dennis Dixon style injury.


Well-Known Member
i forgot you said people were hyping up usc because of travis dye. you form strong opinions based on hasty research about everything. i know more than you.

Mame YO

slings rocks
hasty research? I was saying for like 2-3 weeks before the UCLA game that the ducks had a problem with their pass defense. Don't make me post reciepts!

the travis dye comment was always more about me being sad to see him leave da progrum than anything. I stand by my USC IS ALWAYS BACK BABBY criticism for other reasons which I've already stated.

Mame YO

slings rocks
I also want to take the opportunity to reiterate that I don’t think Oregon is a national shampionship team. They aren’t world beaters. They are likely the best team in the pac12. I still think you’ll impressions are largely based on that week 1 loss to Georgia and that’s fine, and obviously schtick plays a factor with the Oregon hating too - but they have a good team. You seem desperate to trash them which seems weird.


Well-Known Member
Who won the game? Who scored 29 in the fourth quarter? Good teams sometimes find themselves in this situation in college footbaw lol. It happens every season.
you turned a 99.9% chance of losing on a 4th and game conversion and a team trailing the entire game until 1:21 left into WOULDA BEEN A BIGGER BLOWOUT IF NOT FOR THE GARBAGE TIME TD. gtfo

Mame YO

slings rocks
you turned a 99.9% chance of losing on a 4th and game conversion and a team trailing the entire game until 1:21 left into WOULDA BEEN A BIGGER BLOWOUT IF NOT FOR THE GARBAGE TIME TD. gtfo
How many times per season does a top 10ish team come back on a lesser opponent and win a game they probably should’ve lost? Don’t make me post receipts on this, I’m lazy and we both know it happens all the time.

my point, again, isn’t that Oregon is a world beater this season. You’ll keep trying to paint my position as unreasonable homer territory and I’ve never held that position. It’s that you’re just strangely eager to shit on Oregon despite the fact that every season in college footbaw similar situations play out. They’re a good team.


Well-Known Member
How many times per season does a top 10ish team come back on a lesser opponent and win a game they probably should’ve lost? Don’t make me post receipts on this, I’m lazy and we both know it happens all the time.
i didnt say anything about this

Mame YO

slings rocks
i didnt say anything about this
Your argument is that Oregon almost lost to wazzu and they lost to Georgia badly in week 1 therefore they’re a trash team that’s going to lose two more games despite likely being favored in every game they play going into the pac12 shampionship. And somehow I’m unreasonable for thinking that’s an unreasonably pessimistic take lol. And I never even argued that they would win out. I can definitely see them dropping a game and I’ve said that multiple times.


Well-Known Member
Your argument is that Oregon almost lost to wazzu and they lost to Georgia badly in week 1 therefore they’re a trash team that’s going to lose two more games despite likely being favored in every game they play going into the pac12 shampionship.
no its not


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
how does someone under 60 put all his weight on in his gut lol


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
this mongoloid calls himself a journalist
