NML's NCAA 06 Dynasty


Well-Known Member
Got myself all set up last night. Currently making a play call sheet for full SPERG MODE.

Still need a team to play with. Who was awful in 2004? San Jose State I know, and there's some appeal to running their dynasty on nutopia, but they would be pretty easy to recruit for in California, I'd imagine.


Well-Known Member
Anyone remember what the hot routing was like in 06? I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm trying to build my passing around Air Raid concepts, but they are very hit and miss. However, I know that in some version, you could HR almost every concept. Dig routes were introduced at some point, and they added the ability to make the receiver run the route to the first down marker. Just not sure if that was '06.

Bonus points for anyone who wants to go through the shotgun plays and find me already set Air Raid concepts. http://ncaa06revival.com/shotgun/


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Utopia Moderator
NCAA Moderator
Anyone remember what the hot routing was like in 06? I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm trying to build my passing around Air Raid concepts, but they are very hit and miss. However, I know that in some version, you could HR almost every concept. Dig routes were introduced at some point, and they added the ability to make the receiver run the route to the first down marker. Just not sure if that was '06.

Bonus points for anyone who wants to go through the shotgun plays and find me already set Air Raid concepts. http://ncaa06revival.com/shotgun/


But there is a group of guys over in the NCAA section of Operation Sports that play NCAA06. I would link you to them, but my I can't access this site from work. I'm pretty sure they could hook you up with anything you needed to know.


Mod Alumni
Anyone remember what the hot routing was like in 06? I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm trying to build my passing around Air Raid concepts, but they are very hit and miss. However, I know that in some version, you could HR almost every concept. Dig routes were introduced at some point, and they added the ability to make the receiver run the route to the first down marker. Just not sure if that was '06.

Bonus points for anyone who wants to go through the shotgun plays and find me already set Air Raid concepts. http://ncaa06revival.com/shotgun/
I think 07 was the one youre tom bout.


Well-Known Member
I found enough of each concept that I shouldn't need to use hot routes, luckily. I'm keeping the house rule about no audibles, since the AI shits itself when you do, so that keeps the play calling simple. Here's my play-call sheet if ur so inclined - one page of run, one page of passing, broken down by concept. Looking at each play, it's first within it's concept, then it lists the personnel, formation (sometimes abbreviated), actual play name, followed by any motion I need to do. Normally, I'd build off each play with a counter, but I don't think it's really necessary since the AI calls a near-perfect play most of the time. Also didn't include any PA passes outside of RPOs, so I may add those later.

For reference, I play with X, Z, and Y receivers, H-Back, Superback, and a TE.


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Bump from earlier in the thread: Here's the recruiting restrictions I'm putting on myself, based on our STARZZZ:

In Season
6*: no restrictions
5*: five star recruits must come from in-state or pipeline
4*: max four star recruits, must come from in-state or pipeline
3*: max three star recruits, must be in-state or pipeline
2*: maximum of four in-state/pipeline, three stars only
1*: maximum of two in-state/pipeline, three stars only

Off Season
I'm not starting with any restrictions here. If I feel like I'm getting unrealistic results, I'll adjust. But if I remember correctly it's fine.

Academic Restrictions
Not sure who I'll use (leaning Utah State), or what their academic reputation will be, but here's what I would use if they were 6 starz academically, noting the scholarships lost with the corresponding academic rating:

5*: three scholarships
4*: six scholarships
3*: ten scholarships
2*: twenty scholarships
1*: no scholarships allowed

Basically, whoever I take over, if they were to drop a star, I lose three scholarships. Two stars and it's six, etc. If I change schools, there would be a new academic standard. Also only allowing myself to redshirt freshman. Position changes must be done after recruitment (obviously no exploiting that system)


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To start my corching journey, I'll take the job at


So some 2005-based background on the Aggies of Utah State, they actually did hire a new corch for this season in real life - Brent Guy, who then started his quick fall down the coaching ladder, spending the 2016 season as the safeties coach at Memphis. This was also their first season in the WAC, having spent two seasons oddly in the Sun Belt, and the two seasons before that they competed as an independent.

To say this program was struggling would be an understatement. They had not had a winning season since 1997, when John L Smith was in charge. They've had one season with more than six wins since 1980, and in the past 25 years, they've had three winning seasons.

So it's a challenge. Not only that, their in-state rival dominates the region, the conference is tough (Fresno State's peak, Boise is emerging, Nevada is tough, and June Jones is at Hawaii), and the current crop of players is weak. PREPARE UR ANUS


I'll probably twitch-stream a preview and a game or two tonight, then I'll clip that into vidya's tomorrow. Stay tuned


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Game 1 vs Nicholls St

I have a post game I'll upload soon, but this was a disaster. In addition, twitch is randomly muting scenes outside of the game, so my pre-season preview above and post-game below may be missing my commentary.


Have mercy
"All that said, I feel like I'm being soft on myself. 51-14? It was much closer than that. There's that 31 unanswered, and really, it's 38."

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One thing I do feel is that the game is playing REALLY well. I'm getting solid play numbers, stats, and avoiding normal NCAA bullshit. That's been the most satisfying and optimistic thing about the first two games.


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Utopia Moderator
NCAA Moderator
One thing I do feel is that the game is playing REALLY well. I'm getting solid play numbers, stats, and avoiding normal NCAA bullshit. That's been the most satisfying and optimistic thing about the first two games.

Keep chopping wood.
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A couple changes I am going to make:

- 9 minute quarters: this is mostly temporary, because I'm still learning my play call sheet. I'm using 20+ seconds a lot so this will help balance that out and up the play numbers a bit. Last game we ran 64 but our opponents ran 46 - not totally unrealistic since we kept the ball on the ground and mostly went with short passes, but I think we need a few more.

- Upping the AI pass block. I have two good DEs, but considering how little I blitz, we are getting slightly too many sacks. To be fair, they are normally coverage sacks, but a slight bump here is needed, I think.

- More adjustments in special teams. I already bumped it in our favor once, but I think it needs done again.

Game 3 against UNLV coming up


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Naturally that's followed up with a fumble, picked up, and returned for a TD.

All that "no NCAA bullshit" is fading fast


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Changes ahead of the Idaho game:

- Back to Black at QB. Jackson couldn't do much either on the ground, so I think I'll replace the QB choice (power option) with PA reads. We had some success with that in the last game, both as a run and opening up the long ball.

- Forbes is our starter, with Crawford spelling him at superback. His speed is a big difference, and the shotgun running game is built to go east/west. Inside zone is nearly impossible to set up, and the power option isn't viable with our QBs.

- Become a more balanced attack. We've been so focused on trying to pound the ball that we became predictable and ultimately easy to defend. The passing game is frustrating because I'm having so many drops (my receivers are awful), but I have to establish it better. Especially the deep ball. I'm also only completing 42% of my passes.

On to Idaho! Arguably our easiest game left this season. Can we pull this one out? WE LIVE!


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Naturally they return the ensuing kickoff back for a touchdown... but it's called back for clipping! Whew


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My oldest got up earlier than expected, so I had to bolt at halftime. Did some self reflection since then and came to a few conclusions:

1) this game (with these sliders) will punish you if you make mistakes. Two pick sixes in about 30 seconds. Should've just taken a knee instead of trying to force the issue.

2) I'm not reading the defense correctly. Or, perhaps worse, I'm not understanding how to attack what I read. My passing game needs an overhaul.

3) I need to stop trying to expand my playbook. Keep it simple. The basis of my attack should be speed option, outside zone, PA read, WR screens, inside zone, and power runs (eventually power read). I need to do those things better before I worry about adding in more stuff.

4) I'm not using motion enough. The whole purpose of an H-Back is to move him around and create mismatches and better run blocking.

They took advantage of my mistakes (two interceptions, two pick sixes) and I did absolute shit with their SIX TURNOVERS.


Well-Known Member
What a fucking heartbreaker against Idaho. Up 10-7 with 1:40 left in the half, and somehow go in to the break down 28-10. They didn't score again, had a total of EIGHT turnovers, but I couldn't quite come back. Missed two FGs that would've won the game.

Howeva, the second half was our best half of footbaw yet. Turnover free, lots of long drives, and shut down defense. Our next game is a must win - home vs San Jose State.


See You Next Wednesday
Was watching the tail end of that first half against Idaho yesterday mroing. 5 TOs and still unable to capitalize. :turrible: Maybe the AI was skewing the playing field with all of Idaho's injuries?
Your receiving corps is atrocious; can hardly hold on to the football. The backs appear decent enough. I like the motion gameplan to bring an extra blocker to chip the ends.
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My offense is just terrible all around. Forbes (starting running back) has decent speed, but he cannot break a tackle. Everyone else is bad (sans the offensive line).

Losing to SJST is awful. I probably won't win a game and may get fired.


Well-Known Member
ATTEMPT #3 at the 06 revival

Been loving the retro baseball game so naturally I'm coming back to NCAA 06. I'm going to try and make two changes that hopefully help this time:

1) All American sliders. I rarely played competitive games on Heisman and I wasn't getting realistic results.

2) Back to my first football love - the Air Raid and my namesake, Mike Leach.

Still had my BU created school, so I'll start my dynasty with them. Going to throw up a video about the air raid concepts we are going to try and do then maybe a spring game? Or possibly right into it.

Anyways, like always, I live twitch stream everything - sometimes I do commentary on it, sometimes I let you enjoy Corso and Herbstreet.

I'll be interested to hear what the air raid people have to say about the system. It's been so long since I delved into it, but I use to understand it very well. Always interested in advice or material on the subject