NML's NCAA 06 Dynasty


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Also going LIVE for a pre-season preview

I'll replace these with youtubes of the broadcast later


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Good news:
We threw for over 300 yards
Our top two receivers each had over ten receptions
We scored in each half
This was our toughest game of the season

Bad news:
We lost 117-6
We threw eight interceptions
We have no speed anywhere


Well-Known Member
It's so tough when our receivers can't create separation. Even more frustrating when, on the rare chance they do, our QB misses the mark.

We are in desperate need of some speed in the secondary. I'm forced to play cover 2/3 zone and just keep everything in front of us, because a vert route is a guaranteed six points. Anytime the RB breaks the first line, he's gone.

I did have a decent amount of success passing the ball considering the massive talent gap and that this was my first game. A decent QB and a few receivers would go a long way too.


Well-Known Member
It's so tough when our receivers can't create separation. Even more frustrating when, on the rare chance they do, our QB misses the mark.

We are in desperate need of some speed in the secondary. I'm forced to play cover 2/3 zone and just keep everything in front of us, because a vert route is a guaranteed six points. Anytime the RB breaks the first line, he's gone.

I did have a decent amount of success passing the ball considering the massive talent gap and that this was my first game. A decent QB and a few receivers would go a long way too.


Well-Known Member
It's so tough when our receivers can't create separation. Even more frustrating when, on the rare chance they do, our QB misses the mark.

We are in desperate need of some speed in the secondary. I'm forced to play cover 2/3 zone and just keep everything in front of us, because a vert route is a guaranteed six points. Anytime the RB breaks the first line, he's gone.

I did have a decent amount of success passing the ball considering the massive talent gap and that this was my first game. A decent QB and a few receivers would go a long way too.


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NCAA Moderator
It's so tough when our receivers can't create separation. Even more frustrating when, on the rare chance they do, our QB misses the mark.

We are in desperate need of some speed in the secondary. I'm forced to play cover 2/3 zone and just keep everything in front of us, because a vert route is a guaranteed six points. Anytime the RB breaks the first line, he's gone.

I did have a decent amount of success passing the ball considering the massive talent gap and that this was my first game. A decent QB and a few receivers would go a long way too.


aka spiker or DeadMong
It's so tough when our receivers can't create separation. Even more frustrating when, on the rare chance they do, our QB misses the mark.

We are in desperate need of some speed in the secondary. I'm forced to play cover 2/3 zone and just keep everything in front of us, because a vert route is a guaranteed six points. Anytime the RB breaks the first line, he's gone.

I did have a decent amount of success passing the ball considering the massive talent gap and that this was my first game. A decent QB and a few receivers would go a long way too.


Well-Known Member
From an offensive perspective, here's where I'm at with my seven concepts + run game, ranked in order of effectiveness from worst to best:

Mesh - don't know if I completed a single pass from here. QB lacks the accuracy to place the ball in the soft spots in the zone and if he does, my receivers don't have good enough hands to hold onto the quick contact. Works better vs man but we lack the athletes to create separation. Will be used sparingly.

Shallow - similar to above. Also got dicked once when my Y ran a nice cross but got bumped when he was about to find the opening in the zone. Receivers seem to get bumped too often with this and mesh.

All Verts - minimal success. One pass to Y late in the first for a 25 yard gain that set up our FG, but that had a lot to do with him being in the zone and a user rocket catch. My players lack the speed to get over top and my QB doesn't have the arm. Will only be used as a change of pace when the safeties creep in.

Y-Cross - didn't go to this much since it takes a little longer to develop to the Y. If I could run it with my X and Y I could have some success.

All Curls - did okay vs man, not so great vs zone. Again, we lack the accuracy to hit crowded underneath routes.

Run Games - no complaints, just didn't go to it much. Almost exclusively with a PA Read in case they crowd the box, but in the future I'd like to run it more as an audible. Couldn't do much from the line of scrimmage at AZST.

Y-Shoot and Double Smash - good stuff here. Most of our success came from running these two concepts with our X and Y (who combined for, IIRC, 25 catches). The corner route was money with our Y. He's the closest thing we have to an athlete and he's fluid running that route.

I probably ran the latter two concepts for 70% of our offense. Might need to introduce other concepts built around the corner route. I know there's switch (corner and post ran together), I think there's another too.


Well-Known Member
So yeah that sucked.

I'm going to try this again but with a real team. Speed is just too much of a difference maker that it doesn't really matter what I do. Maybe try Utah State again with these sliders


UCF Alumni
So yeah that sucked.

I'm going to try this again but with a real team. Speed is just too much of a difference maker that it doesn't really matter what I do. Maybe try Utah State again with these sliders

yeah its real tough at first for sure. one option would be to just simulate this first year. you arent going to win a game anyway. this way you can get your first recruiting class of "division 1 talent" while simultaneously getting rid of a few of the bad players. you will still be bad, but even those 2 star recruits will probably start making a notable difference over what you currently have.


Well-Known Member
Good shout.

I wanted to do a create a school because, when this game was out, my favorite thing were those CAS dynasties we had on the old forums. Guys like @Wendell Gee (aka Dawg Gone), Madcat, and @FieldingBLUE especially wrote really intriguing stories and I'd love to recreate that. A big reason they were so engaging, I think, is because the players that were recruited were almost always all four year starters.

Starting from nothing and developing a program is pretty cool


Well-Known Member
I decided against simming. I want to continue to work with this offense, and I don't think I'll enjoy the success as much if I don't suffer through this shit.

But - some improvements against Army!

- still threw for over 300 yards
- only two turnovers (and only a -1 differential!)
- it was 7-0 at the end of the first
- we allowed 51 less points!

Bad news:

- we still allowed 66 points to Army
- they had 26 carries for 424 yards
- we had -7 rushing yards

The worst news is that we have Toledo and Bruce Gradkowski next. GULP


UCF Alumni
Good shout.

I wanted to do a create a school because, when this game was out, my favorite thing were those CAS dynasties we had on the old forums. Guys like @Wendell Gee (aka Dawg Gone), Madcat, and @FieldingBLUE especially wrote really intriguing stories and I'd love to recreate that. A big reason they were so engaging, I think, is because the players that were recruited were almost always all four year starters.

Starting from nothing and developing a program is pretty cool

FieldingBlue's dynasties were legendary. reading those were one of my favorite things on the old forums. too bad all of those are lost to time.
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More improvements against Toledo!

- we scored 21 points in the first half
- Marco Holly went 29 for 46 for 261 yards and three TDs
- Marcus Easley caught 15 passes for 208 yards and three TDs

But we still had some issues

- scored 0 in the second half
- new record of -66 yards rushing
- Toledo completed 18 passes for 538 yards
- allowed 101 points and 725 yards


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Here's a fancy look at our 2005 schedule:

6 @ 117​

3 vs 66​

21 vs 101​










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What do you have on the Air Raid that is EA NCAA specific? It'd be great if it was retro NCAA, but I'll even take some next gen stuff

I'm reading through the thread now but most of the stuff is based IRL


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NCAA Moderator
This is the oldest thing I can think of, not sure how useful it'll be for 06, but I remember using it when I first starting learning about the offense: http://web.archive.org/web/20110801....com/utopia/topic/72270-the-air-raid-offense/

I will look around for some 06 stuff or stuff around that time. Next gen stuff might not be terrible, but judging from your games and the bits I've watched, 06 is a lot more difficult than 14. If you were playing 14 with this bad of a team, you'd still almost certainly go 5-7 or 6-6 at least.
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I like that site, but I do lol when I see that. Dude probably made $30 off of it so fair play to him.

I think I need to make a play call sheet, that might help. Or track my concepts and success. I just feel all over the place when I play. Maybe I need to use motion or hot routing more.

I suppose I shouldn't complain about my offense, seeing as my defense have given up 284 points over three games


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NCAA Moderator
I think 98-99% of your issues right now are due to how bad your team sucks. I might try messing around with some halfway decent P5 team and seeing if your offense runs better with better talent. And yeah, hot routing to get more accurate Air Raid concepts might help.


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I played a random game as Utah State vs Tulsa and it was 17-14 at halftime, me. Offense ran very well and I would've been up bigger if not for two interceptions. And even they (Utah State) aren't great.

I definitely have a massive issue when it comes to talent, no doubt. I just need more of a flow when it comes to play calling. I removed the "all vert" and "y-cross" concepts - we simply do not have the talent to run them at this point. That takes me down to five which keeps it simple enough - mesh, shallow, smash, y shoot, and all curls. All short passes with simple reads. It's why I'm still getting 300+ yards passing despite a complete lack of players.
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Western Michigan

1-2, 108, C+



0-3, 118, D-
For the first time all season we aren't ranked last! Who are the poor souls that are below the team being outscored by 85 points a game? Nevertheless, we can mark this in the "win" column - likely the only time we can say that all season.

Coming into town are the Western Michigan Broncos. It's a top heavy team - starring Greg Jennings and Tony Schefler. Two future pro's doesn't bode well for our defense. We do get a bit of a break as their 90 speed RB is hurt, so instead we get a slower, bigger back. Nice. Defensively, they have are very average all around. Obviously better than us in every way, but still on average. This is a team that shouldn't drop 100 on us.

They win the toss and receive, and while we are able to force two third downs, the inevitable happens and they score on a six yard run to make it 7-0 just about a quarter of the way through the first. We respond with a three and out where we somehow go 3 for 3 passing, and they begin the second drive at our 38.

Our defense does something I haven't seen all season and force a three and out! Unfortunately their fantastic starting position means they have a 46 yard field goal which is perfect. 10-0.

Offense comes back out with a solid drive, crossing midfield when they have no answer for Wallace at the Y. Unfortunately we try to run the ball and take a sack, then try and force the ball on 3rd and long and throw an interception. Jennings needs only a shoot route to the flat to fly past all my "defenders" and it's quickly 17-0.

The rest of the half is a quick collapse. A pick six, two returned punts for scores by Jennings, and before I know it, we are down 38-0.

We nearly had more yards than WMU at the half. Our QB, Marco Holly, continues to do mostly well considering his lack of ability, and would eventually post another 300 yard game. Wallace had 10 catches at the half and finished with 14 for 148 yards. Easley, our X, was held to four catches after having three touchdowns last time out and 28 catches over the first three games. They had an impact OLB on his side so I was hesitant to throw the slants and digs to him which he normally thrives on.

We had our best half of football in the second half - three times getting into the red zone, splitting FG attempts and turning the ball over once. Our defense was as good as we can expect and we didn't allow any non-offensive touchdowns - I realize how silly of a statement that is, but for us, it's a huge fucking accomplishment. We were fantastic in the red zone - once Jennings was off the field, they didn't have anyone to just blow past us. Six trips, five field goals and one touchdown.

The final score was 60-3. Only 385 yards allowed, a new school record. We again threw for over 300, but had a shocking -97 yards on the ground. WOOF


Next up: we head to Bowling Green where Omar Jacobs will surely have his way with us.



Well-Known Member
So, not surprisingly, I lost to Bowling Green (89 to 7 I think it was), followed with blowouts at the hands of Notre Dame, Akron, and then Miami (OH).

HOWEVA - we have our only winnable game next, home against Dartmouth. They are rated as poorly as we are and a win would be massive for us. We won't have much for recruiting even if we put 100% of our off-season time in there if we finish with zero wins, but this could help. Only way to get decent players for next year.

We did get our one in-season recruit! A safety from Massachusetts who runs a 4.4, I'll take it. If I can't find more speed defensively, he'll likely get moved to free safety and I'll stick with the 3-3-5 I've been playing, so I can at least lower the many big plays I give up.

Will definitely live stream after the C's game tonight


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Quick scouting report of Dartmouth: 16 of their 22 starters are rated 52 or lower. That's worse than us. Three are between 65 and 53. Again, worse than us. But - they have three impact players in the 70's. Two LBs and one running back, who is 92 speed. Fuck.

Anyways - WE LIVE WITH COMMENTARY! Our only chance at a win starts right now:



Well-Known Member
We did not do it the last two games. We finished 1-10; I'll take it.

Here's some random things worth noting about the season:
Heisman Trophy: Matt Leinhart, QB, USC
Sugar Bowl: #24 Pittsburgh 7, #3 Florida 31
Fiesta Bowl: #25 Iowa State 14, #15 Iowa 28
Orange Bowl: #4 Toledo 38, #6 Florida State 14
Rose Bowl (NCG): #2 Tennessee 38, #1 USC 36

How about that Fiesta Bowl? Iowa was undefeated for a while but dropped two straight. Toledo was definitely the surprise of the season - I'm sure the 101 they dropped on us helped their confidence, on their way to 13-0. Leinhart takes the Heisman, but they drop the title to Vols on the back of four TDs from Eric Ainge and 107 yards on the ground from freshman Arian Foster.

As for Boston, we did have some post season accolades due to our four team conference!

2nd team All Independent
WR Marcus Easley, JR (95 catches, 1078 yards, 7 TDs)
CB Bryant Lester, SO (34 tackles, 3 INTs, FF)
SS Leonard Brown, SO (36 tackles, INT, 2 FFs)
KR Jaron Hodges, FR (KR TD)

Chad Wallace gets snubbed!

Here's our note-worthy stats, all of which are current school records

QB Marco Holly, SR: 244-465 (52%), 2622 yards, 14 TDs, 22 INTs
HB Chris Hall, SO: 81 carries, 151 yards, TD. 19 catches, 96 yards
WR Chad Wallace, SO: 95 catches, 1157 yards, 4 TDs
WR Marcus Easley, JR: 95 catches, 1078 yards, 7 TDs
WR Jamie Jean, JR: 46 catches, 425 yards, 2 TDs
OLB Todd Randle, SO: 59 tackles, 7 TFL
DE Marcus Washington, SR: 34 tackles, 4 sacks
MLB Andy Grevious, SO: 51 tackles, 4 INTs
K/P Maurice Barnes, JR: 7-13 (53%), long 39, 19-19 XPs. 37.7 punt average, 62 long

On to recruiting! I'll do a live video with commentary once C's finishing whopping dat Chicago ass.


Well-Known Member
Here's a look at our recruiting class - starting with the offense!

QB David Gant

Gant was my #1 target once I got a look at our interested recruits, so I was thrilled when he signed after week one. He has elite arm strength (92) and is a massive upgrade over last year in accuracy (80). Suddenly, with this 2* recruit from New Jersey, we can reintroduce several Air Raid concepts that weren't possible with his weak-armed predecessor. Immediate starter.

HB Cameron Muhammad

The athlete-turned-running back also steps in as a day one starter. As weak of a running back as you'll ever see, but he had adequate speed and hands for our S-back role. Not going to set the world on fire, but doesn't need to. Our running game is created by our passing game and he just needs to be able to turn the corner.

WR Robert Sapp (JUCO)

The only negative about Sapp is he's a junior. His 98 speed is a game changer and will completely change how we are able to attack with our X receiver. Debated putting him inside at Y to get better match-ups, but let's face it, he's a mismatch for a CB too. Day one starter and impact player. Sapp will probably set some records and receive numerous post-season accolades.

WR Kelvin 'Reel' Salas

Reel is our opening day starter at Y. Shifty at 5'9", but also continuing our run on players with zero ability to break tackles. The Maryland-native is someone I'd prefer to get as a project for the position, but we can't be picky at this point. Debated putting him as our #4 with our pair of 95-catch receivers coming back, but I prefer the speed.

WR Derrick Ostrander

Our new Z. He was someone I wasn't even going to pursue during the recruiting process, but you can never have enough receivers. He's a pleasant surprise - 6'1", 89 speed, and 78 jumping. He's a nice option to go over the top when things break down with Sapp and Salas. I'm expecting quite a few TDs from this guy.

LT Gerald Green

If you watched the recruiting video, Green was someone I didn't even talk to until the final week. He had no interest from other programs, so we threw him a scholarship offer and he accepted. Bonus! He's not very good, but somehow he's still better than what he have.


I was happy with our offensive recruiting efforts. Gant and Sapp are as good as I could've hoped for coming of a 1-10 season, while Muhammad, Salas, and Osty will more than suffice.


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DE Rod Moss (JUCO)

Probably our top defensive recruit, the JUCO steps right in as our best defender. He has adequate speed, but is on the smaller (and weaker) side. The fact that he's our "best" says more about our defense then it does about him.

DE Mike Oliver

Another end, Oliver is basically Moss, but two years younger and slightly worse at everything. Still a day one starter, but again, not saying much. These two give us a much needed pass rush that will at least exist now.

DE/DT Kyle Watts

Watts is our third end on the list, but he will slide inside for the upcoming season. I elected not to change his position to tackle, because long term I think he gives us a bigger option on the end if we wanted to go to a three man front. The other two are more speed rushers, but Watts has some size to him (6'1", 252, 68 strength). We'll likely run a lot of three man fronts this season, where he'll play inside due to a lack of other options.

OLB Corey Reid

Reid was an athlete that fit best as a running back, but wasn't as good of a fit for us as Muhammad. Alas, his 6'3" frame moves to linebacker where we desperately need his speed. He took a hit when he switched positon, but is still a massive speed upgrade over last year. He'll need time to fill out and learn the position, but he'll start opening day and might be pretty decent before he graduates.

CB Antonio Owens

Owens can't tackle, but he isn't slow. So he's an upgrade. His athletic skill set is okay, but if his man catches the ball, he's not bringing him down. Hopefully a one year starter followed by career ST.

OLB Patrick Henley

Henley is extremely mediocre, so naturally he's a day one starter for us. He has adequate speed for linebacker (though not ideal), but he's very tiny and can't really tackle. Not an ideal combo.

SS Rodney Gore

Gore gives us another player with some speed, although I won't be looking to play him in man defense vs any speedy slot guys. Yet another defensive player who isn't very good and hopefully gets replaced next year.

SS David Morris

Morris is possibly our best all around defender - and our only in season recruit. He has solid speed, good build, and can make the necessary tackles. He's a good fit to play center field for us until I can pair him with another decent safety.
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Die Nasty
Mod Alumni
@NML, I loved this. Brought back some good (bad) memories of the early days of my dynasties back on 05/06/07. The gaping holes in the offensive line, the tremendous interceptions, the sense of hopelessness pervading everything. Yes!

I dumped my old copies of those games when I moved this summer, now you have me itching to play them again. (I still have my original Xbox hooked up so I can STILL play NCAA MVP 06 Baseball...ha!)