Olympic shit and pissing show


Disney and Curling Expert
US gives Jones a shot to win that I can make. Jones misses that shot and Canada may not let her back in the country.


Naz Reid
This is actually a really close match. US down 1 but has the hammer in the 8th. Need to deliver here.
US deciding to go into the 10th down 2 with hammer instead of tied without hammer. Kinda doubt thats the correct decision with how well GB has been curling


Disney and Curling Expert
Curling against Shuster is like curling against this one skip from ma'club. Always talking. Always yelling down the sheet to teammates while they "discuss" shot calls. Playing low-percentage shots and hoping that they make one or two them to win the game. If they do, they beat you easily. If they don't, it's a long slow painful death march to defeat. One night in our top league, we started a game, against him, at 8:35 pm. It was a 10-end game that was tied after 10. We played an 11th end and won. The game was over at 12:30 am and the guy wondered why no one wanted to have a drink with him after the game.