2068 Season Thread


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you all had an unfair advantage in order for him to do this. Like defenses not being able to substitute to counter an uptempo spread offense in footbaw!


Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.
No bullshit - huge ups to QUAL for investigating this and confirming what many of us suspected for a long time. Anyone that knows me knows I love NOTHING more than to be proven right but this I’m actually sad to be right about. Wooly always rubbed me the wrong way and I think he’s a real shithead but I didn’t want to be right on him cheating, at least not like this.

If you were in the DC VORTEX right now I’d take you to Morton’s.

Karl Hungus

Here to fix the cable
When did this happen?

Was also unavailable last night, though I was not up the mountain this time. One thing is for certain, I will never understand the league. I will never read you guys, or understand the unwritten rules.

There are several reasons I tanked the last week, and they made sense for my team.

1) Resting my starting pitchers so I could have them ready to start the playoffs in the order I want. It is even more important when my #2 Hayne is out of the year, and Lucatoni and Ramirez have both had long injuries this year (even though @TonyGin&Juice kept saying I had no injuries for some reason).

2) Resting all my starters so I took no chance at injuries.

@Orlando mentioned these already.

3) Avoiding an NDR matchup in the 1st round. I was not going to play my starters anyway, so I might as well see if I could lose and avoid NDR. Why not? Teams tank all the time. NDR had the best record against me in the SL this year...and several years in my 12 years here. My record against UK before the last week was 11-2 while I was 11-5 against NDR. Which team would you want to play? Why not try to avoid them? Why not try to get a different team into the playoffs? I didn't create how close it was at the end of the year, it was never my plan to tank, I just sized up the situation and took the best course for me team. Originally I was planning on just doing a 7DL to get my pitchers exactly where I wanted them. I do that the last two weeks of every year. In fact, I did that last week. However, this year there was talk of live sims, so I couldn't do 7DL.

Honestly, how different was my last-week-tank than 1) tanking all season to get a better draft pick, 2) not putting out your best players the last week to protect them and set up your playoff staff? Both are manipulating the rosters for your own advantage, including NOT trying win. Why is tanking during the season OK, purposely not trying to win to get a better situation for your team: a better draft pick? Why is it not ok to tank the last week of the season to get a better situation for your team: better playoff matchup?

You know what, I have had people ask me to lose the last week to help them get a playoff spot. Why is an unpardonable sin when I do it for myself? Other teams tank for years to get good players. That makes a huge impact on the league, it affects everyone. And something like 1/3 of the league is doing it at any given time. There is no outcry over that. I tanked one week which, affected two teams under .500 vying for a playoff spot one year...and there is such outcry? Would this outcry occur if it was not me, or I was not leaving league?

4) I can admit when I am wrong. I was convinced Orlando wanted NDR to get 4th place and then he would sabotage my team to make them lose to NDR in the 1st round. I saw a chance to avoid at least part of that. Apparently, that was not the case.

5) I think I should be able to run my team in the playoffs. I think you should take my export. I am still a manager, and I am trying to win a championship like everyone else (except the third of the league that is tanking all the time).


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
Karshev is the only player there that had time as a Tanner. There are a few other pitchers that I signed as IFAs (and thought I was genius for signing up until about an hour ago :crying:), but I'm sure he edited those guys, so they should be killed.
I was probably going to retire those guys.


Utopia Moderator
Another sad thing about this too is the long term impact it'll have on stats. The last 3-4 years teams in JV had all of their players have stats all depressed because 12% of their games were against a cyborg team.

I don't think he cheated long enough for it to really impact the league in a huge way. Orlando did the legwork to confirm it probably started last season or late in the season before. He found multiple players who were shitty people 3 seasons ago who turned into amazing team guys by now.


Well-Known Member
I'm still unclear HOW he cheated. Who gave him commish rights? or why did he have them? Or was this all done on '17 before the upgrade?


Utopia Moderator
I'm still unclear HOW he cheated. Who gave him commish rights? or why did he have them? Or was this all done on '17 before the upgrade?

He had my pw from when he managed my team. There were multiple owners (you may have been one) who I gave my pw to that could have done this, because I didn't think anybody would go through the effort to cheat. And also back then I was commissioner almost full time so it would have been impossible to do anyway. The two commish system allowed a small window for ratings changes to take place and he apparently figured that out.


Well-Known Member
Also, false bay has batted 3 times, and the Kings just once.



Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I don't think he cheated long enough for it to really impact the league in a huge way. Orlando did the legwork to confirm it probably started last season or late in the season before. He found multiple players who were shitty people 3 seasons ago who turned into amazing team guys by now.

I mean it has certainly impacted the league just this season. You've got a couple of SL playoff teams with losing records who will see large budget DROPS when they should probably be seeing increases. I mean it'll sort itself out in a few seasons, hopefully... but the depressed regular season records really impact budgets.


Utopia Moderator
I mean it has certainly impacted the league just this season. You've got a couple of SL playoff teams with losing records who will see large budget DROPS when they should probably be seeing increases. I mean it'll sort itself out in a few seasons, hopefully... but the depressed regular season records really impact budgets.

I really think that will be a one season thing, but yeah the budgets will be affected for next season. It could have been a lot worse if Quale didn't figure this out, and the affects will mostly be minor. We can always keep budgets the same for the SL teams going into next season as well if we want.


Hot Girl Summer
I really think that will be a one season thing, but yeah the budgets will be affected for next season. It could have been a lot worse if Quale didn't figure this out, and the affects will mostly be minor. We can always keep budgets the same for the SL teams going into next season as well if we want.
Except me I kinda had a winning record. Did get me last year though


Hot Girl Summer
I once cheated and didn't say anything after I did a team option with no buyout and let the player walk.

Feels good to finally get that off my chest.

Thanks @Wooly for taking the heat so I could come clean.
I can't work for a cheater like you, so the only penance is for you to come back to Buffalo full time.


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
All the other captains on 25-man rosters checked out. With most the Fax captains at least one of WE, Loyalty or Leadership was suspicious.

Fax captains:
Jim Aylmer - Very Low Leadership
John Bowen - Low Work Ethic
Sabertooth - Checks out, but not a wooly player
McGauhey - Very Low Work Ethic
Mendez - Normal, Normal, Normal (plausible I guess)
Gwilt - Normal Leader & Loyalty (plausible given age, but not a wooly player)
Bucky - Captain
Pankhurst - Normal WE & Loyalty (plausible I guess)
Petitjean - Low Leadership
Pimentel - Low Leadership, Low Loyalty

The plausible cases are cases where this might happen over the course of a career, not 3.5 seasons. This also does not take into account people like Groot who are still Unknown but went from VERY LOW in all 3 to High.

From Indy Dev:

I can say that personality ratings don't change that much. While it's true that some players can hit into a cycle where they develop into more of a leader-type, that's more the stuff that should develop over a career, not just a couple years. And I wouldn't expect that guy to develop that high - players need a sort of "minimum ratings" to hit the cycle I listed above, and that guy definitely doesn't have it. Plus, I believe that code won't kick in until a little into a player's career, so if the guy was only 18-19, then it's almost impossible for those changes to be "natural".

The batting profile changes could certainly be possible. Some players can naturally hit a few boosts and go from a borderline scrub to a superstar.

None of these changes would be significantly different between versions, I don't think. As mentioned, one or maybe two cases like this could be possible, but to the extent that you see it, obviously that appears to be too much.
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Well-Known Member
Wooly would gain a lot of favor in my book (doesn’t mean much) if he came in here and fessed up and offered some kind of explanation. Not that I’m owed one, but it seems so absurd that I’d love to know how/why someone would do this.


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
Wooly would gain a lot of favor in my book (doesn’t mean much) if he came in here and fessed up and offered some kind of explanation. Not that I’m owed one, but it seems so absurd that I’d love to know how/why someone would do this.
I understand this, but I doubt it. If it does we will likely get a long winded denial or he will play the victim and say the fix was in or whatever.