2079 Season Thread


Well-Known Member
I'll probably just have to trade the two good players I have and just rebuild from there. You think cash is more useful than draft picks? I don't really mind it taking a few years, so I would probably go down the route of draft picks over players about to break through.

If I knew the game was so unforgiving, I would never have taken the approach that I have. Does feel like I've wasted the first few years doing things the wrong way. I suppose that's the learning curve of most games though.

Well the best thing you could do would be make the playoffs. You are currently tied for fourth so you wouldn’t need a huge addition to make it. But making the playoffs would do two things - 1) increased revenue, which won’t directly increase your budget but it might push you to the positives in cash flow, which would give you some extra cash going into next season and 2) increase fan interest, which is obviously vital. So the only way you’ll be able to add people is via trade (or guys on the minimum) and you’ll have to give up some assets to do so.


Will-Gnome Member
Well the best thing you could do would be make the playoffs. You are currently tied for fourth so you wouldn’t need a huge addition to make it. But making the playoffs would do two things - 1) increased revenue, which won’t directly increase your budget but it might push you to the positives in cash flow, which would give you some extra cash going into next season and 2) increase fan interest, which is obviously vital. So the only way you’ll be able to add people is via trade (or guys on the minimum) and you’ll have to give up some assets to do so.

This is also where I've been unlucky then. I missed by a one game playoff and then by one game.


Well-Known Member
@hayvis a quick look at your team and you could add three pieces very cheaply that might be enough to push you into the playoffs: 3B and corner OFs.

You could probably get all three just for your draft picks, which, if you can’t sign them anyway, isn’t a huge loss.


Will-Gnome Member
@Travis7401 , I did actually put T-Bone, and my catcher whoever he is on reasonable long term contracts, so that you guys would have to pay top dollar if you wanted to get at them, rather than pick them up as free agents. Was that a bad move? That's how it works in soccer, so I assumed the same would apply for baseball. Either I get to keep them or they're valuable to another team...


Will-Gnome Member
@hayvis a quick look at your team and you could add three pieces very cheaply that might be enough to push you into the playoffs: 3B and corner OFs.

You could probably get all three just for your draft picks, which, if you can’t sign them anyway, isn’t a huge loss.

I have no money for salary though.... Is that possible?


Well-Known Member
I have no money for salary though.... Is that possible?

You have a few different options:

1) trade for expiring deals and have the other owner retain salary (the player basically plays for free for you)

2) move equal salary out - Lopez is out for the year and expiring, so if you send him the other way, that’s up to $7m you can take back. Your RF is bad has a $4m salary you could dump on someone

3) minimum players (I think). Might be wrong here but I think you can always add players on the minimum via trade (and, if not, you could trade away one of ur bums on a minimum to basically make it #2)


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
@Travis7401 , I did actually put T-Bone, and my catcher whoever he is on reasonable long term contracts, so that you guys would have to pay top dollar if you wanted to get at them, rather than pick them up as free agents. Was that a bad move? That's how it works in soccer, so I assumed the same would apply for baseball. Either I get to keep them or they're valuable to another team...

Neither looks like a bad contract in a vacuum, but in your situation I’d value flexibility more. Even if they’re great players for the remaining contracts you’ve still tied up like 1/3 of ur salary in two players


Well-Known Member
The other part of that statement is the trade thing - being locked up long term is often a negative factor when trading, especially in this league. Owners like to stay flexible and unless he’s a complete stud, long term contracts of significant money won’t get moved (and definitely won’t get a big haul if they do)


Will-Gnome Member
They're both relatively young, and no1 players in the league at their position. Given those two factors, I thought it wasn't a silly thing to do. Unless they go down with serious injuries, they'll stay at their value for the contract I would think.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Travis that both contracts are fine in a vacuum. T Bone is a stud so you don’t want him to walk. Johnson is good, but you are paying him until he’s at least 34, which is scary (especially for a catcher).

T Bone would get you a great haul if you wanted to move him, Johnson probably not


Will-Gnome Member
@NML , the only comparable catcher is at the Hammers and he's 33? The rest of the league has mediocre catchers at the very best.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
In any given year I can get the best available C or 1B in free agency for $15m or less, so U have to keep that in mind as well. A lot of teams can’t afford the contract even if they would want to trade for them


Hot Girl Summer
I only start Catchers based on their defense unless I get an Esteban Paz level UNICORN, which usually involves drafting them in the Top 5.


Will-Gnome Member
In any given year I can get the best available C or 1B in free agency for $15m or less, so U have to keep that in mind as well. A lot of teams can’t afford the contract even if they would want to trade for them

His contract never goes above 9m.... He's also durable, and the only decent catcher other than the Hammers guy who's 33. I honestly don't see why you're not giving him a high trade value.

Why would you only start a catcher based on defence @Yankee151 ? Surely if it's a weak batting position you are giving your team a whole player advantage if you have one of the few that can bat?


Hot Girl Summer
His contract never goes above 9m.... He's also durable, and the only decent catcher other than the Hammers guy who's 33. I honestly don't see why you're not giving him a high trade value.

Why would you only start a catcher based on defence @Yankee151 ? Surely if it's a weak batting position you are giving your team a whole player advantage if you have one of the few that can bat?
They are the one position that affects Pitcher's ERA because of the way they call games, throw out runners, block wild pitches, etc. There's also pitch framing, but I don't think that matters in AI world where there are no human umps to fool. Obviously the ideal is one who can do both, but they are super rare


Will-Gnome Member
They are the one position that affects Pitcher's ERA because of the way they call games, throw out runners, block wild pitches, etc. There's also pitch framing, but I don't think that matters in AI world where there are no human umps to fool. Obviously the ideal is one who can do both, but they are super rare



Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
He’s on a good contract... but when I trade I’m typically looking for a GREAT contract! Usually a young player I know I can have on minimum for a few years


Well-Known Member
Understanding how different things are evaluated in the league is both really important and difficult. To me, far and away the most undervalued thing are solid starters. People just do not seem to trade for 1-3 WARS WON guys like you might expect. And studs get moved way more than you might think (at least it use to be).


Will-Gnome Member
He’s on a good contract... but when I trade I’m typically looking for a GREAT contract! Usually a young player I know I can have on minimum for a few years

I can't see a single good young catcher on a minimum contract. They don't exist. I suppose this league just doesn't value catchers. If it's anything like cricket, ya'll living in 1975 when no-one realised that a wicket keeper that could bat could give you an extra player when you weren't defending.


Hot Girl Summer
@hayvis heres a guy I could sign today: http://utopia.allsimbaseball9.com//game/lgreports/players/player_6966.html

Ur right that he’s not as valuable as ur guy, but he’s probably ~2 WARS WON, whereas DJ is around 3.5. Not sure what this guy would ask for, but I’ll guess <$2m.

So with that extra $7m, I can DEFINITELY make up that extra 1.5 wins. And I don’t have to give up anything to get him
Blanken is the perfect example of what I look for in a C. Won 2 ships with him on ultra low salary making 1 WAR won.

I think DJ is good, and he's a Fan Fav so part of his contract pays for hisself. But I prefer to splurge elsewhere anyways, I can get more offense per dollar on other positions while not having my 'weak' position be ineffectual because at least he's positive through defense.

My current guy is the perfect example of this, absolutely terrible bat but still neutral WAR because of his defense. I can produce tons of these guys no problem for 490k and dump them as I go.

Then I go and spend 15M per year on a 70 WRC+ DH, so don't take my advice too seriously!


Well-Known Member
Meh, I think the nature of our set up is forgiving to high budget teams, so it’s less about “how do I increase my budget” and more “how do I ever catch up?”
Life favors the HAVES. But look at the history of the Flying Whites. There’s never been a better time to go from HAVE to HAVE NOT and back again


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
Dumping salary and attaching stuff to get rid of it...I.e. Tom Pyke on your team.

Seriously I'd focus on cutting that wage bill first of all. Someone like David Hamilton you can waive/DFA once the season ends to save some. You could not offer arbitration to guys (although it looks like your guys are useful at least).

You've got a lot of guys in the minors on your 40-man. If you don't think they are going to help, waive/DFA them to save a little money now but moreso that half million they're on the budget for next year. That'll help you if you want to extend guys.

Your payroll is pretty low, are you spending a ton on Devo/Scouting? You can lower those next year.


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
My salaries are ok. My owner for some reason is acting like a complete bastard. I actually don't know what I'm doing wrong to be honest. Winning games is all very well, but I have no money to fill the holes. I'm worried now this is a vicious circle and I won't have the money to sign my draft picks.
You should have money budgeted for draft picks and you can offer slot to players even if you are in the red.

Also, it’s probably been said, but your budget is tied to revenue and its locked in on opening day or maybe even spring training. It’s based on last years revenue and then you may get a bump when spring training starts if you have a higher projected revenue for the coming season.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Send me a 1st round pick and I'll take Tom Pyke and his $8M salary for you and Include Three MINIMUM salary pitchers who are BLOCKED on my roster. You'll slightly improve 3 pitchers and you'll save $7M a year for the next 3 seasons.

Here are the pitchers on offer:

Those guys aren't going to make my roster, but they could replace Pyke/Jorge Martinez/Diego Bertrand/Jason Garner on ur roster and be an improvement.


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
@hayvis you are kind of between a rebuild and contention so its a tough place to be. Generally if you are bad, you want to be very bad for a couple seasons so you can grab a couple good prospects, trade players for prospects or picks and reload for 3-5 seasons down the road. Right now your best bet it to try to make the playoffs while also losing some salary if possible. You need to move higher a higher paid player for a player, or group of players that can perform similarly (or better). This may seem difficult to do, but here are a few possibilities.

Trade Cliff! @doh is looking for a 2B and you have a 2B prospect who is ready to go who may be close to as good (Locke). Turn Cliff into a combo of picks/prospects/low salary WBL players.

The same could be said for Juan Franco. Matt Walls or Gus Davis could step in for him.

Replace Jim Nicols with Matt Walls or Spurlin.

Trade Dominic Jenkins or let him walk.
Trade Vincente Lopez or let him walk.
Send Bleacher to the minors or cut him. If you send him to the minors, he may be angry enough not to pick up that option. If you cut him you can at least spread that option over this year and next.

Daniel Johnson could be moved, but he is popular and productive at a position with few bats. Unless you can grab a C prospect from someone I might hang onto him.

Trade your draft picks if you cant afford to sign them. The worst thing you can do is let those guys walk.

Lose Tom Pyke as quickly as possible and revamp your OF as cheaply as possible.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I can actually make you a real better offer of YOUNG GUNZ and take Pyke/Bleacher from you to help you clear up some financial wiggle room. Step into my PM office and lets WHEEL AND DEAL


Hot Girl Summer
Send me a 1st round pick and I'll take Tom Pyke and his $8M salary for you and Include Three MINIMUM salary pitchers who are BLOCKED on my roster. You'll slightly improve 3 pitchers and you'll save $7M a year for the next 3 seasons.

Here are the pitchers on offer:

Those guys aren't going to make my roster, but they could replace Pyke/Jorge Martinez/Diego Bertrand/Jason Garner on ur roster and be an improvement.
I will make you an offer for @pavl woodlandsky if not


Will-Gnome Member
Send me a 1st round pick and I'll take Tom Pyke and his $8M salary for you and Include Three MINIMUM salary pitchers who are BLOCKED on my roster. You'll slightly improve 3 pitchers and you'll save $7M a year for the next 3 seasons.

Here are the pitchers on offer:

Those guys aren't going to make my roster, but they could replace Pyke/Jorge Martinez/Diego Bertrand/Jason Garner on ur roster and be an improvement.

Done. Is there any other salary you could take off my hands? In bed now so difficult to see. I'm pretty sure there isn't.