Berlin Bomber Bears

Wendell Gee

dawg_gone parrothead
On thing always bothers me. Why are these names always anglicized? It should be Munschen and Koln with the umlauttengescwhezensniffle.

Wendell Gee

dawg_gone parrothead
Unicode is pure hell. I know it's more complicated than that. File handling systems. My former life in data interfaces. Let's drop this before I rage.


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
I am curious why you picked first. Is it normal for a comp pick to come before this years' pick?


Hot Girl Summer
Its not, but the expansion teams spawned at #1 originally and then when they were moved he was next in line

Lloyd Carr

Well-Known Member
I am curious why you picked first. Is it normal for a comp pick to come before this years' pick?

I was curious about that as well.

I think BR should have had that 1st pick. Berlin had the 1-2 last year, so I don't know why they would be given the 1-1 as a comp pick this year. Reel should have had the 1-1, Berlin the 1-2 (real pick or comp pick), the expansion teams at 3 and 4, and then Berlin again at #5 (either real pick or comp pick).


I think we should switch those picks and let reel go back and make the 1-1.


Utopia Moderator
He picked first because it was a comp pick. It was the third pick, and he picked 1-2 last year. Another thing that needs fixing.

Rutgers Mike

Dr. Sad
We signed 3 of our top targets

Pitcher Amine Duchene signed a 1 year deal for 4.8 Million. He's picked up 94 saves over the last 3 years and while he may not close for us, he very well may. Should help us for late game situations.

OF Andrey Volynov comes to us from Kabul. We signed him to a 1 year deal for 1.7 Million. I like his eye, and he has solid defense for a corner OF. Decent eye, ok power. I think he can give us a .270/.340/.410 line

3B Hector Rivera also comes to us on a 1 year deal for 1 Million. Guy looks better in practice then he does in games. Could be okay. He can hold down the fort at the hot corner until ____ is ready.

Now we need to get a lefty relieve. Dionne at me, bros.

Rutgers Mike

Dr. Sad
Signed a couple more guys

RP Donald Kenney gets a minor league contract, worth 1.2M if we call him up. He was with us when I first took over. Very inconsistent, but can probably eat innings in the pen if we need it. I also thought we needed a lefty reliever, so he'll get a shot.

SS Luis Fernandez gets 900K after leaving Berlin as a minor league free agent in the offseason. Maybe I should have thought about him more while he was with us. Great glove man who can play 2B, 3B and SS. Not much as a bat, but he gives us flexibility.

OF Gavin Hodge gets 900K to be a backup 1B and corner OF for us. He had a few good years in Cairo but struggled in Las Vegas the last 2. If we can get him enough ABs he might be able to give us 20 HR.

Rutgers Mike

Dr. Sad
Made a couple of trades

In moving down from 5th to 7th in the draft, we picked up The Emperor Francis Joseph from Key West. Could be a good innings eater for us, and has a sick changeup and a plus slider.

We also added 2B Luis Franco from Amsterdam for a future draft pick. Good defender, good base runner, not sure he has the arm to make a move to SS, but we got a guy for that. Had a good half season in AA and then tore up AAA like a Kleenex at a snot party. Not sure where in the lineup he'll slot. I don't know if he'll walk enough to leadoff, but we might not have anyone better.


Utopia Moderator
Can you explain the pick(s) you traded for Franco? I have no earthly idea what you two drummed up.

The pick in 2047 depends on what Franco's OPS+ is after this season. And he has to start Franco the whole season, only way Franco can be replaced at 2B is if he gets hurt. If he slumps I want him to be able to play through it

Rutgers Mike

Dr. Sad
Also, I felt it was worth the gamble of having to leave him in the lineup the whole year since we'll probably suck anyway.


Utopia Moderator
Also, I felt it was worth the gamble of having to leave him in the lineup the whole year since we'll probably suck anyway.

It's worth it because he is at the end of his development phase and needs the reps to figure out if he's worth keeping long term or if he is just a stop gap. Plus if he sucks a 5th round pick is nothing to give up, we are both mitigating the risks by having the scale

Rutgers Mike

Dr. Sad
Signed 3B "Muddy" Moran from Seoul. He's got a little pop and a decent eye. He can play all the IF spots, so we'll see what he can do as a backup IF. 927 K for one year.

Also signed RP Jose Barron from Las Vegas for $3 Million. What was I smoking? He can probably start for us too, so he could be a long man or maybe back of the rotation.

Rutgers Mike

Dr. Sad
Spring Training roster thoughts

Catcher - No one jumps out at me from this crew. We'll see who has a good spring, and probably try to lean on defense.

Deniska Paseko - Had a really good year between AA and AAA for us last year, but probably the worst defensively of the group we have.

Zenawi Mungu - The best catcher defensively of the guys I'm considering, the only one of the group with major league experience. Patient hitter.

Juriaan Slootweg - Had a nice year as the backup in AAA last year. Decent defender. I think he should be ok in a platoon situation.

1B - We have a lot of bodies here, but not sure who can hold down the fort.

Orrel Muhin - Guy still has power, can draw some walks, but had a rough time last year. His defense is completely gone, so he should probably be our DH, but that leads us to

Aurelio Valencia - Another man without a position. Had a decent year at the plate last year, and is relatively cheap.

Benny Jones - Better defensively than the other 2, but has more value for us as a defender in LF. Has to get his average up, no matter where he plays on the field.

2B - We're locked in with Franco here and then we'll look to find a guy or 2 who can backup the 3 spots from the bunch of others

Luis Franco - Has had 2 really nice years in the minors at the plate. Is a good defender, but arm strength could be an issue. Good base runner. Probably starts the year in the 8th or 9th spot. Maybe we try him at SS.

Son Ha - Can play all the infield spots well defensively. Doesn't bring much to the plate offensively. Can he stick with the big team? :dunno:

Ricardo Rodriguez - Our best leadoff hitting candidate. Can draw a walk and play the corner OF spots. I think maybe he gets the nod in LF with Jones at 1B.

Nasir Jalil - Okay defender. Can't hit enough for the big leagues. We;ve got better options than this guy for a backup infielder.

3B - We brought in a veteran to hold down the fort.

Hector Rivera - I like his potential as a patient hitter. I don't think he's fast enough to bat leadoff. Good D for a 3B.

Juan Jose Moran - Utility IF type. Has had some okay major league seasons, but really struggled lately.

Phil Scheele - Played well at AAA last year, but I'm not sure he's a major leaguer. Another utility infielder type.

SS - Just trying to keep the spot warm until I'm ready to call up Luis Delgado

Luis Fernandez - Elite defender. Can't hit. The ultimate quandry. Probably sticks as a super utility more than some of these other schmucks.

Joe Kenney - I still like this guy, despite his struggles last year. He probably needs a year at AAA for seasoning tho.

LF - Jones seems like the obvious candidate here, with Rodriguez also an option. I really don't know any more.

Gavin Hodge - Brought him in to be a 4th OFer, but he might get the nod here. Definitely gives us some flexibility. If he gets enough ABs, he can probably be close to 25 HRs

Ron Unknown/ Selig - Good defender. No power. Bad eye. Defensive replacement at best

CF - We all know the story. If the Grim Reaper can stay healthy we're in good shape. That's not likely tho.

Jorge Martinez - .329 career hitter, prototypical 2 hitter for me. Has missed 300 games total over the last 3 years, so we need a caddy for him. Gotta keep him on the field.

Alonso Ruas - Defensive replacement type. If Martinez goes down, we're gonna need to find someone batter.

RF -

Andrey Volynov - Not great, but can hold his own. I'm okay with him getting 500 ABs for us.

Pedro Baca - Got way too many ABs for us last year. In way over his head. Shoot me now.

Mang Cao - Showed more than Baca last year. Probably sticks as a bat off the bench.

Teo Thibaut - Was terrible last year. Not sure how he makes the cut. Good baserunner.

Rutgers Mike

Dr. Sad
So now we get to the pitching.

Randy Hapgood - My homey. My ace. Struggled early last year but by the end of the season, things leveled out. Has 3 plus pitches, and a change up. Please don't throw the change up.

Jerry Carvalho - Split the year between AAA and Berlin. Dominated AAA, but was on the low end of exceptable for a major leaguer. Hopefully he can improve with more experience. Has to do a better job keeping the ball down.

Yan Bouland - Similar to Carvalho as a rookie, struggled at times before breaking his elbow. Similar upside. Hopefully he can improve this year.

Francis Joseph - The Emperor came over in a draft day trade. Had a good season in Key West's minor league system last year, and even had a decent cup of coffee at the end of the year. Right now he's a 5th starter type for us, but if he can refine his pitches, he might be a good #3.

Amine Duchesne - Our big FA signing of the offseason. I like him more in a relief role as a guy. Has 2 plus pitches, but his breaking pitch never developed. We'll see how he does in spring training, but I like him as either a 2 inning middle reliever or a setup guy.

Jose Barron - Another guy who could start for us, but probably goes into the pen as a lefty arm. I like him as a lefty setup man.

Armando Fernandez - Not sure what this guy is doing on the spring training roster. He sucked in AAA last year and doesn't have a single plus pitch. :turrible:

Illarion Mzhelsky - This guy was terrible last year for us. -49 VORP. GTFO of here. Even if he has a good season in AAA, I'm not sure he has the pitches to be anything more than a guy who gets a callup once in a blue moon.

Dunya Rusta - Another guy who sucked in the rotation for us last year, but was good in the bullpen the year before. We'll see what he can do in that role again. Has some decent pitches.

Now the relievers

Butrus Barakah - Could be on the verge of a breakout. Has 2 top level pitches and his control has improved with experience. Need him to be more consistent tho.

Chae-Heui Chang - If he picks his pitches right he can be good as our righty setup guy. Has been pretty much average so far in his career.

Honorio Santiro - He can eat innings for us, but he doesn't have the pitches to be more than a middle reliever.

Donald Kenney - Struggled the last time he was on the Bears, but has been okay in other places since then. Gives us another lefty arm out of the pen. Needs to limit the HRs.

Kadidou Mwalimu - Ate a lot of innings for us out of the pen, he's another guy who needs to limit the HRs. We'll give him a shot in middle relief.

Alex Roman - Needs to refine his slider, and stay away from his changeup. I like his upside as a future setup guy, but he's gotta limit the HRs.

Hanibal bin Yusef - He sucked in the majors last year. 2 pitch pitcher who walked way too many. Short leash for this guy.

Jedidiah Shareef - He pitched well in a brief stint in the majors for us previously, but he struggled in the minors last year and I'm not sure he's ever going to be much. Might be part of a larger blood letting to trim the fat in the minors.
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Rutgers Mike

Dr. Sad
Brief Spring training thoughts

A couple of our relievers looked serviceable. Barakah was solid. Alex Roman did a nice job in extended spring work. Randy Hapgood only gave up 1 HR in 24 IP. Only 3 walks given up by Snuffy as well. Carvalho's stats don't look great, but he may have been hurt by 2 bad outings.

On the hitting side, Luis Franco hit 5 HRs in 68 ABs. Pretty good. Hector Rivera looked solid as well. Everyone else sucked.

Time to figure out the roster.

Rutgers Mike

Dr. Sad
Opening Day Roster

Lineup (vs RHP)
3B Rivera
CF Martinez
DH Valencia
LF Jones
C Paseko
1B Muhin
2B Franco
RF Volynov
SS Fernandez

1B/ OF Hodge (starting LF vs lefties)
OF Baca
2B/ OF Rodriguez
IF Moran (starting SS vs lefties)
C Slootweg (starter vs lefties)

1. Snuffleupagus
2. Bouland
3. The Emperor
4. Carvalho
5. Rusta

Closer - Barakah
Setup - Chang
Middle relief - Duchesne/ Barron/ Roman
Long - Mwalimu

Thought about taking Kenney as a lefty setup guy, but didn't want to pay him 1.2 Million right now.

Prospects on the rise

The Swedish Chef, Shawn Bjork - Probably not a starter at the major league level, but he can probably be a guy who could eat innings in the pen for us in the future.

Carlos Esquiviel - Guys ready, but I'm gun shy on this one. Control might be an issue, but if he doesn't walk the ballpark, he can probably help us. Probably a guy we wait a while on to avoid a super 2 situation.

Julio Sepulveda - Still a really young prospect for AAA, he'll be a 19 year old the entire season. Not gonna rush this guy. Coming back from Tommy John surgery. He won't pitch until August, so maybe he makes his ML debut in 2047

Gonzalo Castillo - The heir apparent in centerfield and the top prospect in our system. Another very young player, he'll be 20 this entire season, so I'm gonna hold him off a bit. Has elite power potential. Had a good year at AA last year, but struggled late in the year at AAA. If he can show in AAA this year, he'll get the call next year.

Luis Delgado - Another young lion, he'll also be 20 years old all season. Made the jump from A to AAA, so I'd like to give him a little more seasoning before a potential August call up.

Francisco Chavez - Had a good year at AA before struggling at AAA. 22 right now. He's a little further away than the other prospects IMO, and he needs to hit to make up for below average D. Not a good enough bat to make the move to 1B or be a DH.

Need to clear up some log jams in our minors in the mean time.
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THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
Dang you got a lot of my old players...

Rivera -- I think I posted this earlier but I like him a lot. He'll be an average 3B and if a team in the running has an injury to a 3B, then you could get something for him. He's extended playing 2B/SS but as a 3B I like him. Especially for 800k or whatever you signed him for.

Barron -- I signed him as a FA last year for about $750k as an insurance policy. He's good enough IMO to be a #5 SP. Still has good ratings and wasn't bad for me last year.

Hodge -- Very good vs. LHP ratings but never hit for me. I think my park really hurt him.

Kenney -- I'd try him out as a LH specialist. I've always liked him and I think he could have a really good year in that role.

Rutgers Mike

Dr. Sad
Kenney -- I'd try him out as a LH specialist. I've always liked him and I think he could have a really good year in that role.

I like him, but I'm worried about his 1.2M salary. Not a lot of money, but with our budget crunch, every penny counts.

Rutgers Mike

Dr. Sad
Another prospect to keep an eye on is 1B Michael Foster. I got him from Moscow last year in a trade for Bing Liu. Has big power and tore up AAA last year. He can't run and he's a man without a position, but maybe once Muhin leaves I can let him DH for us next year.