NCAA Defensive Discussion


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I like skinny posts. So skinny they are almost seam routes, but yeah true post routes are rare. I remember OCPIO used to do that quite a bit, but it's slow developing and hard to do.


Active Member
Well, you can take the option away yourself by playing the middle or weakside LB. The post can be a problem, yeah, but how many people do you see throw posts? I don't see it very often.

Wut do you think about 4 verts?

Trips and balanced?

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New Member
Pssh..since returning to play some, Ive decided to not stress myself out with user defense in this game. Gonna user the DL, show lots of bear fronts and whatever happens, happens


Active Member
Pssh..since returning to play some, Ive decided to not stress myself out with user defense in this game. Gonna user the DL, show lots of bear fronts and whatever happens, happens

One thing I notice that is differen't madden then from ncaa. Is how they treat the "box". This really comes into play in spread formations. In ncaa if you can load the box by leaving slots unguarded(thus becoming vunerable to bubbles). This can give you a plus 1 or 2 advantage in the box you need to defende option, zone reads, and any other run play.

In madden if you do this you will killed on outside runs because the wrs will shoot across the field and chip the LB's and with the pursuit angles in madden the rb is gone before the bsh ratings can come into affect.

To me as far as running games go Ncaa is easier to defend. Ncaa goes you have to plus in the box and you can pretty much shut down the run. In madden its more about ratings and block shedding and trying not to get outflanked because of player pursuit and counter runs.

Passing game wise I think Madden is easier to defend because of qb inaccuracies and the ability to quickly change between over the top and aggressive zone depth mid play, shading, and coverage disquise ect.


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In madden if you do this you will killed on outside runs because the wrs will shoot across the field and chip the LB's

I haven't played Madden, but in this game the WR's are horrible at blocking. Any new WR you recruit will be 40 RBK (except for some certain ATH) and it is reflected on the field. Just another reason it is harder to run on the perimeter and makes running the FLEX damn near impossible against users.


Active Member
In madden if you do this you will killed on outside runs because the wrs will shoot across the field and chip the LB's

I haven't played Madden, but in this game the WR's are horrible at blocking. Any new WR you recruit will be 40 RBK (except for some certain ATH) and it is reflected on the field. Just another reason it is harder to run on the perimeter and makes running the FLEX damn near impossible against users.

In madden they don't really block all that well but if their line backers in the box and he's in the slot the offense is going to run outside zone on you like they have a man advantage in the box because the wrs will immediately seal line backers b4 the block shed animations can activate so it doesn't really matter if the matchups in the lb's favor because with the pursuit and speed of the play the rb is to the edge before the lb can get here.

I remember Rich Rod(I think) saying about throwing the bubble is if you can't block them then you can throw the bubble. And it works the opposite ways. However in Madden that doesn't really hold up. You can't really use normal spread box logic against the offense in madden as you can in ncaa. Ex: load the box and make them throw the bubble, because they really don't have to they can run it anyway.

As far as running the flex outside i haven't had that problem on they outside that I remember(if the wr matchup worked):thinking: but I might have to go back and check.


Active Member
Been working on my 4-3 defense as of late. I've had some good success. One thing I've been doing is moving my best LB's to the OLB positions. I move the weakest to mlb since I user him the most. What ends up happening is I move generally my best overall Linebacker (MLB) to Left OLB position. What this does is put an excellent block shedder and good zone defnder on the opponents strong side. Also what this does is put a better zone coverage backer to match up on Dual threat TE's.

I really like it because the MLB usually dominates the TE in the run game so I have a mismatch there. This especially true in the underfront with me line directly on the TE.

His zone cover as I said his better then most of the LOLB and is usually faster. Since I play zone 95% of the time this pretty much all need. I've notice if you really look at the rosters that alot of teams starting linebackers have comperable zone coverage ratings to backup corners and safeties. To me the complete domination for the defense in block shedding greatly outweighs the speed deferences which unless its corners your really not talking about that much.

I was reading this article on how nickle big is becoming the base defense and way to handle dual threat TE's. I've found that having a versatile OLB is the key to matching up with TE's from a personel stand point. Then you can bring in your hybrid SS to defend the slot and again dominate in the BSH rating/run game.

You can now effectively for the team to pass and play your zone behind it with no real drop off coverage.

This has at times with the right teams allowed me to stay in 2 high and stop prostyle run attacks even though they have a hat for a hat.

Also the ROLB who is usually your fastest LOLB and probably the best pure pass coverage guy is left on weakside to handle slot wr's. Again your in zone so the speed mismatch won't hurt as much as you might think. But forget about the run game to slot wr side. A slot wr is no match for the ROLB and he should BSH almost immediately. And again if he can't handle it you can sub out one of LB's for a strong safety and have similar affect.

Let me know what you think and if anyone does something similar.
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Well-Known Member
Gonna user the DL, show lots of bear fronts and whatever happens, happens

Been doing this myself!

Works totally different in ranked matches than it does in dynasty games. In ranked it worked great... In OD versus user it was a nightmare!


Active Member
Was playing a random game and noticed my #1 CB was playing breaking on out routes in Cover 4 while my #2 would get burned. Does anybody have a list or anything of what the specific attributes on defense affect. Say PUR, AWR, PRS and ZCV which one determines how they read and break on a pass to defend it? I understand some are almost meaningless but what are "supposed" to be the meaning. If you want a Deion Sanders lock down Man CB a, Ronde Barber Cover 2 and run reading CB or a Richard Sherman Cover 3 with great breaking speed to the ball what "supposed to separate the players by attributes?

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Well-Known Member
Ratings on this game are screwed! It makes no sense at all. I see 70 Ovr D-linemen beating high 90's offensive linemen like they stole something. I have an unbelievable front seven ratings wise... in a OD I'm in.

If you go by attributes... I should be leading the nation in tackles for loss and run defense. In fact, they suck big time! They can't shed blocks or tackle.. Both which they have 90's ratings in.

I have 6 CB's 89 or higher Ovr all with 91 & higher man/zone coverage. They all have high awr as well. They consistently get beat in either man or zone by much lower rated receivers. I'm not going to even mention the dropped int's! I see guys move CB's to safeties... Their awr is below 40 and these guys are ball hawks! I have safeties with 90+ awr great coverage attributes... Yet they can't cover a grandmother with a walker!

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Well-Known Member
Ratings on this game are screwed! It makes no sense at all. I see 70 Ovr D-linemen beating high 90's offensive linemen like they stole something. I have an unbelievable front seven ratings wise... in a OD I'm in.

If you go by attributes... I should be leading the nation in tackles for loss and run defense. In fact, they suck big time! They can't shed blocks or tackle.. Both which they have 90's ratings in.

I have 6 CB's 89 or higher Ovr all with 91 & higher man/zone coverage. They all have high awr as well. They consistently get beat in either man or zone by much lower rated receivers. I'm not going to even mention the dropped int's!

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I have the exact same thing. All of my AWR is pretty high in my DB's and they get shredded on the simplest of routes no matter the coverage. I had 5 dropped INT's last night, all were easy easy picks that hit them square in the hands


Well-Known Member
I have the exact same thing. All of my AWR is pretty high in my DB's and they get shredded on the simplest of routes no matter the coverage. I had 5 dropped INT's last night, all were easy easy picks that hit them square in the hands
I had four dropped against flann... Yet his guys were diving and jumping backwards falling down catching picks. I had a guy on my team do the exact same jumping backwards falling down animation... The difference?

Of course mine dropped the pick!


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Well-Known Member
I am probably doing something wrong in the "user pick" part of it. I should probably just let the CPU try and pick it instead of me screwing it up


Well-Known Member
I am probably doing something wrong in the "user pick" part of it. I should probably just let the CPU try and pick it instead of me screwing it up
I thought the same... But every time I let the cpu try, it's still dropped! Or they allow the catch and wait to attempt a tackle.

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Well-Known Member
@bruin228 and I discussed this recently.

I think EA intentionally made defenders drop more INT's to make the game easier for casuals who want to pick up the sticks and head online. Combine that with making user defenders far less responsive, and you've got the defensive shit show that is NCAA 14.


Well-Known Member
Ratings on this game are screwed! It makes no sense at all. I see 70 Ovr D-linemen beating high 90's offensive linemen like they stole something. I have an unbelievable front seven ratings wise... in a OD I'm in.

If you go by attributes... I should be leading the nation in tackles for loss and run defense. In fact, they suck big time! They can't shed blocks or tackle.. Both which they have 90's ratings in.

I have 6 CB's 89 or higher Ovr all with 91 & higher man/zone coverage. They all have high awr as well. They consistently get beat in either man or zone by much lower rated receivers. I'm not going to even mention the dropped int's! I see guys move CB's to safeties... Their awr is below 40 and these guys are ball hawks! I have safeties with 90+ awr great coverage attributes... Yet they can't cover a grandmother with a walker!

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Man wys. My WR has a 95 SPD & 95 AWR,so tell me why the AI LB was able to cover my WR like he was a CB with a 85 AWR? I also had 70 lineman & LB's plow through O-Line like it ain't shit.


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NCAA Moderator
Yeah, the fact that they took the ability for you to set your players to go for the INT out of the game makes it obvious they wanted less INTs this version.

As far as attributes for corners, I would just try to find the best ones available across the board. For Cover 2 corners, look for bigger guys with better press and maybe block shedding if you can find those guys? You'll want them to get off blocks quicker since they're your force defenders.

I've been meaning to test the minimum press vs. maximum break press to see what you need to aim for to not get roasted by verticals every time you press.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the fact that they took the ability for you to set your players to go for the INT out of the game makes it obvious they wanted less INTs this version.

As far as attributes for corners, I would just try to find the best ones available across the board. For Cover 2 corners, look for bigger guys with better press and maybe block shedding if you can find those guys? You'll want them to get off blocks quicker since they're your force defenders.

I've been meaning to test the minimum press vs. maximum break press to see what you need to aim for to not get roasted by verticals every time you press.

i loved having that option to be a little more risky going for the INT. Instead of getting rid of it they could have made the risk a little higher


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Utopia Moderator
NCAA Moderator
Really I just go best players available with the caveat that they have to be at least 90 spd OVR as a FROSH. The one attribute I look for the most is ZCV since I play that 70% of the time.

Agree that INTs are way down in NCAA 14. Against Flann I had 4 legitimate game changing drops for INTs where it was right to the guy, of course on the flip side last night @Walter323 could say the same thing. It is my experience that it all evens out over a season.


Well-Known Member
I don't agree that it evens out over the season... I'm convinced that certain teams have a multiplier that awards them more. I think it's like COD where certain guns have a higher multiplier while being in the same class.

Teams like tOSU, FSU, USC etc... Will always attract certain rewards no matter what. These teams can have below avg to avg players and they play above their ratings. Those same players will play better than 4* players on other teams. In most cases those 4* will play below their ratings.

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Active Member
Well I asked because my #1 CB was in Cover 4 and played an out route perfect for an INT.My other CB was beat on the cut because it was to deep outs. My #1 is 90 OVR, ZCV, and AWR while the other is little lower but something made my #1 play waaaaay better. I just figured there might be some formula or reason within the attributes

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Active Member
I have the exact same thing. All of my AWR is pretty high in my DB's and they get shredded on the simplest of routes no matter the coverage. I had 5 dropped INT's last night, all were easy easy picks that hit them square in the hands

The real reason why defenders get beat in this game is because of how off man coverage sux in this game. Basically, the defenders take false steps back on any vertical take off route and which increases the space they all ready have by playing off man.

Now if you play press coverage this eliminates this problem but kicks in another in that if don't have a lot of good bnr crns your screwed.

That's why imo Oklahoma has the best secoundary in the game. They have high bump ratings on their cb's and their fs has high mcv rating who plays close to the line but doesn' t auto bump. Ex: Cover 1 press.

So like in madden a wr with high release rating is ungaurdable.

But I'll take ncaa 14 over previous versions anyday. I loaded up nca 13 last week for the first time in a long time. Wisconsin has a TE with 90 route running. He would get mirrored on every route by a 65 man cvr rated OLB, litterly beating the TE to the spot.

I went online a found a few games. Everyone plays the same way cover 0 blitz all game. And when they feel conservative they might go cover 2 man. And it because matchups don't mean anything in that game.

Ea just needs to find a way to have middle depth where the ratings can be expressed. Or fix the off man coverage.


Well-Known Member
That's still a problem... I had in another OD CB's with 98 press 99 MCV and 98 ZCV. They all had 98 or 99 spd and acc... They constantly got beat in press and was always a step slow in zone.

They would get beat deep by wr's with 84 spd. And the sad part was... They couldn't catch them either! It's really a matter of what the cpu will allow you to do!

My guys had 90's plus awr. They got shredded by 70 Ovr true freshman wr's. That's insane!

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Well I've seen a difference in DL play in lobby games. Auburn DL sheds alot more blocks compared to say GT. Using better DLine I get more sacks also. Again I don't know what makes some play better than others but I have noticed the difference. I remember out the box ND DLine no roster changes were BEAST! I don't know but I'll still look for certain type of players in Dynasty to make myself feel better lol.


Well-Known Member
Anyone running 3-4 defense?

I'm curious if anyone is running 3-4 as their base defense. I always notice that cpu 3-4 teams play me very tough. I run 3-4 here and there mixed with 335.

I'm trying to transition to more of a 3-4 defense though.

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Active Member
Anyone running 3-4 defense?

I'm curious if anyone is running 3-4 as their base defense. I always notice that cpu 3-4 teams play me very tough. I run 3-4 here and there mixed with 335.

I'm trying to transition to more of a 3-4 defense though.

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I want to know because 34 and 335 give me the most trouble. All of the crazy alignments always leaves someone unblocked and then on passes you never know who is blitzing, in zone or man. I can't figure out how to run either for myself though

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I can't for the life of me fix my turnover problems.... I force opponents into bad throws... Only to watch my defenders drop each one! It doesn't matter what team I'm playing with either.

I'm playing with Miami in an OD and despite my defenses lack of playmakers.... I managed to pull out a couple good user wins. Then of course last night it finally bites me in the ass!

I force my opponent to make three bad reads needing just one stop... And my Db's drop two thrown directly to them. The third my LB decides to try and knock down before the pass is actually thrown! I've never seen that before in any of the NCAA's.

He literally jumped the route and swiped at a ball that wasn't in the air yet... When the ball was released... He for no reason turned away allowing the RB to make the game winning score... Smh!

I can't figure this crap out... My defense seems to always whiff on basic plays. For some reason my defenders always have brain farts on plays they should easily make. I watch defenders shoot gaps only to run right past the Qb or ball carrier. It's the most frustrating thing to watch over and over!

On another play... Keep in mind I need just one stop! He goes for it on 4th and 12.... Everyone is covered. He tries to buy time in pocket... My LE pushes his guy into the Qb. He's standing literally touching the Qb and never attempts to make the sack! I take control of him and he re engages the blocker for some reason...

He rolls out the pocket where my RE, ROLB, and MLB all converage on the Qb. Only the ROLB attempts to make a tackle... He wiffs the other two never try and he scrambles for 18 yds picking up the 1st.


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The funniest play happened in the 3rd qtr... My FS is lined up on his slot guy in man coverage. He runs a take off with his slot guy... My FS begins backpedaling. He turns to run with the receiver and suddenly turns and runs away from the Man he's covering...

In mid play he notices he's screwed up... he stops and turns to Chase the receiver... Of course my opponent noticed and it's an easy TD! On 3rd and 25 no less...

There was no double move or stop and go but my FS played it like it was a sluggo.. I have no idea why because the receiver just ran straight up the seam. I was in man because he was shredding my defense in zone... My defense is much better in man coverage.

But, as usual.... a defenders brain fart causes me a stop!

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Active Member
I can't for the life of me fix my turnover problems.... I force opponents into bad throws... Only to watch my defenders drop each one! It doesn't matter what team I'm playing with either.

I'm playing with Miami in an OD and despite my defenses lack of playmakers.... I managed to pull out a couple good user wins. Then of course last night it finally bites me in the ass!

I force my opponent to make three bad reads needing just one stop... And my Db's drop two thrown directly to them. The third my LB decides to try and knock down before the pass is actually thrown! I've never seen that before in any of the NCAA's.

He literally jumped the route and swiped at a ball that wasn't in the air yet... When the ball was released... He for no reason turned away allowing the RB to make the game winning score... Smh!

I can't figure this crap out... My defense seems to always whiff on basic plays. For some reason my defenders always have brain farts on plays they should easily make. I watch defenders shoot gaps only to run right past the Qb or ball carrier. It's the most frustrating thing to watch over and over!

On another play... Keep in mind I need just one stop! He goes for it on 4th and 12.... Everyone is covered. He tries to buy time in pocket... My LE pushes his guy into the Qb. He's standing literally touching the Qb and never attempts to make the sack! I take control of him and he re engages the blocker for some reason...

He rolls out the pocket where my RE, ROLB, and MLB all converage on the Qb. Only the ROLB attempts to make a tackle... He wiffs the other two never try and he scrambles for 18 yds picking up the 1st.


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I have the same EXACT PROBLEM! I lost a lobby game tonight because of 2 dropped INTs that could have ended the game. I keep my catching on conservative all game and my players till drop a lot of INTs.

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Active Member
My new strategy against sprint out passing is to user spy and attack the qb.

What you do is pick a defense with a 3 man front. You do this so the guy you spy with doesn't leave holes or gaps in you defense. You call your regular defense but you manually take the fourth rush(usually an olb ). Your job is to make the qb pull up.

I like to put my play in spy because I feel it does better not putting you out of position at the snap and is useful if you get to the edge with the qb and you have to click off and let the cpu make the tackle.

But again you main job is to find which direction you the qb is sprinting out to and take the best angle toward the qb to stop the roll out.

You are not spy like the cpu does because that allow them to sprint to the sideline and buy time for routes to clear. Once you find out where he is sprinting you are booking into the backfield at a cut off angle.

This also helps because as stated before the cpu does a poor job of shifting their zones on sprint out. By denying qb's the sideline you keep the route concepts in the area your defenders can cover.

Here is where I got the idead and kinda what it looks like.


I have tried it on madden ps3 where sprint out passing is the most used form of passing online. Its also hard to defend in madden imo because of bad pursuit angles and no gameplay settings to tell cpu to stay in their zone and don't attack the qb so he can just through it over your head(which is what everyone wants to do).

Its not full proof by any means. There are guys out here who will sprint the opposite way of the route concept with only one route coming to that side and squeeze it in.:angry:

However, I like this idea so far because I don't have to bastardize my coverage with all these crazy hot routes to try keep a player from getting to the sideline. You playcalling has to be a lot better because your not usering in coverage. Also, if they are mixing the run and playaction you can take yourself out of plays anticipating the sprint out.

Again I feel this issue isn't as present in ncaa as it is in madden however I think its another tool in you toolkit based on real world tactics that can be used.

Here is the Full Article: Defending Sprintout

I just posted this reply to Legend in the option thread but, I thought it might help others so I put it here because it really a defensive post


Well-Known Member
I just posted this reply to Legend in the option thread but, I thought it might help others so I put it here because it really a defensive post

I love to blitz the corner to the quarterbacks throwing arm side. The tendency for these users will be to sprint left with a right-armed QB and make a running across the body throw which every once in a awhile the game will reward you for playing smart.

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Active Member
Another thing I found is If u want to use cover 4 in the game and get the safties to to play the seams and 1/4 area u need to move them up to a depth of around 5 yards from line l.o.s.

I know its counter intuitive but, I dawned on me that if you look at the depth of your outside corners playing deep coverage they play a lot closer to the line of scrimmage, and don't really give up the bullet lead directional streaks that much.

I found that the more space between the defender and reciever the hard it is to play the seam/streak throw.

So in cover four when the flat defender reroutes slot wr it actually hurts you in the seam because your saftey drops slot reciever is getting bumped thus creating more space once the receiver clears flat defender.

You want to manually move the safeties up and I coverage audible inside as well. Also you may want to move flat play as to not jam wr.

Against Te attached to the formation its a little more difficult for some reason. if your get hurt by him just man him.

Bonus if your safeties have good awr or play rec the may even play run in a quaters-escue way. I'm not sure i like this though because i feel there should be a penalty for you as defense by having your safeties int the box. If the are truly play deep on a run they should bail so you as a defense cant get best of both worlds.

This happens most of the time so i don't think it to be cheesy.

Just to say this is cover 4 not quarters. There Are specific times to use this coverage ex: when your seeing 4 verts alot and your opponent has shown a willing ness to throw to rb if all verts are covered.

If you get trips bring down one safety over #2 wr and manually user the other safety and manually guard the post of #3.

Hope this helps someone. Works in madden too.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how much (if any) a DT will be affected by playing him at DE. I am sure his AWR ratings take a drop, but how does it actually affect his play if I am not controlling him? Does it even matter in this ridiculous game?

I am thinking of either:
1) 3-4 with three DTs in the middle
2) 4-3, but start 3 DTs and slide them towards the middle each play, and use one DE to rush from the backside each play.

This is against the comp in an offline Dynasty. This is Ncaa 2013.
Also, how much does AWR rating affect the comp players in 2013. I am thinking of both changing players positions, and playing them out of position.
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Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
NCAA Moderator
Does anyone know how much (if any) a DT will be affected by playing him at DE. I am sure his AWR ratings take a drop, but how does it actually affect his play if I am not controlling him? Does it even matter in this ridiculous game?

I am thinking of either:
1) 3-4 with three DTs in the middle
2) 4-3, but start 3 DTs and slide them towards the middle each play, and use one DE to rush from the backside each play.

This is against the comp in an offline Dynasty. This is Ncaa 2013.
Also, how much does AWR rating affect the comp players in 2013. I am thinking of both changing players positions, and playing them out of position.

You are correct that the awareness will take a hit. However, like you I'm not really sure what that means if anything. The reason I wouldn't do it is you lose a lot of speed when you do this. Even against CPU competition the opposing QB will scramble and run for a lot of yards out of the pocket. If you have 65 SPD DT chasing him vice a DE with 75 SPD it makes a difference. Just food for thought.

JSU Zack

How do I IT?
+1 re: speed. Instead, recruit a run stopper at DE.

@Wooly The better question is why are you having issues stopping runs up the middle to cause you to get creative? It sounds like this is more of a scheme issue than a personnel issue.


Well-Known Member
+1 re: speed. Instead, recruit a run stopper at DE.

@Wooly The better question is why are you having issues stopping runs up the middle to cause you to get creative? It sounds like this is more of a scheme issue than a personnel issue.

No it's just how I like to play more than anything. I will be playing against the computer in my own little CFB world. I want to have more bulk and power on the DL, so moving a DT to DE could create that. I want a DL that overpowers the OL and gets penetration, and my experience is that the DE are smaller and don't beat blocks well in this game, so I thought I would try a DT in one DE slot, and rush with the other DE, while I slide the 3 DTs to the middle. I want a DL that can push past the OL and get penetration, not just run around them on the end. Since I will be running my own version of a 4-4, I can also just bring a LB for an edge rush/contain on the side with my DT subbed for a DE.

Most of my recruiting focus will be on the DL and LB, since I want to run a 4-4, by customizing the 4-2-5 defense that is in the game, putting in OLBs for SS. I actually wanted to try a 5-3, but there is no good way to do that in the game, unless you run GL defense all game.

That said, I don't want to create real problems with how my DL plays because I played people out of position. Does the comp scramble with their QB a lot in this game? If so, that may be a problem. Moving OLBs to SS shouldn't be a real problem either, unless the AWR ratings really affects how the comp controls your other players in this game. That is the big question. What happens to CPU controlled players when you play guys a little out of position?

I am asking because I have played the game very little since 2009 on the PS2. I bought a 2013 game last year thinking I might play a little, and I have turned it on like 5 times. I just don't know how the game works much on this version, so I wasn't sure what these kind of personnel changes might do to how the players played on the field.

Thanks for your input.
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Well-Known Member
You are correct that the awareness will take a hit. However, like you I'm not really sure what that means if anything. The reason I wouldn't do it is you lose a lot of speed when you do this. Even against CPU competition the opposing QB will scramble and run for a lot of yards out of the pocket. If you have 65 SPD DT chasing him vice a DE with 75 SPD it makes a difference. Just food for thought.

So the CPU will scramble a lot? I didn't think of that, the old PS2 version didn't see much QB scrambling. Maybe I can find a DT with a little speed, but still bulky enough to play like a DT.


Well-Known Member
Got an interesting predicament in a couple of my OD's. In one I have no CB's... The other no LB's!

Was away from the 1st OD ovr a month... My best CB is a 69 ovr junior... That should give a clear picture of my CB's. The second is a dyn I recently joined. My problem.. I run 335 in both dynasties! Can't figure how to overcome no CB's though

Tried playing more 3-4 and zone... But the holes are too big to cover up! I have a lot of talent on the d line in the 2nd dyn but only two total lb's.. I actually have DE's playing both middle and outside LB positions.

Any suggestions?

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Active Member
Got an interesting predicament in a couple of my OD's. In one I have no CB's... The other no LB's!

Was away from the 1st OD ovr a month... My best CB is a 69 ovr junior... That should give a clear picture of my CB's. The second is a dyn I recently joined. My problem.. I run 335 in both dynasties! Can't figure how to overcome no CB's though

Tried playing more 3-4 and zone... But the holes are too big to cover up! I have a lot of talent on the d line in the 2nd dyn but only two total lb's.. I actually have DE's playing both middle and outside LB positions.

Any suggestions?

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Yea my first thought was to move to more 3-4 okie look with your same personel. I would run more of two high defense with lots of cover 2 zone. Let strength(front 7) try to make up for the deficiencies of your cornerbacks. By staying in a 2 high shell you can put little stress on your corner backs other than playing the flats and part of the sideline.

Additionally if you run a 335 you should have an abundance of safeties. You can then move your safeties to cb and may even have more success in a cover 2 type defense. Reason being your safeties should have higher block shedding the your cornerbacks. Sense teams will try and run on your light box you can then bottle up any outside runs because safeties will be dominating wr's in the run game and getting an extra defender point of attack.

You then can move some pieces around in your loaded front seven to fill out a regular 3-4 or 4-3 defense. Let your front seven bottle up the middle and force outside runs to the blocking game mismatch at the wide reciever spot.

And if they pass just play majority zone so you don't lose anything in coverage.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Tried a lot of this last night... But I don't have the safeties needed either! I just don't have the depth on defense... I have 4 safeties total!

I was actually surprised how much my opponent was able to complete touch passes on 5 QBA! The LB's didn't close or get depth quick enough and the CB's.. Well, what could I expect from 60's ovr all CB's?

Probably should've played more conservative zone? I played with zone coverage on balanced.

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Well-Known Member
I may have to play 4-3 If I stay with this team... I have just enough LB's for it. Not so much for the 3-4/335 scheme I run. The month I missed hurt my team badly!

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Active Member
I may have to play 4-3 If I stay with this team... I have just enough LB's for it. Not so much for the 3-4/335 scheme I run. The month I missed hurt my team badly!

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Bad cb's, only 4 total safety on 335 team, and only enough lb's to play a 4-3 defense. Man you have your work cut out for you lol


Well-Known Member
Well my 4-3 era has started... In a couple OD's I'm pretty thin at LB and Safeties. In two OD's I actually have DE's playing middle and outside LB positions. In one it's working out so far... But it's been only cpu games up till now.

I'm blitzing a hell of a lot to help protect those DE's from being exposed in coverage. They're very athletic... but being DE's they don't have coverage skills. In another OD I joined yesterday... I have DE's playing DT and all three LB positions... Smh!

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Well-Known Member
Haven't really run the 4-3 defense since NCAA 11 Or 12. One thing I did enjoy about it was... It's the easiest defense to recruit for! Think I'm going to go old school with my running of this defense...

I use to do what Jimmy Johnson did in his UM days. I had LB's as DE's and Safeties at LB's. My last great defense on this game was built like that.

I recruited safeties heavily... I had safeties playing every position from LB back. They were great tacklers and in their Jr season I moved them to CB. By then their man & zone coverage was very good. I did still recruit LB's and DE's for depth.

With that formula... I ended up with a good deep defense. Not sure how it will work on this version of the game though.

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Well-Known Member

I finally get to test my new 4-3 scheme against a user today! I'm both excited and extremely nervous! It's in a new dyn I joined...

Every user in this OD is very good! Most of the guys are in the top 100 on the ranked leader boards. I've been told by the commissioner it's SIM football... But, there are some questionable tactics some use. He says nothing crazy like nano's... but some things he can't put a finger on. I noticed this guy passes a lot from looking at his stats.... I haven't quite figured out my zone coverages yet. So it will be interesting. I have A young talented UCLA team... While he has a crazy stacked FSU. He has speed and awareness everywhere!

We'll see how this turns out...

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