2015 NFL Thread

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Desensitized and Willing
Yeah, that's lame. Probably wouldn't of mattered but turrible excuse.

Cam and Norman...these guys need to STFU for awhile.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Yeah I have no idea why he's even talking. Just say "It happened fast, I can't tell you why" or perhaps hire Marshawn Lynch to do your speeches on your behalf.


Mod Alumni
It was a 6 point game... there were like 4 minutes left and Carolina had at least 2 timeouts. If you just recover the fumble, you force them to punt and get the ball back.

So yes, the game was very well indeed lost because Cam was afraid hed get hurt.


Pink Panther
Mod Alumni
Rams had 56,000 season ticket deposits placed. Each one has the option to buy up to 8 seats.....obviously pending availability as they work down the list. A lot of those people will bail (it's only a $100 deposit and I believe it's refundable), but still a fairly impressive showing for the 'fairweathered' LA fan base.


Disney and Curling Expert
Rams had 56,000 season ticket deposits placed. Each one has the option to buy up to 8 seats.....obviously pending availability as they work down the list. A lot of those people will bail (it's only a $100 deposit and I believe it's refundable), but still a fairly impressive showing for the 'fairweathered' LA fan base.

We will see how many remain after the first 4-12 season. :smug:


Pink Panther
Mod Alumni
We will see how many remain after the first 4-12 season. :smug:

They've sort of got a free pass for the first three years. People will keep their seats just to stay in line, so to speak, for tickets in the new stadium. Burned they still suck after that, the fanfare will fade.


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
Businesses still gonna buy a ton of tickets. I think they get 5 years after the stadium opens. If they suck at that point it could get rough.


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
I'll take any odds in the world that the rams will have at least 1 (if not more) games with less than 60k in the Coliseum which will look reel e bad on TV...


Off dem Milds and dat Yak
Community Liaison
supervisor came over here this morning and asked

"So what did you think about the game"

my reply

"what game?"

he looked like he was about to go into cardiac arrest


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Iger has the worst sense of humor. Worse than I even thought possible.


A few people at work finally agree with me that Peyton is a robot. Turning the Super Bowl winning press conference into an ad for budweiser is just so robotic it is perfect. The man feels no authentic joy in the world, it is just 1s and 0s. BEEP BOOP BEEP BOOP. How can you root for someone like that? @dirt


it's like when I almost saw Barry Bonds win the world series... he's your qb. tebow sucks man

Tailback U

Well-Known Member
I wonder if these stories will gain more traction now that Manning is most likely going to retire.


No. He did a stupid thing but that story is acting like he got away with rape and murder and and is praised for it.

One incident in 25 years of being a high profile athlete doesn't make you a piece of shit. Guy has lived his entire life under the microscope with a lot of pressure on him, not excusing his behavior but I'm surprised he didn't crumble or do more stupid shit like so many other people that have been brought up in that type of environment (Charley Sheen, Todd Marinovich, Michael Jackson, etc.).

Nobody's perfect and everyone involved should have handled it better but back then things like this were swept under the rug all the time. People that hate him will hold onto this forever and use it to explain why they hate him so much, those that don't hate him will excuse it as an incredibly dumb thing that a college kid did and that's that. I think Archie is more to blame for the tarnishing of her name/career than anyone else.

Tailback U

Well-Known Member
How is archie to blame

Did you read the whole article? Archie is mentioned 11 times.

Peyton was 18 or 19 when the incident happened. I find it hard to believe that he masterminded all of this.

In it, were Xerox copies from some type of publication. It appeared to be written by Peyton Manning and it was about her. Colleagues who saw her after opening it testified that she was shaken up by what she read. Manning and his father, Archie, had written a book called "The Mannings" and perhaps wanting to put their stamp on the incident in Knoxville before it ever reached the public, they threw Naughright under bus.

Her supervisor at Florida Southern had already opened the envelope and read what was in it. What Manning said about her ruined her career at Florida Southern and in college athletics once and for all. After years of amazing reviews and great work at the university, the controversy from the book and the stress it created eventually caused Dr. Jamie Naughright to be let go, once again, for doing nothing wrong.

It appears that Peyton and Archie Manning thought Naughright would accept what they did to her quietly. They were wrong. This time, she did file suit against Peyton Manning, Archie Manning, the ghostwriter John Underwood, and the publisher Harper Collins. Manning and his lawyers asked for the case to be dismissed, but Polk County Circuit Judge Harvey A. Kornstein not only denied the motion but put Peyton Manning, his father, and the others on blast.


Well-Known Member
Expected this, honestly. Dude played 1/2 a season of legit ball. He prolly wants to be paid like a Top QB, but he hasn't produced for an extended period like a top young QB. I've thought all along the Skins should tag him this year and then sign him if he follows it up.

But then again, if the skins had signed him and then he shat the bed next year, everyone could say, "Skins gonna skins" and be right then too...so you guys can have your cake and eat it too apparently.


Mod Alumni
I read the Skins have 28 mil in cap space once they cut RG3. So tagging him eats up 20 of that 28 million. That's a large cap hit for someone you're trying to make "prove himself".

You'd be better off working a long term deal with a lower initial cap hit with certainty of your QB.
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